
Technical information - specifications, APIs, architecture.


Explore the performance of COS Lite under heavy testing scenarios and discover the varying amounts of ingested data that different VM specifications can yield

Kubernetes Charms

A list of Kubernetes charms that either form integral components of COS Lite or serve as complementary additions to various deployment scenarios.

  • Alertmanager K8s A charm for Alertmanager. It is an essential part of the COS Lite bundle.
  • Prometheus K8s A charm for Prometheus. It is an essential part of the COS Lite bundle.
  • Scrape Target K8s Supports metrics aggregation from applications outside any Juju model.
  • Scrape Config K8s An adapter charm between metrics providers and prometheus.
  • Loki K8s A charm for Loki. It is an essential part of the COS Lite bundle.
  • Grafana K8s A charm for Grafana. It is an essential part of the COS Lite bundle.
  • Grafana Agent K8s A telemetry collector for sending metrics, logs, and trace data to COS.
  • Catalogue K8s A charmed operator helping users to locate the user interfaces of the charms related to it. It is an essential part of the COS Lite bundle.
  • Mimir Coordinator K8s A workloadless charm that coordinates the operations of mimir-worker charms and routes traffic to them.
  • Mimir Worker K8s An open source, horizontally scalable, highly available, multi-tenant TSDB for long-term storage for Prometheus.
  • Traefik K8s A charm for Traefik. It is an essential part of the COS Lite bundle.
  • Tempo K8s A distributed tracing backend by Grafana.
  • COS Config K8s An auxiliary charm that facilitates forwarding freestanding files from a git repository to COS operators.
  • Karma K8s Aggregator and alternative UI for Alertmanager.
  • Karma Alertmanager Proxy K8s Relation data provider for Karma charm.

Machine Charms

A list of machine charms designed to facilitate the integration of COS Lite with other machine charms.

  • Grafana Agent A telemetry collector for sending metrics, logs, and trace data to COS.
  • COS Proxy An intermediate charm that forms as an adapter between the legacy LMA relations and COS relations.


Last updated 6 months ago.