cos-lite docs - solution matrix
Solution matrix
K8s charm | Machine charm | Legacy charms - LMA deps | Non-juju workload | |
Logs | LokiPushApiConsumer (for workloads that can communicate directly with Loki, LogProxyConsumer (installs promtail in the workload; not suitable for air-gapped), LogForwarder (pebble-native, Juju>=3.4.1) | cos_agent (subordinate, pulls logs from /var/log or from other snaps with a matching slot) |
cos-proxy | grafana-agent snap (manually configured) |
Metrics | prometheus_scrape (in-model), prometheus_remote_write (CMR) - with grafana-agent | cos_agent | cos-proxy | scrape-target, grafana-agent snap |
Traces | tracing (instrumented workloads), charm_tracing (for the charm itself) | tracing (CMR), cos_agent | N/A | grafana-agent charm |
Dashboards | grafana_dashboard, cos-configuration | cos_agent, cos-configuration | cos-proxy, cos-configuration | cos-configuration |
Alert rules | via metrics and logs relations, cos-configuration | cos_agent, cos-configuration | cos-proxy, cos-configuration | cos-configuration |
- The COS Lite bundle does not include tracing by default; however, there’s a bundle overlay for that.
External links
Last updated 4 months ago.