
Temporal Server

  • Commercial Systems
Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 43 28 Jan 2025
Ubuntu 22.04
latest/edge 45 07 Feb 2025
Ubuntu 22.04
juju deploy temporal-k8s
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Horizontal Scaling

Excerpt from Temporal’s documentation:

The Temporal Server consists of four independently scalable services:

  • Frontend gateway: for rate limiting, routing, authorizing.
  • History subsystem: maintains data (mutable state, queues, and timers).
  • Matching subsystem: hosts Task Queues for dispatching.
  • Worker Service: for internal background Workflows.

For example, a real-life production deployment can have 5 Frontend, 15 History, 17 Matching, and 3 Worker Services per cluster.

The Temporal Server services can run independently or be grouped together into shared processes on one or more physical or virtual machines. For live (production) environments, we recommend that each service runs independently, because each one has different scaling requirements and troubleshooting becomes easier. The History, Matching, and Worker Services can scale horizontally within a Cluster. The Frontend Service scales differently than the others because it has no sharding or partitioning; it is just stateless.

The Charmed Temporal K8s operator is designed such that each service can be deployed as a separate application which can then be connected together by integrating with the same database. These services can then be scaled according to your needs.

To deploy the services separately in a scalable way, you must deploy the application as follows:

juju deploy temporal-k8s --config services="frontend"
juju deploy temporal-k8s --config services="matching" temporal-k8s-matching
juju deploy temporal-k8s --config services="history" temporal-k8s-history
juju deploy temporal-k8s --config services="worker" temporal-k8s-worker

# Deploy database charm and relate to the frontend service
juju deploy postgresql-k8s --channel 14/stable --trust
juju relate temporal-k8s:db postgresql-k8s:database
juju relate temporal-k8s:visibility postgresql-k8s:database

# Deploy Temporal admin charm and relate to the frontend service
juju deploy temporal-admin-k8s
juju relate temporal-k8s:admin temporal-admin-k8s:admin

Once the temporal-k8s frontend service is active, we can relate the other three services to the same database and admin charms:

juju relate temporal-k8s-history:db postgresql-k8s:database
juju relate temporal-k8s-history:visibility postgresql-k8s:database
juju relate temporal-k8s-history:admin temporal-admin-k8s:admin

juju relate temporal-k8s-matching:db postgresql-k8s:database
juju relate temporal-k8s-matching:visibility postgresql-k8s:database

juju relate temporal-k8s-worker:db postgresql-k8s:database
juju relate temporal-k8s-worker:visibility postgresql-k8s:database

Once deployed, you can run juju status --watch 1s to watch the status of your applications. It may take a few minutes to see the following output where all nodes are showing Workload=Active and Agent=idle:

Model         Controller           Cloud/Region        Version  SLA          Timestamp
temporal      temporal-controller  microk8s/localhost  3.1.2    unsupported  14:31:41+03:00

App                    Version  Status  Scale  Charm               Channel    Rev  Address         Exposed  Message
postgresql-k8s         14.7     active      1  postgresql-k8s      14/stable   73  no       Primary
temporal-admin-k8s              active      1  temporal-admin-k8s  edge         4   no
temporal-k8s                    active      1  temporal-k8s                     0   no
temporal-k8s-history            active      1  temporal-k8s                     1   no
temporal-k8s-matching           active      1  temporal-k8s                     2  no
temporal-k8s-worker             active      1  temporal-k8s                     3  no

Unit                      Workload  Agent  Address      Ports  Message
postgresql-k8s/0*         active    idle         Primary
temporal-admin-k8s/0*     active    idle
temporal-k8s-history/0*   active    idle
temporal-k8s-matching/0*  active    idle
temporal-k8s-worker/0*    active    idle
temporal-k8s/0*           active    idle

To confirm the four services can reach each other, you can run juju run temporal-admin-k8s/0 tctl args="adm cl d", you should see the output below. As can be seen from the output, the reachable members use the k8s pod IP address to communicate with other services.

output: |
    "supportedClients": {
      "temporal-cli": "\u003c2.0.0",
      "temporal-go": "\u003c2.0.0",
      "temporal-java": "\u003c2.0.0",
      "temporal-php": "\u003c2.0.0",
      "temporal-server": "\u003c2.0.0",
      "temporal-typescript": "\u003c2.0.0",
      "temporal-ui": "\u003c3.0.0"
    "serverVersion": "1.17.3",
    "membershipInfo": {
      "currentHost": {
        "identity": ""
      "reachableMembers": [
      "rings": [
          "role": "frontend",
          "memberCount": 1,
          "members": [
              "identity": ""
          "role": "history",
          "memberCount": 1,
          "members": [
              "identity": ""
          "role": "matching",
          "memberCount": 1,
          "members": [
              "identity": ""
          "role": "worker",
          "memberCount": 1,
          "members": [
              "identity": ""
    "clusterId": "514dd854-eb26-4e93-9f3c-1355cb8aa99a",
    "clusterName": "active",
    "historyShardCount": 4,
    "persistenceStore": "postgres",
    "visibilityStore": "postgres",
    "failoverVersionIncrement": "10",
    "initialFailoverVersion": "1"
result: command succeeded

Adding Replicas

To add more replicas you can use the juju scale-application functionality i.e.

