Grafana Agent
- Canonical Observability
Channel | Revision | Published | Runs on |
latest/stable | 368 | 04 Feb 2025 | |
latest/stable | 365 | 04 Feb 2025 | |
latest/stable | 367 | 04 Feb 2025 | |
latest/stable | 366 | 04 Feb 2025 | |
latest/stable | 319 | 07 Jan 2025 | |
latest/candidate | 390 | 04 Feb 2025 | |
latest/candidate | 389 | 04 Feb 2025 | |
latest/candidate | 391 | 04 Feb 2025 | |
latest/candidate | 386 | 04 Feb 2025 | |
latest/candidate | 319 | 10 Dec 2024 | |
latest/beta | 406 | 04 Feb 2025 | |
latest/beta | 404 | 04 Feb 2025 | |
latest/beta | 407 | 04 Feb 2025 | |
latest/beta | 405 | 04 Feb 2025 | |
latest/edge | 424 | 10 Feb 2025 | |
latest/edge | 423 | 10 Feb 2025 | |
latest/edge | 422 | 10 Feb 2025 | |
latest/edge | 421 | 10 Feb 2025 | |
latest/edge | 356 | 10 Dec 2024 |
juju deploy grafana-agent
Deploy universal operators easily with Juju, the Universal Operator Lifecycle Manager.
- Last updated 07 Feb 2025
- Revision Library version 0.19
This library can be used to manage the cos_agent relation interface:
: Use in machine charms that need to have a workload's metrics or logs scraped, or forward rule files or dashboards to Prometheus, Loki or Grafana through the Grafana Agent machine charm. NOTE: Be sure to addlimit: 1
in your charm for the cos-agent relation. That is the only way we currently have to prevent two different grafana agent apps deployed on the same VM.COSAgentConsumer
: Used in the Grafana Agent machine charm to manage the requirer side of thecos_agent
COSAgentProvider Library Usage
Grafana Agent machine Charmed Operator interacts with its clients using the cos_agent library.
Charms seeking to send telemetry, must do so using the COSAgentProvider
object from
this charm library.
Using the COSAgentProvider
object only requires instantiating it,
typically in the __init__
method of your charm (the one which sends telemetry).
def __init__(
charm: CharmType,
relation_name: str = DEFAULT_RELATION_NAME,
metrics_endpoints: Optional[List[_MetricsEndpointDict]] = None,
metrics_rules_dir: str = "./src/prometheus_alert_rules",
logs_rules_dir: str = "./src/loki_alert_rules",
recurse_rules_dirs: bool = False,
log_slots: Optional[List[str]] = None,
dashboard_dirs: Optional[List[str]] = None,
refresh_events: Optional[List] = None,
tracing_protocols: Optional[List[str]] = None,
scrape_configs: Optional[Union[List[Dict], Callable]] = None,
: The instance of the charm that instantiatesCOSAgentProvider
, typicallyself
: If your charmed operator uses a relation name other thancos-agent
to use thecos_agent
interface, this is where you have to specify that.metrics_endpoints
: In this parameter you can specify the metrics endpoints that Grafana Agent machine Charmed Operator will scrape. The configs of this list will be merged with the configs fromscrape_configs
: The directory in which the Charmed Operator stores its metrics alert rules files.logs_rules_dir
: The directory in which the Charmed Operator stores its logs alert rules files.recurse_rules_dirs
: This parameters set whether Grafana Agent machine Charmed Operator has to search alert rules files recursively in the previous two directories or not.log_slots
: Snap slots to connect to for scraping logs in the form ["snap-name:slot", ...].dashboard_dirs
: List of directories where the dashboards are stored in the Charmed Operator.refresh_events
: List of events on which to refresh relation data.tracing_protocols
: List of requested tracing protocols that the charm requires to send traces.scrape_configs
: List of standard scrape_configs dicts or a callable that returns the list in case the configs need to be generated dynamically. The contents of this list will be merged with the configs frommetrics_endpoints
Example 1 - Minimal instrumentation:
In order to use this object the following should be in the charm.py
from charms.grafana_agent.v0.cos_agent import COSAgentProvider
class TelemetryProviderCharm(CharmBase):
def __init__(self, *args):
self._grafana_agent = COSAgentProvider(self)
Example 2 - Full instrumentation:
In order to use this object the following should be in the charm.py
from charms.grafana_agent.v0.cos_agent import COSAgentProvider
class TelemetryProviderCharm(CharmBase):
def __init__(self, *args):
self._grafana_agent = COSAgentProvider(
# specify "path" and "port" to scrape from localhost
{"path": "/metrics", "port": 9000},
{"path": "/metrics", "port": 9001},
{"path": "/metrics", "port": 9002},
dashboard_dirs=["./src/dashboards_1", "./src/dashboards_2"],
refresh_events=["update-status", "upgrade-charm"],
tracing_protocols=["otlp_http", "otlp_grpc"],
"job_name": "custom_job",
"metrics_path": "/metrics",
"authorization": {"credentials": "bearer-token"},
"static_configs": [
"targets": ["localhost:9003"]},
"labels": {"key": "value"},
Example 3 - Dynamic scrape configs generation:
Pass a function to the scrape_configs
to decouple the generation of the configs
from the instantiation of the COSAgentProvider object.
