
Temporal Server

  • Commercial Systems
Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 43 28 Jan 2025
Ubuntu 22.04
latest/edge 45 07 Feb 2025
Ubuntu 22.04
juju deploy temporal-k8s
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How to enable monitoring

The Charmed Temporal K8s Operator can be related to the Canonical Observability Stack in order to collect logs and telemetry.

Enabling monitoring requires that you have an active Charmed Temporal K8s Operator deployed.

Deploy COS Lite Bundle

To enable monitoring, we will be deploying cos-lite to a separate model and exposing the necessary endpoints as offers, relating them to the Temporal server using cross-model relations. To get started, we must first deploy the COS Lite bundle:

juju add-model cos
juju deploy cos-lite --trust

Wait until the applications are ready - when they are ready, juju status will show:

Model  Controller           Cloud/Region        Version  SLA          Timestamp
cos    temporal-controller  microk8s/localhost  3.1.5    unsupported  11:10:19+03:00

App           Version  Status   Scale  Charm             Channel  Rev  Address         Exposed  Message
alertmanager  0.25.0   active       1  alertmanager-k8s  stable    76  no
catalogue              active       1  catalogue-k8s     stable    13  no
grafana       9.2.1    active       1  grafana-k8s       stable    81   no
loki          2.7.4    active       1  loki-k8s          stable    89  no
prometheus    2.33.5   active       1  prometheus-k8s    stable   103   no
traefik       2.9.6    waiting      1  traefik-k8s       stable   110  no       installing agent

Unit             Workload  Agent  Address       Ports  Message
alertmanager/0*  active    idle
catalogue/0*     active    idle
grafana/0*       active    idle
loki/0*          active    idle
prometheus/0*    active    idle
traefik/0*       waiting   idle         gateway address unavailable

Run the following commands to offer COS interfaces to be cross-model related with the Charmed Temporal K8s model:

# Expose the cos integration endpoints
juju offer prometheus:metrics-endpoint
juju offer loki:logging
juju offer grafana:grafana-dashboard

Once done, the output of juju status should be updated to show the following offers:

Offer       Application  Charm           Rev  Connected  Endpoint           Interface          Role
grafana     grafana      grafana-k8s     81   0/0        grafana-dashboard  grafana_dashboard  requirer
loki        loki         loki-k8s        89   0/0        logging            loki_push_api      provider
prometheus  prometheus   prometheus-k8s  103  0/0        metrics-endpoint   prometheus_scrape  requirer

Relate Temporal Server to COS Lite Bundle

# Relate Temporal to the cos-lite apps
juju switch temporal-model
juju relate temporal-k8s admin/cos.grafana
juju relate temporal-k8s admin/cos.loki
juju relate temporal-k8s admin/cos.prometheus

Once done, the output of juju status --relations should be as follows:

Model           Controller           Cloud/Region        Version  SLA          Timestamp
temporal-model  temporal-controller  microk8s/localhost  3.1.5    unsupported  16:36:27+03:00

SAAS        Status  Store                URL
grafana     active  temporal-controller  admin/cos.grafana
loki        active  temporal-controller  admin/cos.loki
prometheus  active  temporal-controller  admin/cos.prometheus

App                 Version  Status  Scale  Charm               Channel    Rev  Address         Exposed  Message
postgresql-k8s      14.7     active      1  postgresql-k8s      14/stable   73  no       Primary
temporal-admin-k8s           active      1  temporal-admin-k8s  stable       4   no
temporal-k8s                 waiting     1  temporal-k8s        stable       9  no       installing agent
temporal-ui-k8s              active      1  temporal-ui-k8s     stable       8  no

Unit                   Workload  Agent  Address      Ports   Message
postgresql-k8s/0*      active    idle          Primary
temporal-admin-k8s/0*  active    idle
temporal-k8s/0*        error     idle          "log-proxy-relation-changed"
temporal-ui-k8s/0*     active    idle

Relation provider                     Requirer                       Interface          Type     Message
nginx-ingress-integrator:nginx-route  temporal-k8s:nginx-route       nginx-route        regular
nginx-ingress-integrator:nginx-route  temporal-ui-k8s:nginx-route    nginx-route        regular
postgresql-k8s:database               temporal-k8s:db                postgresql_client  regular
postgresql-k8s:database               temporal-k8s:visibility        postgresql_client  regular
postgresql-k8s:database-peers         postgresql-k8s:database-peers  postgresql_peers   peer
postgresql-k8s:restart                postgresql-k8s:restart         rolling_op         peer
temporal-admin-k8s:admin              temporal-k8s:admin             temporal           regular
temporal-k8s:peer                     temporal-k8s:peer              temporal           peer
temporal-ui-k8s:peer                  temporal-ui-k8s:peer           temporal           peer
temporal-ui-k8s:ui                    temporal-k8s:ui                temporal           regular

Once done, the Charmed Temporal K8s operator should be back in an active state . We can now access our Grafana dashboard as follows:

# Access Grafana with username "admin" and password:
juju run grafana/0 -m cos get-admin-password --wait 1m

Grafana can be accessed on port 3000 of the app IP address (in our case, it will be The dashboard can be accessed under “Temporal Server Metrics”, make sure to select the juju model which contains your Temporal charm.

Help improve this document in the forum (guidelines). Last updated 5 months ago.