juju scale-application temporal-k8s <num_of_replicas_required_replicas>

To scale all four services to two units each, you can run the following commands:

juju scale-application temporal-k8s 2
juju scale-application temporal-k8s-history 2
juju scale-application temporal-k8s-matching 2
juju scale-application temporal-k8s-worker 2

You can then run juju status --watch 1s to watch the status of your applications. It may take a few minutes to see the following output where all nodes are showing Workload=Active and Agent=idle:

Model     Controller           Cloud/Region        Version  SLA          Timestamp
temporal  temporal-controller  microk8s/localhost  3.1.0    unsupported  15:18:19+03:00

App                    Version  Status  Scale  Charm               Channel    Rev  Address         Exposed  Message
postgresql-k8s         14.7     active      1  postgresql-k8s      14/stable   73  no       Primary
temporal-admin-k8s              active      1  temporal-admin-k8s  edge         4   no
temporal-k8s                    active      2  temporal-k8s                     0   no
temporal-k8s-history            active      2  temporal-k8s                     1   no
temporal-k8s-matching           active      2  temporal-k8s                     2  no
temporal-k8s-worker             active      2  temporal-k8s                     3  no

Unit                      Workload  Agent  Address      Ports  Message
postgresql-k8s/0*         active    idle         Primary
temporal-admin-k8s/0*     active    idle
temporal-k8s-history/0*   active    idle
temporal-k8s-history/1    active    idle
temporal-k8s-matching/0*  active    idle
temporal-k8s-matching/1   active    idle
temporal-k8s-worker/0*    active    idle
temporal-k8s-worker/1     active    idle
temporal-k8s/0*           active    idle
temporal-k8s/1            active    idle

To confirm the four scaled services can reach each other, you can run juju run temporal-admin-k8s/0 tctl args="adm cl d", you should see the following:

output: |
    "supportedClients": {
      "temporal-cli": "\u003c2.0.0",
      "temporal-go": "\u003c2.0.0",
      "temporal-java": "\u003c2.0.0",
      "temporal-php": "\u003c2.0.0",
      "temporal-server": "\u003c2.0.0",
      "temporal-typescript": "\u003c2.0.0",
      "temporal-ui": "\u003c3.0.0"
    "serverVersion": "1.17.3",
    "membershipInfo": {
      "currentHost": {
        "identity": ""
      "reachableMembers": [
      "rings": [
          "role": "frontend",
          "memberCount": 2,
          "members": [
              "identity": ""
              "identity": ""
          "role": "history",
          "memberCount": 2,
          "members": [
              "identity": ""
              "identity": ""
          "role": "matching",
          "memberCount": 2,
          "members": [
              "identity": ""
              "identity": ""
          "role": "worker",
          "memberCount": 2,
          "members": [
              "identity": ""
              "identity": ""
    "clusterId": "514dd854-eb26-4e93-9f3c-1355cb8aa99a",
    "clusterName": "active",
    "historyShardCount": 4,
    "persistenceStore": "postgres",
    "visibilityStore": "postgres",
    "failoverVersionIncrement": "10",
    "initialFailoverVersion": "1"
result: command succeeded

Removing Replicas

To scale down the number of replicas, you can again use the juju scale-application functionality i.e.

juju scale-application temporal-k8s <num_of_replicas_required_replicas>

To scale all four services back down to one unit each, you can run the following commands:

juju scale-application temporal-k8s 1
juju scale-application temporal-k8s-history 1
juju scale-application temporal-k8s-matching 1
juju scale-application temporal-k8s-worker 1

You can then run juju status --watch 1s to watch the status of your applications. It may take a few minutes to see the following output where all nodes are showing Workload=Active and Agent=idle:

Model     Controller           Cloud/Region        Version  SLA          Timestamp
temporal  temporal-controller  microk8s/localhost  3.1.0    unsupported  15:18:19+03:00

App                    Version  Status  Scale  Charm               Channel    Rev  Address         Exposed  Message
postgresql-k8s         14.7     active      1  postgresql-k8s      14/stable   73  no       Primary
temporal-admin-k8s              active      1  temporal-admin-k8s  edge         4   no
temporal-k8s                    active      2  temporal-k8s                     0   no
temporal-k8s-history            active      2  temporal-k8s                     1   no
temporal-k8s-matching           active      2  temporal-k8s                     2  no
temporal-k8s-worker             active      2  temporal-k8s                     3  no

Unit                      Workload  Agent  Address      Ports  Message
postgresql-k8s/0*         active    idle         Primary
temporal-admin-k8s/0*     active    idle
temporal-k8s-history/0*   active    idle
temporal-k8s-history/1    active    idle         agent lost, see 'juju show-status-log temporal-k8s-history/1'
temporal-k8s-matching/0*  active    idle
temporal-k8s-matching/1   active    idle         agent lost, see 'juju show-status-log temporal-k8s-matching/1'
temporal-k8s-worker/0*    active    idle
temporal-k8s-worker/1     active    idle         agent lost, see 'juju show-status-log temporal-k8s-worker/1'
temporal-k8s/0*           active    idle
temporal-k8s/1            active    idle         agent lost, see 'juju show-status-log temporal-k8s/1'

Help improve this document in the forum (guidelines). Last updated 7 months ago.