

  • Canonical IS DevOps
Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 127 11 Mar 2025
Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 20.04
latest/stable 13 06 Mar 2023
Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 20.04
latest/edge 132 20 Mar 2025
Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 20.04
latest/edge 15 30 Mar 2023
Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 20.04
juju deploy wordpress-k8s
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Interface: ingress
Supported charms: nginx-ingress-integrator

Ingress manages external http/https access to services in a kubernetes cluster. Ingress relation through nginx-ingress-integrator charm enables additional blog_hostname and use_nginx_ingress_modesec configurations. Note that the kubernetes cluster must already have an nginx ingress controller already deployed. Documentation to enable ingress in microk8s can be found here.

Example ingress integrate command:

juju integrate wordpress-k8s nginx-ingress-integrator


Interface: prometheus_scrape
Supported charms: prometheus-k8s

Metrics-endpoint relation allows scraping the /metrics endpoint provided by apache-exporter sidecar on port 9117, which provides apache metrics from apache’s /server-status route. This internal apache’s /server-status route is not exposed and can only be accessed from within the same Kubernetes pod. The metrics are exposed in the open metrics format and will only be scraped by Prometheus once the relation becomes active. For more information about the metrics exposed, please refer to the apache-exporter documentation.

Metrics-endpoint integrate command:

juju integrate wordpress-k8s prometheus-k8s


Interface: loki_push_api
Supported charms: loki-k8s

Logging relation through the loki_push_api interface installs and runs promtail which ships the contents of local logs found at /var/log/apache2/access.log and /var/log/apache2/error.log to Loki. This can then be queried through the loki api or easily visualized through Grafana.

Logging-endpoint integrate command:

juju integrate wordpress-k8s loki-k8s


Interface: grafana-dashboard
Supported charms: grafana-k8s

Grafana-dashboard relation enables quick dashboard access already tailored to fit the needs of operators to monitor the charm. The template for the Grafana dashboard for wordpress-k8s charm can be found at /src/grafana_dashboards/wordpress.json. In Grafana UI, it can be found as “WordPress Operator Overview” under the General section of the dashboard browser (/dashboards). Modifications to the dashboard can be made but will not be persisted upon restart/redeployment of the charm.

Grafana-Prometheus integrate command:

juju integrate grafana-k8s:grafana-source prometheus-k8s:grafana-source

Grafana-dashboard integrate command:

juju integrate wordpress-k8s grafana-dashboard


Interface: mysql_client
Supported charms: Charmed MySQL, Charmed MySQL-K8s

Database endpoint can be related to mysql based charms, providing long term storage for wordpress. Database relation connect wordpress-k8s with charms that support the mysql_client interface on port 3306 in the database side.

Example database integrate command:

juju integrate wordpress-k8s:database mysql-k8s:database