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juju deploy prometheus-k8s
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Prometheus Scrape Library.


This document explains how to integrate with the Prometheus charm for the purpose of providing a metrics endpoint to Prometheus. It also explains how alternative implementations of the Prometheus charms may maintain the same interface and be backward compatible with all currently integrated charms. Finally this document is the authoritative reference on the structure of relation data that is shared between Prometheus charms and any other charm that intends to provide a scrape target for Prometheus.

Source code

Source code can be found on GitHub at:

Provider Library Usage

This Prometheus charm interacts with its scrape targets using its charm library. Charms seeking to expose metric endpoints for the Prometheus charm, must do so using the MetricsEndpointProvider object from this charm library. For the simplest use cases, using the MetricsEndpointProvider object only requires instantiating it, typically in the constructor of your charm (the one which exposes a metrics endpoint). The MetricsEndpointProvider constructor requires the name of the relation over which a scrape target (metrics endpoint) is exposed to the Prometheus charm. This relation must use the prometheus_scrape interface. By default address of the metrics endpoint is set to the unit IP address, by each unit of the MetricsEndpointProvider charm. These units set their address in response to the PebbleReady event of each container in the unit, since container restarts of Kubernetes charms can result in change of IP addresses. The default name for the metrics endpoint relation is metrics-endpoint. It is strongly recommended to use the same relation name for consistency across charms and doing so obviates the need for an additional constructor argument. The MetricsEndpointProvider object may be instantiated as follows

from charms.prometheus_k8s.v0.prometheus_scrape import MetricsEndpointProvider

def __init__(self, *args):
    self.metrics_endpoint = MetricsEndpointProvider(self)

Note that the first argument (self) to MetricsEndpointProvider is always a reference to the parent (scrape target) charm.

An instantiated MetricsEndpointProvider object will ensure that each unit of its parent charm, is a scrape target for the MetricsEndpointConsumer (Prometheus) charm. By default MetricsEndpointProvider assumes each unit of the consumer charm exports its metrics at a path given by /metrics on port 80. These defaults may be changed by providing the MetricsEndpointProvider constructor an optional argument (jobs) that represents a Prometheus scrape job specification using Python standard data structures. This job specification is a subset of Prometheus' own scrape configuration format but represented using Python data structures. More than one job may be provided using the jobs argument. Hence jobs accepts a list of dictionaries where each dictionary represents one <scrape_config> object as described in the Prometheus documentation. The currently supported configuration subset is: job_name, metrics_path, static_configs

Suppose it is required to change the port on which scraped metrics are exposed to 8000. This may be done by providing the following data structure as the value of jobs.

        "static_configs": [
                "targets": ["*:8000"]

The wildcard ("*") host specification implies that the scrape targets will automatically be set to the host addresses advertised by each unit of the consumer charm.

It is also possible to change the metrics path and scrape multiple ports, for example

        "metrics_path": "/my-metrics-path",
        "static_configs": [
                "targets": ["*:8000", "*:8081"],

More complex scrape configurations are possible. For example

        "static_configs": [
                "targets": ["", "*:8000"],
                "labels": {
                    "some_key": "some-value"

This example scrapes the target "" at port 7000 in addition to scraping each unit at port 8000. There is however one difference between wildcard targets (specified using "*") and fully qualified targets (such as ""). The Prometheus charm automatically associates labels with metrics generated by each target. These labels localise the source of metrics within the Juju topology by specifying its "model name", "model UUID", "application name" and "unit name". However unit name is associated only with wildcard targets but not with fully qualified targets.

Multiple jobs with different metrics paths and labels are allowed, but each job must be given a unique name:

        "job_name": "my-first-job",
        "metrics_path": "one-path",
        "static_configs": [
                "targets": ["*:7000"],
                "labels": {
                    "some_key": "some-value"
        "job_name": "my-second-job",
        "metrics_path": "another-path",
        "static_configs": [
                "targets": ["*:8000"],
                "labels": {
                    "some_other_key": "some-other-value"

Important: job_name should be a fixed string (e.g. hardcoded literal). For instance, if you include variable elements, like your, it may break the continuity of the metrics time series gathered by Prometheus when the leader unit changes (e.g. on upgrade or rescale).

