- Canonical IS DevOps
Channel | Revision | Published | Runs on |
latest/stable | 87 | 07 Mar 2024 | |
latest/stable | 13 | 06 Mar 2023 | |
latest/edge | 121 | 04 Dec 2024 | |
latest/edge | 15 | 30 Mar 2023 |
juju deploy wordpress-k8s
Deploy Kubernetes operators easily with Juju, the Universal Operator Lifecycle Manager. Need a Kubernetes cluster? Install MicroK8s to create a full CNCF-certified Kubernetes system in under 60 seconds.
By default, the following WordPress plugins are installed with the latest version during the OCI
image build time. If the plugins are installed during runtime with
juju config wordpress-k8s plugins=<plugin-slug>
, the plugin will also be installed to it’s latest
version by default and may cause version differences between pods.
The wordpress-k8s charm supports multi-unit deployments. Therefore, installing plugins through UI
has been disabled and can only be installed through the plugins configuration. Please see
Configurations section for more
*The descriptions of the following plugins are taken from the WordPress plugin pages.
- 404page: Custom 404 error page creator using the WordPress Page Editor.
- akismet: Comment and contact form submissions spam checker for malicious content prevention.
- all-in-one-event-calendar: Most advanced website calendar Responsive calendar system available for WordPress.
- coschedule-by-todaymade: Schedulable calendar with remote synchronization service.
- elementor: Intuitive visual website builder platform for WordPress.
- essential-addons-for-elementor-lite: Addons for website builder Elementor.
- favicon-by-realfavicongenerator: Favicon generator for desktop browsers, iPhone/iPad, Android devices, Windows 8 tablets and more.
- feedwordpress: Atom/RSS aggregator for WordPress by syndicating content from selected feeds to WordPress weblog.
- genesis-columns-advanced: Shortcode generator for every column configurations available with the column classes provided by the Genesis Framework.
- line-break-shortcode: Shortcode [br] enabler for line breaks that will not be filtered out by TinyMCE.
- no-category-base-wpml: Mandatory ‘Category Base’ from category permalinks remover.
- openid: Authenticator that allows users to authenticate to websites without having to create a new password using OpenID standard.
- openstack-objectstorage-k8s: Automatic image, video, document and other media storage provider using Openstack Swift.
- powerpress: Podcast manager, enabling podcast management directly from your WordPress website.
- post-grid: Fully customizable post grid layout builder.
- redirection: 301 redirect, 404 error tracker and manager.
- relative-image-urls: Relative URL enabler that overrides WordPress’s absolute URL to file.
- safe-svg: SVG uploader with SVG/XML vulnerability sanitizer.
- show-current-template: A tool bar indicator showing the current template file name, the current theme name and included template files’ name.
- simple-301-redirects: Requests 301 redirection enabler.
- simple-custom-css: Plugin and Theme default styles CSS overrider.
- so-widgets-bundle: Widgets bundle containing responsive elements for building website pages.
- svg-support: Media library SVG uploader and enabler.
- syntaxhighlighter: Code syntax highlighter without losing formatting.
- wordpress-importer: A WordPress export file importer, importing the following content: posts, pages, comments, comment meta, custom fields, post meta, categories, tags and terms from custom taxonomies and term meta, authors.
- wordpress-launchpad-integration: WordPress authenticator using Launchpad’s OpenID provider.
- wordpress-teams-integration: This plugin implements OpenID teams in Wordpress.
- wp-mastodon-share: Post sharing plugin to share a post to a user’s Mastodon instance.
- wp-markdown: Plugin to enable writing posts (of any post type) using the Markdown syntax.
- wp-polls: Poll creator with customization via templates and css styles.
- wp-font-awesome: Shortcode handlers to allow embedding Font Awesome icon a website.
- wp-lightbox-2: Responsive lightbox effects for website images and also creating lightbox effects for album/gallery photos on a WordPress blog.
- wp-statistics: GDPR compliant website statistics tool.
- xubuntu-team-members: Adds the role “Xubuntu Team member”