
Temporal Server

  • Commercial Systems
Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 43 28 Jan 2025
Ubuntu 22.04
latest/edge 45 07 Feb 2025
Ubuntu 22.04
juju deploy temporal-k8s
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  • auth-admin-groups | string

    A comma-separated list of groups with read-access to all namespaces. This group must be created in the OpenFGA store, and the corresponding users added to it as members.

  • auth-enabled | boolean

    Specifies whether authorization should be enabled through OpenFGA.

  • auth-google-client-id | string

    The client ID of the Google OAuth project used for authentication. This will be used in authorization requests to verify the origin of the OAuth2 token. While it is an optional field, it is recommended to set it for added security.

  • auth-open-access-namespaces | string

    A comma-separated list of namespaces which will be visible to all authenticated users.

  • db-tls-enabled | boolean

    (Deprecated as of postgresql-k8s revision 462) Whether or not TLS is enabled on the database.

  • external-hostname | string

    The DNS listing used for external connections. Will default to the name of the deployed application.

  • global-rps-limit | int

    Default: 2000

    Global limit for requests per second per namespace.

  • log-level | string

    Default: info

    Temporal server logging level.

  • namespace-rps-limit | string

    Pipe-separated definition of namespace requests per second limits.

    e.g. "namespaceA:100|namespaceB:200" means namespaceA will have an RPS limit of 100, namespaceB of 200, and any other namespaces not defined in this config will fall back to the value defined in global-rps-limit.

  • num-history-shards | int

    The number of concurrent database operations that can occur for a Temporal Cluster. This value can only be set once at deployment time. Setting the value after it has already been set will send the charm into a blocked state until it is set back to the original value. This value must be set to a positive power of 2 (e.g. 1, 2, 4).

    This value must be consistent across all components if using a scaled deployment.

  • persistence-max-conn-time | string

    Default: 1h

    Maximum time a database connection is held with the persistence database.

  • persistence-max-conns | int

    Default: 20

    Maximum number of connections for persistence database.

  • persistence-max-idle-conns | int

    Default: 20

    Maximum number of idle connections for persistence database.

  • services | string

    Default: frontend,history,matching,worker

    A comma-separated list of Temporal services to run. Temporal components can be either run in a single container or spread across multiple containers, which allows to independently scale each component.

  • tls-secret-name | string

    Default: temporal-tls

    Name of the k8s secret which contains the TLS certificate to be used by ingress.

  • visibility-max-conn-time | string

    Default: 1h

    Maximum time a database connection is held with the visibility database.

  • visibility-max-conns | int

    Default: 10

    Maximum number of connections for visibility database.

  • visibility-max-idle-conns | int

    Default: 10

    Maximum number of idle connections for visibility database.