Additionally, it is also technically possible, but strongly discouraged, to configure the following scrape-related settings, which behave as described by the Prometheus documentation:

  • static_configs
  • scrape_interval
  • scrape_timeout
  • proxy_url
  • relabel_configs
  • metric_relabel_configs
  • sample_limit
  • label_limit
  • label_name_length_limit
  • label_value_length_limit

The settings above are supported by the prometheus_scrape library only for the sake of specialized facilities like the Prometheus Scrape Config charm. Virtually no charms should use these settings, and charmers definitely should not expose them to the Juju administrator via configuration options.

Consumer Library Usage

The MetricsEndpointConsumer object may be used by Prometheus charms to manage relations with their scrape targets. For this purposes a Prometheus charm needs to do two things

  1. Instantiate the MetricsEndpointConsumer object by providing it a reference to the parent (Prometheus) charm and optionally the name of the relation that the Prometheus charm uses to interact with scrape targets. This relation must confirm to the prometheus_scrape interface and it is strongly recommended that this relation be named metrics-endpoint which is its default value.

For example a Prometheus charm may instantiate the MetricsEndpointConsumer in its constructor as follows

from charms.prometheus_k8s.v0.prometheus_scrape import MetricsEndpointConsumer

def __init__(self, *args):
    self.metrics_consumer = MetricsEndpointConsumer(self)
  1. A Prometheus charm also needs to respond to the TargetsChangedEvent event of the MetricsEndpointConsumer by adding itself as an observer for these events, as in

    self.framework.observe( self.metrics_consumer.on.targets_changed, self._on_scrape_targets_changed, )

In responding to the TargetsChangedEvent event the Prometheus charm must update the Prometheus configuration so that any new scrape targets are added and/or old ones removed from the list of scraped endpoints. For this purpose the MetricsEndpointConsumer object exposes a jobs() method that returns a list of scrape jobs. Each element of this list is the Prometheus scrape configuration for that job. In order to update the Prometheus configuration, the Prometheus charm needs to replace the current list of jobs with the list provided by jobs() as follows

def _on_scrape_targets_changed(self, event):
    scrape_jobs =
    for job in scrape_jobs:
Alerting Rules

This charm library also supports gathering alerting rules from all related MetricsEndpointProvider charms and enabling corresponding alerts within the Prometheus charm. Alert rules are automatically gathered by MetricsEndpointProvider charms when using this library, from a directory conventionally named prometheus_alert_rules. This directory must reside at the top level in the src folder of the consumer charm. Each file in this directory is assumed to be in one of two formats:

  • the official prometheus alert rule format, conforming to the Prometheus docs
  • a single rule format, which is a simplified subset of the official format, comprising a single alert rule per file, using the same YAML fields.

The file name must have one of the following extensions:

  • .rule
  • .rules
  • .yml
  • .yaml

An example of the contents of such a file in the custom single rule format is shown below.

alert: HighRequestLatency
expr: job:request_latency_seconds:mean5m{my_key=my_value} > 0.5
for: 10m
  severity: Medium
  type: HighLatency
  summary: High request latency for {{ $labels.instance }}.

The MetricsEndpointProvider will read all available alert rules and also inject "filtering labels" into the alert expressions. The filtering labels ensure that alert rules are localised to the metrics provider charm's Juju topology (application, model and its UUID). Such a topology filter is essential to ensure that alert rules submitted by one provider charm generates alerts only for that same charm. When alert rules are embedded in a charm, and the charm is deployed as a Juju application, the alert rules from that application have their expressions automatically updated to filter for metrics coming from the units of that application alone. This remove risk of spurious evaluation, e.g., when you have multiple deployments of the same charm monitored by the same Prometheus.

Not all alerts one may want to specify can be embedded in a charm. Some alert rules will be specific to a user's use case. This is the case, for example, of alert rules that are based on business constraints, like expecting a certain amount of requests to a specific API every five minutes. Such alert rules can be specified via the COS Config Charm, which allows importing alert rules and other settings like dashboards from a Git repository.

