Temporal Server
- Commercial Systems
Channel | Revision | Published | Runs on |
latest/stable | 23 | 08 Mar 2024 | |
latest/edge | 42 | 14 Nov 2024 |
juju deploy temporal-k8s
Deploy Kubernetes operators easily with Juju, the Universal Operator Lifecycle Manager. Need a Kubernetes cluster? Install MicroK8s to create a full CNCF-certified Kubernetes system in under 60 seconds.
Adds an authorization rule to the OpenFGA store using the specified authorization model. This can be triggered using one of two parameter combinations:
- user, group: adds a user as a member of a group.
- group, namespace, role: assigns 'role' access to all members of a group to a namespace.
- Params
group string
The group to add a user to, or assign access to a namespace depending on the parameter combination.
namespace string
The Temporal namespace to assign access to.
role string
One of "reader", "writer" or "admin".
user string
The user's email.
Checks for an authorization rule. This can be triggered using one of three parameter combinations:
- user, group: checks if a user is a member of a group.
- user, namespace, role: checks if a user has 'role' access to a namespace.
- group, namespace, role: checks if a group has 'role' access to a namespace.
- Params
group string
The group to check access for.
namespace string
The Temporal namespace to check access for.
role string
One of "reader", "writer" or "admin".
user string
The user's email to check access for.
Creates the authorization model using the content of the specified file and returns the authorization model ID.
- Params
model string
The JSON string containing the authorization model.
- Required
Lists all authorization rules associated with a given parameter. This can be triggered using one of three parameter combinations:
- user: lists all groups a user is a member of and all namespaces a user has access to as a result of group memberships.
- group: lists all namespaces a given group has access to.
- namespace: for a given namespace, lists all groups that has access to it.
- Params
group string
The group to list access for.
namespace string
The Temporal namespace to list access for.
user string
The user's email to list access for.
Lists all system admins who are members of any group listed in the "auth-admin-groups" config parameters.
Removes an authorization rule from the OpenFGA store using the specified authorization model. This can be triggered using one of two parameter combinations:
- user, group: removes a user as a member from a group.
- group, namespace, role: revokes 'role' access to all members of a group the to a namespace.
- Params
group string
The group to remove a user from, or remove access to a namespace from depending on the parameter combination.
namespace string
The Temporal namespace to remove access from.
role string
One of "reader", "writer" or "admin".
user string
The user's email.
Restart the Temporal server.