
Temporal Server

  • Commercial Systems
Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 43 28 Jan 2025
Ubuntu 22.04
latest/edge 45 07 Feb 2025
Ubuntu 22.04
juju deploy temporal-k8s
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Enable Archival

Excerpt from Temporal’s documentation:

Archival is a feature that automatically backs up Event Histories and Visibility records from Temporal Cluster persistence to a custom blob store.

Workflow Execution Event Histories are backed up after the Retention Period is reached. Visibility records are backed up immediately after a Workflow Execution reaches a Closed status.

Archival enables Workflow Execution data to persist as long as needed, while not overwhelming the Cluster’s persistence store.

This feature is helpful for compliance and debugging. Temporal’s Archival feature is considered experimental and not subject to normal versioning and support policy.

The archival feature can be enabled for Charmed Temporal K8s by relating it with the Charmed S3 Integrator, which provides it with the necessary credentials it needs to store event histories in S3 storage.

Deploy S3 Integrator

To deploy Charmed S3 Integrator, you need to run the following command, which will fetch the charm from Charmhub and deploy it to your model:

juju deploy s3-integrator

Wait until the application is ready - when it is ready, juju status --relations will show:

Model           Controller           Cloud/Region        Version  SLA          Timestamp
temporal-model  temporal-controller  microk8s/localhost  3.1.5    unsupported  12:35:24+03:00

App                 Version   Status    Scale  Charm                Channel    Rev  Address         Exposed  Message
s3-integrator                 blocked      1   s3-integrator        stable      13  no       installing agent
postgresql-k8s      14.7      active       1   postgresql-k8s       14/stable   73  no       Primary
temporal-admin-k8s            active       1   temporal-admin-k8s   stable       4   no
temporal-k8s                  active       1   temporal-k8s         stable       9  no

Unit                   Workload   Agent  Address      Ports  Message
s3-integrator/0*       blocked    idle          Missing parameters: ['access-key', 'secret-key']
postgresql-k8s/0*      active     idle         Primary
temporal-admin-k8s/0*  active     idle
temporal-k8s/0*        active     idle

Integration provider               Requirer                           Interface            Type     Message
postgresql-k8s:database            openfga-k8s:database               postgresql_client    regular
postgresql-k8s:database            temporal-k8s:db                    postgresql_client    regular
postgresql-k8s:database            temporal-k8s:visibility            postgresql_client    regular
postgresql-k8s:database-peers      postgresql-k8s:database-peers      postgresql_peers     peer
postgresql-k8s:restart             postgresql-k8s:restart             rolling_op           peer
postgresql-k8s:upgrade             postgresql-k8s:upgrade             upgrade              peer
s3-integrator:s3-integrator-peers  s3-integrator:s3-integrator-peers  s3-integrator-peers  peer
temporal-admin-k8s:admin           temporal-k8s:admin                 temporal             regular
temporal-admin-k8s:peer            temporal-admin-k8s:peer            temporal-admin       peer
temporal-k8s:peer                  temporal-k8s:peer                  temporal             peer

Configure S3 Integrator and Relate to Temporal K8s

Archival can be configured on any S3-compatible storage. S3 access and configurations are managed with the Charmed S3 Integrator:

juju config s3-integrator \
    endpoint="https://s3.us-west-2.amazonaws.com" \
    bucket="test-bucket-1" \
    path="/temporal-archival" \

juju run s3-integrator/leader sync-s3-credentials access-key=<access-key> secret-key=<secret-key> --wait 1m
juju relate temporal-k8s s3-integrator

Wait until the application is ready - when it is ready, juju status --relations will show:

Model           Controller           Cloud/Region        Version  SLA          Timestamp
temporal-model  temporal-controller  microk8s/localhost  3.1.5    unsupported  12:35:24+03:00

App                 Version   Status    Scale  Charm                Channel    Rev  Address         Exposed  Message
s3-integrator                 active       1   s3-integrator        stable      13  no
postgresql-k8s      14.7      active       1   postgresql-k8s       14/stable   73  no       Primary
temporal-admin-k8s            active       1   temporal-admin-k8s   stable       4   no
temporal-k8s                  active       1   temporal-k8s         stable       9  no

Unit                   Workload   Agent  Address      Ports  Message
s3-integrator/0*       active     idle
postgresql-k8s/0*      active     idle         Primary
temporal-admin-k8s/0*  active     idle
temporal-k8s/0*        active     idle

Integration provider               Requirer                           Interface            Type     Message
postgresql-k8s:database            openfga-k8s:database               postgresql_client    regular
postgresql-k8s:database            temporal-k8s:db                    postgresql_client    regular
postgresql-k8s:database            temporal-k8s:visibility            postgresql_client    regular
postgresql-k8s:database-peers      postgresql-k8s:database-peers      postgresql_peers     peer
postgresql-k8s:restart             postgresql-k8s:restart             rolling_op           peer
postgresql-k8s:upgrade             postgresql-k8s:upgrade             upgrade              peer
s3-integrator:s3-credentials       temporal-k8s:s3-parameters         s3                   regular
s3-integrator:s3-integrator-peers  s3-integrator:s3-integrator-peers  s3-integrator-peers  peer
temporal-admin-k8s:admin           temporal-k8s:admin                 temporal             regular
temporal-admin-k8s:peer            temporal-admin-k8s:peer            temporal-admin       peer
temporal-k8s:peer                  temporal-k8s:peer                  temporal             peer

Note: Make sure to observe the the output of juju debug-log to ensure that there are no errors when configuring the S3 bucket as the destination for Temporal event histories archival.

Enable Namespace Archival

Once the S3 relation is set up, namespace archival can be enabled using tctl as follows:

tctl namespace update --history_archival_state enabled <namespace>
tctl namespace update --visibility_archival_state enabled <namespace>

Help improve this document in the forum (guidelines). Last updated 1 year, 16 days ago.