Gathering alert rules and generating rule files within the Prometheus charm is easily done using the alerts() method of MetricsEndpointConsumer. Alerts generated by Prometheus will automatically include Juju topology labels in the alerts. These labels indicate the source of the alert. The following labels are automatically included with each alert

  • juju_model
  • juju_model_uuid
  • juju_application
Relation Data

The Prometheus charm uses both application and unit relation data to obtain information regarding its scrape jobs, alert rules and scrape targets. This relation data is in JSON format and it closely resembles the YAML structure of Prometheus [scrape configuration] (

Units of Metrics provider charms advertise their names and addresses over unit relation data using the prometheus_scrape_unit_name and prometheus_scrape_unit_address keys. While the scrape_metadata, scrape_jobs and alert_rules keys in application relation data of Metrics provider charms hold eponymous information.


class PrometheusConfig


A namespace for utility functions for manipulating the prometheus config dict. None


PrometheusConfig. sanitize_scrape_config( job: dict )

Restrict permissible scrape configuration options.



a dict containing a single Prometheus job specification.


a dictionary containing a sanitized job specification.


If job is empty then a default job is returned. The default job is

    "metrics_path": "/metrics",
    "static_configs": [{"targets": ["*:80"]}],

PrometheusConfig. sanitize_scrape_configs( scrape_configs )


A vectorized version of sanitize_scrape_config. None

PrometheusConfig. prefix_job_names( scrape_configs , prefix: str )


Adds the given prefix to all the job names in the given scrape_configs list. None

PrometheusConfig. expand_wildcard_targets_into_individual_jobs( scrape_jobs , hosts , topology )

Extract wildcard hosts from the given scrape_configs list into separate jobs.



list of scrape jobs.


a dictionary mapping host names to host address for all units of the relation for which this job configuration must be constructed.


optional arg for adding topology labels to scrape targets.

PrometheusConfig. render_alertmanager_static_configs( alertmanagers )

Render the alertmanager static_configs section from a list of URLs.



List of alertmanager URLs.


A dict representation for the static_configs section.


Each target must be in the hostname:port format, and prefixes are specified in a separate key. Therefore, with ingress in place, would need to extract the path into the path_prefix key, which is higher up in the config hierarchy.

class RelationNotFoundError


Raised if there is no relation with the given name is found. None


RelationNotFoundError. __init__( self , relation_name: str )

class RelationInterfaceMismatchError


Raised if the relation with the given name has a different interface. None


RelationInterfaceMismatchError. __init__( self , relation_name: str , expected_relation_interface: str , actual_relation_interface: str )

class RelationRoleMismatchError


Raised if the relation with the given name has a different role. None


RelationRoleMismatchError. __init__( self , relation_name: str , expected_relation_role: RelationRole , actual_relation_role: RelationRole )

class InvalidAlertRuleEvent

Event emitted when alert rule files are not parsable.


Enables us to set a clear status on the provider.


InvalidAlertRuleEvent. __init__( self , handle , errors: str , valid: bool )

InvalidAlertRuleEvent. snapshot( self )


Save alert rule information. None

InvalidAlertRuleEvent. restore( self , snapshot )


Restore alert rule information. None

class InvalidScrapeJobEvent


Event emitted when alert rule files are not valid. None


InvalidScrapeJobEvent. __init__( self , handle , errors: str )

InvalidScrapeJobEvent. snapshot( self )


Save error information. None

InvalidScrapeJobEvent. restore( self , snapshot )


Restore error information. None

class MetricsEndpointProviderEvents


Events raised by :class:InvalidAlertRuleEvents. None

class InvalidAlertRulePathError


Raised if the alert rules folder cannot be found or is otherwise invalid. None


InvalidAlertRulePathError. __init__( self , alert_rules_absolute_path: Path , message: str )

class TargetsChangedEvent


Event emitted when Prometheus scrape targets change. None


TargetsChangedEvent. __init__( self , handle , relation_id )

TargetsChangedEvent. snapshot( self )


Save scrape target relation information. None

TargetsChangedEvent. restore( self , snapshot )


Restore scrape target relation information. None

class MonitoringEvents


Event descriptor for events raised by MetricsEndpointConsumer. None

class MetricsEndpointConsumer


A Prometheus based Monitoring service. None


MetricsEndpointConsumer. __init__( self , charm: CharmBase , relation_name: str )

A Prometheus based Monitoring service.



a CharmBase instance that manages this instance of the Prometheus service.


an optional string name of the relation between charm and the Prometheus charmed service. The default is "metrics-endpoint". It is strongly advised not to change the default, so that people deploying your charm will have a consistent experience with all other charms that consume metrics endpoints.

