How to: Testing COS integrations

Integrating a charm with COS means:

  • having your app’s metrics and corresponding alert rules reach prometheus
  • having your app’s logs and corresponding alert rules reach loki
  • having your app’s dashboards reach grafana

The COS team is responsible for some aspects of testing, and some aspects of testing belong to the charms integrating with COS.

Tests for the built-in alert rules

Unit tests

  • You can use promtool test rules to make sure they fire when you expect them to fire. As part of the test you hard-code the time series values you are testing for.
  • promtool check rules
  • cos-tool validate. The advantage of cos-tool is that the same executable can validate both prometheus and loki rules.
  • Make sure your alerts manifest matches the output of:
    • juju ssh prometheus/0 curl localhost:9090/api/v1/rules | jq -r '.data.groups | .[] | .rules | .[] | .name'.
    • juju ssh loki/0 curl localhost:3100/loki/api/v1/rules

Integration tests

  • A fresh deployment shouldn’t fire alerts, e.g. due to missing past data that is interpreted as 0.

Tests for the metrics endpoint and scrape job

Integration tests

  • promtool check metrics to lint the the metrics endpoint, e.g. curl -s http://localhost:8080/metrics | promtool check metrics.
  • For scrape targets: when related to prometheus, and after a scrape interval elapses (default: 1m), all prometheus targets listed in GET /api/v1/targets should be "health": "up". Repeat the test with/without ingress, TLS.
  • For remote-write (and scrape targets): when related to prometheus, make sure that GET /api/v1/labels and GET /api/v1/label/juju_unit have your charm listed.
  • Make sure that the metric names in your alert rules have matching metrics in your own /metrics endpoint.

Tests for log lines

Integration tests

  • When related to loki, make sure your logging sources are listed in:
    • GET /loki/api/v1/label/filename/values
    • GET /loki/api/v1/label/juju_unit/values.

Tests for dashboards

Unit tests

  • json lint

Integration tests

  • Make sure the dashboards manifest you have in the charm matches juju ssh grafana/0 curl http://admin:password@localhost:3000/api/search.

Additional thoughts

  • A rock’s CI could dump a record of the /metrics endpoint each time the rock is built. This way some integration tests could turn into unit tests.

See also

Last updated 3 months ago.