from charms.grafana_agent.v0.cos_agent import COSAgentProvider
class TelemetryProviderCharm(CharmBase):
def generate_scrape_configs(self):
return [
"job_name": "custom",
"metrics_path": "/metrics",
"static_configs": [{"targets": ["localhost:9000"]}],
def __init__(self, *args):
self._grafana_agent = COSAgentProvider(
COSAgentConsumer Library Usage
This object may be used by any Charmed Operator which gathers telemetry data by
implementing the consumer side of the cos_agent
For instance Grafana Agent machine Charmed Operator.
For this purpose the charm needs to instantiate the COSAgentConsumer
object with one mandatory
and two optional arguments.
: A reference to the parent (Grafana Agent machine) charm.relation_name
: The name of the relation that the charm uses to interact with its clients that provides telemetry data using theCOSAgentProvider
object.If provided, this relation name must match a provided relation in metadata.yaml with the
interface. The default value of this argument is "cos-agent".refresh_events
: List of events on which to refresh relation data.
Example 1 - Minimal instrumentation:
In order to use this object the following should be in the charm.py
from charms.grafana_agent.v0.cos_agent import COSAgentConsumer
class GrafanaAgentMachineCharm(GrafanaAgentCharm)
def __init__(self, *args):
self._cos = COSAgentRequirer(self)
Example 2 - Full instrumentation:
In order to use this object the following should be in the charm.py
from charms.grafana_agent.v0.cos_agent import COSAgentConsumer
class GrafanaAgentMachineCharm(GrafanaAgentCharm)
def __init__(self, *args):
self._cos = COSAgentRequirer(
refresh_events=["update-status", "upgrade-charm"],
class TransportProtocolType
Receiver Type. None
class TracingError
Base class for custom errors raised by tracing. None
class NotReadyError
Raised by the provider wrapper if a requirer hasn't published the required data (yet). None
class ProtocolNotFoundError
Raised if the user doesn't receive an endpoint for a protocol it requested. None
class ProtocolNotRequestedError
Raised if the user attempts to obtain an endpoint for a protocol it did not request. None
class DataValidationError
Raised when data validation fails on IPU relation data. None
class AmbiguousRelationUsageError
Raised when one wrongly assumes that there can only be one relation on an endpoint. None
class CosAgentProviderUnitData
Unit databag model for cos-agent
relation. None
class CosAgentPeersUnitData
Unit databag model for peers
cos-agent machine charm peer relation. None
CosAgentPeersUnitData. app_name( self )
Parse out the app name from the unit name.
TODO: Switch to using model_post_init
when pydantic v2 is released?
class Receiver
Specification of an active receiver. None
class CosAgentRequirerUnitData
Application databag model for the COS-agent requirer. None
class COSAgentProvider
Integration endpoint wrapper for the provider side of the cos_agent interface. None
COSAgentProvider. __init__( self , charm: CharmType , relation_name: str , metrics_endpoints , metrics_rules_dir: str , logs_rules_dir: str , recurse_rules_dirs: bool , log_slots , dashboard_dirs , refresh_events , tracing_protocols )
Create a COSAgentProvider instance.
The CharmBase
instance that is instantiating this object.
The name of the relation to communicate over.
List of endpoints in the form [{"path": path, "port": port}, ...].