MetricsEndpointConsumer. jobs( self )

Fetch the list of scrape jobs.


A list consisting of all the static scrape configurations for each related MetricsEndpointProvider that has specified its scrape targets.

MetricsEndpointConsumer. alerts( self )

Fetch alerts for all relations.


A dictionary mapping the Juju topology identifier of the source charm to its list of alert rule groups.


A Prometheus alert rules file consists of a list of "groups". Each group consists of a list of alerts (rules) that are sequentially executed. This method returns all the alert rules provided by each related metrics provider charm. These rules may be used to generate a separate alert rules file for each relation since the returned list of alert groups are indexed by that relations Juju topology identifier. The Juju topology identifier string includes substrings that identify alert rule related metadata such as the Juju model, model UUID and the application name from where the alert rule originates. Since this topology identifier is globally unique, it may be used for instance as the name for the file into which the list of alert rule groups are written. For each relation, the structure of data returned is a dictionary representation of a standard prometheus rules file:

{"groups": [{"name": ...}, ...]}

per official prometheus documentation

The value of the groups key is such that it may be used to generate a Prometheus alert rules file directly using yaml.dump but the groups key itself must be included as this is required by Prometheus.

For example the list of alert rule groups returned by this method may be written into files consumed by Prometheus as follows

for topology_identifier, alert_rule_groups in self.metrics_consumer.alerts().items():
    filename = "juju_" + topology_identifier + ".rules"
    path = os.path.join(PROMETHEUS_RULES_DIR, filename)
    rules = yaml.safe_dump(alert_rule_groups)
    container.push(path, rules, make_dirs=True)

class MetricsEndpointProvider


A metrics endpoint for Prometheus. None


MetricsEndpointProvider. __init__( self , charm , relation_name: str , jobs , alert_rules_path: str , refresh_event , external_url: str , lookaside_jobs_callable )

Construct a metrics provider for a Prometheus charm.



a CharmBase object that manages this MetricsEndpointProvider object. Typically, this is self in the instantiating class.


an optional string name of the relation between charm and the Prometheus charmed service. The default is "metrics-endpoint". It is strongly advised not to change the default, so that people deploying your charm will have a consistent experience with all other charms that provide metrics endpoints.


an optional list of dictionaries where each dictionary represents the Prometheus scrape configuration for a single job. When not provided, a default scrape configuration is provided for the /metrics endpoint polling all units of the charm on port 80 using the MetricsEndpointProvider object.


an optional path for the location of alert rules files. Defaults to "./prometheus_alert_rules", resolved relative to the directory hosting the charm entry file. The alert rules are automatically updated on charm upgrade.


a boolean flag to toggle forwarding of charmed alert rules.


an optional bound event or list of bound events which will be observed to re-set scrape job data (IP address and others)


an optional argument that represents an external url that can be generated by an Ingress or a Proxy.


an optional Callable which should be invoked when the job configuration is built as a secondary mapping. The callable should return a List[Dict] which is syntactically identical to the jobs parameter, but can be updated out of step initialization of this library without disrupting the 'global' job spec.


If your charm exposes a Prometheus metrics endpoint, the MetricsEndpointProvider object enables your charm to easily communicate how to reach that metrics endpoint.

By default, a charm instantiating this object has the metrics endpoints of each of its units scraped by the related Prometheus charms. The scraped metrics are automatically tagged by the Prometheus charms with Juju topology data via the juju_model_name, juju_model_uuid, juju_application_name and juju_unit labels. To support such tagging MetricsEndpointProvider automatically forwards scrape metadata to a MetricsEndpointConsumer (Prometheus charm).

Scrape targets provided by MetricsEndpointProvider can be customized when instantiating this object. For example in the case of a charm exposing the metrics endpoint for each of its units on port 8080 and the /metrics path, the MetricsEndpointProvider can be instantiated as follows:

self.metrics_endpoint_provider = MetricsEndpointProvider(
        "static_configs": [{"targets": ["*:8080"]}],

The notation *:<port> means "scrape each unit of this charm on port <port>.

