The Charm Collection
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Canonical Observability Stack
At Canonical, we have been referring to LMA as a system of machine charms currently in use to monitor Canonical and customer systems. COS draws a lot of learning from years of operational experience with LMA, but it is also different enough that we felt we needed to make a distinction from the previous iteration.
Charmed Tempo HA
A solution to deploy and operate Grafana Tempo, a distributed tracing backend that natively integrates with COS Lite, on Juju.
Kubeflow AI/MLOps
Canonical Charmed Kubeflow is a state of the art, fully supported MLOps platform that helps data scientists collaborate on AI innovation on any cloud from concept to production, offered by Canonical - the open source experts.
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Traefik Ingress Operator for Kubernetes
Canonical Observability
A Juju charm to run a Traefik-powered ingress controller on Kubernetes.