This argument is a simplified form of the scrape_configs
The contents of this list will be merged with the contents of scrape_configs
Directory where the metrics rules are stored.
Directory where the logs rules are stored.
Whether to recurse into rule paths.
Snap slots to connect to for scraping logs in the form ["snap-name:slot", ...].
Directory where the dashboards are stored.
List of events on which to refresh relation data.
List of protocols that the charm will be using for sending traces.
List of standard scrape_configs dicts or a callable
that returns the list in case the configs need to be generated dynamically.
The contents of this list will be merged with the contents of metrics_endpoints
COSAgentProvider. relations( self )
The tracing relations associated with this endpoint. None
COSAgentProvider. is_ready( self , relation )
Is this endpoint ready? None
COSAgentProvider. get_all_endpoints( self , relation )
Unmarshalled relation data. None
COSAgentProvider. get_tracing_endpoint( self , protocol: ReceiverProtocol , relation )
Receiver endpoint for the given protocol.
It could happen that this function gets called before the provider publishes the endpoints.
In such a scenario, if a non-leader unit calls this function, a permission denied exception will be raised due to
restricted access. To prevent this, this function needs to be guarded by the is_ready
Raises: ProtocolNotRequestedError: If the charm unit is the leader unit and attempts to obtain an endpoint for a protocol it did not request. ProtocolNotFoundError: If the charm attempts to obtain an endpoint when grafana-agent isn't related to a tracing backend.
class COSAgentDataChanged
Event emitted by COSAgentRequirer
when relation data changes. None
class COSAgentValidationError
Event emitted by COSAgentRequirer
when there is an error in the relation data. None
COSAgentValidationError. __init__( self , handle , message: str )
COSAgentValidationError. snapshot( self )
Save COSAgentValidationError source information. None
COSAgentValidationError. restore( self , snapshot )
Restore COSAgentValidationError source information. None
class COSAgentRequirerEvents
events. None
class COSAgentRequirer
Integration endpoint wrapper for the Requirer side of the cos_agent interface. None
COSAgentRequirer. __init__( self , charm: CharmType )
Create a COSAgentRequirer instance.
The CharmBase
instance that is instantiating this object.
The name of the relation to communicate over.
The name of the peer relation to communicate over.
List of events on which to refresh relation data.
COSAgentRequirer. peer_relation( self )
Helper function for obtaining the peer relation object.
Returns: peer relation object (NOTE: would return None if called too early, e.g. during install).
COSAgentRequirer. update_tracing_receivers( self )
Updates the list of exposed tracing receivers in all relations. None
COSAgentRequirer. trigger_refresh( self , _ )
Trigger a refresh of relation data. None
COSAgentRequirer. requested_tracing_protocols( self )
All receiver protocols that have been requested by our related apps. None
COSAgentRequirer. metrics_alerts( self )
Fetch metrics alerts. None
COSAgentRequirer. metrics_jobs( self )
Parse the relation data contents and extract the metrics jobs. None
COSAgentRequirer. snap_log_endpoints( self )
Fetch logging endpoints exposed by related snaps. None
COSAgentRequirer. snap_log_endpoints_with_topology( self )
Fetch logging endpoints and charm topology for each related snap. None
COSAgentRequirer. logs_alerts( self )
Fetch log alerts. None
COSAgentRequirer. dashboards( self )
Fetch dashboards as encoded content.
Dashboards are assumed not to vary across units of the same primary.
endpoint_requirer: COSAgentProvider,
Utility function to determine the charm_tracing config you will likely want.
If no endpoint is provided: disable charm tracing. If https endpoint is provided but cert_path is not found on disk: disable charm tracing. If https endpoint is provided and cert_path is None: raise TracingError Else: proceed with charm tracing (with or without tls, as appropriate)
from lib.charms.tempo_coordinator_k8s.v0.charm_tracing import trace_charm from lib.charms.tempo_coordinator_k8s.v0.tracing import charm_tracing_config @trace_charm(tracing_endpoint="my_endpoint", cert_path="cert_path") class MyCharm(...): _cert_path = "/path/to/cert/on/charm/container.crt" def init(self, ...): self.tracing = TracingEndpointRequirer(...) self.my_endpoint, self.cert_path = charm_tracing_config( ... self.tracing, self._cert_path)