In case the metrics endpoints are not on the standard /metrics path, a custom path can be specified as follows:

self.metrics_endpoint_provider = MetricsEndpointProvider(
        "metrics_path": "/my/strange/metrics/path",
        "static_configs": [{"targets": ["*:8080"]}],

Note how the jobs argument is a list: this allows you to expose multiple combinations of paths "metrics_path" and "static_configs" in case your charm exposes multiple endpoints, which could happen, for example, when you have multiple workload containers, with applications in each needing to be scraped. The structure of the objects in the jobs list is one-to-one with the scrape_config configuration item of Prometheus' own configuration (see ), but with only a subset of the fields allowed. The permitted fields are listed in ALLOWED_KEYS object in this charm library module.

It is also possible to specify alert rules. By default, this library will look into the <charm_parent_dir>/prometheus_alert_rules, which in a standard charm layouts resolves to src/prometheus_alert_rules. Each alert rule goes into a separate *.rule file. If the syntax of a rule is invalid, the MetricsEndpointProvider logs an error and does not load the particular rule.

To avoid false positives and negatives in the evaluation of alert rules, all ingested alert rule expressions are automatically qualified using Juju Topology filters. This ensures that alert rules provided by your charm, trigger alerts based only on data scrapped from your charm. For example an alert rule such as the following

alert: UnitUnavailable
expr: up < 1
for: 0m

will be automatically transformed into something along the lines of the following

alert: UnitUnavailable
expr: up{juju_model=<model>, juju_model_uuid=<uuid-prefix>, juju_application=<app>} < 1
for: 0m

An attempt will be made to validate alert rules prior to loading them into Prometheus. If they are invalid, an event will be emitted from this object which charms can respond to in order to set a meaningful status for administrators.

This can be observed via consumer.on.alert_rule_status_changed which contains: - The error(s) encountered when validating as errors - A valid attribute, which can be used to reset the state of charms if alert rules are updated via another mechanism (e.g. cos-config) and refreshed.

MetricsEndpointProvider. update_scrape_job_spec( self , jobs )


Update scrape job specification. None

MetricsEndpointProvider. set_scrape_job_spec( self , _ )

Ensure scrape target information is made available to prometheus.


When a metrics provider charm is related to a prometheus charm, the metrics provider sets specification and metadata related to its own scrape configuration. This information is set using Juju application data. In addition, each of the consumer units also sets its own host address in Juju unit relation data.

class PrometheusRulesProvider

Forward rules to Prometheus.



A charm instance that provides a relation with the prometheus_scrape interface.


Name of the relation in metadata.yaml that has the prometheus_scrape interface.


Root directory for the collection of rule files.


Whether to scan for rule files recursively.


This object may be used to forward rules to Prometheus. At present it only supports forwarding alert rules. This is unlike :class:MetricsEndpointProvider, which is used for forwarding both scrape targets and associated alert rules. This object is typically used when there is a desire to forward rules that apply globally (across all deployed charms and units) rather than to a single charm. All rule files are forwarded using the same 'prometheus_scrape' interface that is also used by MetricsEndpointProvider.


PrometheusRulesProvider. __init__( self , charm: CharmBase , relation_name: str , dir_path: str , recursive )

class MetricsEndpointAggregator

Aggregate metrics from multiple scrape targets.


MetricsEndpointAggregator collects scrape target information from one or more related charms and forwards this to a MetricsEndpointConsumer charm, which may be in a different Juju model. However, it is essential that MetricsEndpointAggregator itself resides in the same model as its scrape targets, as this is currently the only way to ensure in Juju that the MetricsEndpointAggregator will be able to determine the model name and uuid of the scrape targets.

MetricsEndpointAggregator should be used in place of MetricsEndpointProvider in the following two use cases:

  1. Integrating one or more scrape targets that do not support the prometheus_scrape interface.

  2. Integrating one or more scrape targets through cross model relations. Although the Scrape Config Operator may also be used for the purpose of supporting cross model relations.

Using MetricsEndpointAggregator to build a Prometheus charm client only requires instantiating it. Instantiating MetricsEndpointAggregator is similar to MetricsEndpointProvider except that it requires specifying the names of three relations: the relation with scrape targets, the relation for alert rules, and that with the Prometheus charms. For example

self._aggregator = MetricsEndpointAggregator(
        "prometheus": "monitoring",
        "scrape_target": "prometheus-target",
        "alert_rules": "prometheus-rules"

MetricsEndpointAggregator assumes that each unit of a scrape target sets in its unit-level relation data two entries with keys "hostname" and "port". If it is required to integrate with charms that do not honor these assumptions, it is always possible to derive from MetricsEndpointAggregator overriding the _get_targets() method, which is responsible for aggregating the unit name, host address ("hostname") and port of the scrape target. MetricsEndpointAggregator also assumes that each unit of a scrape target sets in its unit-level relation data a key named "groups". The value of this key is expected to be the string representation of list of Prometheus Alert rules in YAML format. An example of a single such alert rule is

- alert: HighRequestLatency
  expr: job:request_latency_seconds:mean5m{job="myjob"} > 0.5
  for: 10m
    severity: page
    summary: High request latency

Once again if it is required to integrate with charms that do not honour these assumptions about alert rules then an object derived from MetricsEndpointAggregator may be used by overriding the _get_alert_rules() method.

MetricsEndpointAggregator ensures that Prometheus scrape job specifications and alert rules are annotated with Juju topology information, just like MetricsEndpointProvider and MetricsEndpointConsumer do.

By default, MetricsEndpointAggregator ensures that Prometheus "instance" labels refer to Juju topology. This ensures that instance labels are stable over unit recreation. While it is not advisable to change this option, if required it can be done by setting the "relabel_instance" keyword argument to False when constructing an aggregator object.


MetricsEndpointAggregator. __init__( self , charm , relation_names , relabel_instance , resolve_addresses , path_to_own_alert_rules )

Construct a MetricsEndpointAggregator.



a CharmBase object that manages this MetricsEndpointAggregator object. Typically, this is self in the instantiating class.


a dictionary with three keys. The value of the "scrape_target" and "alert_rules" keys are the relation names over which scrape job and alert rule information is gathered by this MetricsEndpointAggregator. And the value of the "prometheus" key is the name of the relation with a MetricsEndpointConsumer such as the Prometheus charm.


A boolean flag indicating if Prometheus scrape job "instance" labels must refer to Juju Topology.


A boolean flag indiccating if the aggregator should attempt to perform DNS lookups of targets and append a dns_name label


Optionally supply a path for alert rule files


a boolean flag to toggle forwarding of charmed alert rules

MetricsEndpointAggregator. set_target_job_data( self , targets: dict , app_name: str )

Update scrape jobs in response to scrape target changes.



a dict containing target information


a str identifying the application


a dict of the extra arguments passed to the function


When there is any change in relation data with any scrape target, the Prometheus scrape job, for that specific target is updated. Additionally, if this method is called manually, do the same.

MetricsEndpointAggregator. remove_prometheus_jobs( self , job_name: str , unit_name )

Given a job name and unit name, remove scrape jobs associated.


The unit_name parameter is used for automatic, relation data bag-based generation, where the unit name in labels can be used to ensure that jobs with similar names (which are generated via the app name when scanning relation data bags) are not accidentally removed, as their unit name labels will differ. For NRPE, the job name is calculated from an ID sent via the NRPE relation, and is sufficient to uniquely identify the target.

MetricsEndpointAggregator. set_alert_rule_data( self , name: str , unit_rules: dict , label_rules: bool )

Update alert rule data.


The unit rules should be a dict, which is has additional Juju topology labels added. For rules generated by the NRPE exporter, they are pre-labeled so lookups can be performed.

MetricsEndpointAggregator. remove_alert_rules( self , group_name: str , unit_name: str )


Remove an alert rule group from relation data. None

MetricsEndpointAggregator. group_name( self , unit_name: str )

Construct name for an alert rule group.



string name of a related application.


a string Prometheus alert rules group name for the unit.


Each unit in a relation may define its own alert rules. All rules, for all units in a relation are grouped together and given a single alert rule group name.

class CosTool


Uses cos-tool to inject label matchers into alert rule expressions and validate rules. None


CosTool. __init__( self , charm )

CosTool. path( self )


Lazy lookup of the path of cos-tool. None

CosTool. apply_label_matchers( self , rules )


Will apply label matchers to the expression of all alerts in all supplied groups. None

CosTool. validate_alert_rules( self , rules: dict )


Will validate correctness of alert rules, returning a boolean and any errors. None

CosTool. validate_scrape_jobs( self , jobs: list )


Validate scrape jobs using cos-tool. None

CosTool. inject_label_matchers( self , expression , topology )


Add label matchers to an expression. None