- Canonical IS DevOps
Channel | Revision | Published | Runs on |
latest/stable | 87 | 07 Mar 2024 | |
latest/stable | 13 | 06 Mar 2023 | |
latest/edge | 121 | 04 Dec 2024 | |
latest/edge | 15 | 30 Mar 2023 |
juju deploy wordpress-k8s
Deploy Kubernetes operators easily with Juju, the Universal Operator Lifecycle Manager. Need a Kubernetes cluster? Install MicroK8s to create a full CNCF-certified Kubernetes system in under 60 seconds.
blog_hostname | string
Hostname for accessing WordPress, if ingress relation is active. Defaults to the application name.
initial_settings | string
Default: user_name: admin admin_email: devnull@example.com
YAML formatted WordPress configuration. It is used only during initial deployment. Changing it at later stage has no effect. If set to non empty string required keys are:
user_name: admin_username admin_email: name@example.com
Optionally you can also provide
admin_password: <secret> # autogenerated if not set
If admin_password is not provided it will be automatically generated and stored on the operator pod in the /root directory.
plugins | string
Plugin slugs of plugins to be installed, separated by comma. Including or excluding a default plugin here will have no effect.
themes | string
Theme slugs of themes to be installed, separated by comma. Including or excluding a default theme here will have no effect.
use_nginx_ingress_modsec | boolean
Default: True
Boolean value denoting whether modsec based WAF should be enabled. Applied if ingress relation is available.
wp_plugin_openid_team_map | string
Launchpad teams and corresponding access levels, for use with the openid plugins. Valid WordPress access levels are: administrator, editor, author, contributor, subscriber If empty, OpenID will not be enabled. Format is key=value pairs (where key is the Launchpad team, and value is the WordPress role) - commas separate multiple pairs. Example format:
wp_plugin_openstack-objectstorage_config | string
YAML dictionary with keys named after WordPress settings and the desired values. Please note that the settings will be reset to values provided every time hooks run. It is important to note that for multi-unit deployments, the
plugin must be enabled to sync data across WordPress applications. Furthermore, object ACLs must be configured beforehand to be accessible by public. See openstack documentation(https://docs.openstack.org/swift/latest/overview_acl.html) for more detail.auth-url: authentication URL to openstack. Example: bucket: name of the bucket for WordPress. Example: WordPress copy-to-swift: Value ‘1’ or ‘0’ denoting true, false respectively on whether to copy the local data to swift. Example: 1 domain: OpenStack Project domain ID. Example: Default object-prefix: Object path prefix. Example: wp-content/uploads/ password: OpenStack password. Example: openstack_secret_password region: OpenStack region. Example: RegionOne remove-local-file: Value ‘1’ or ‘0’ denoting true, false respectively on whether to remove local file. Example: 0 serve-from-swift: Value ‘1’ or ‘0’ denoting true, false respectively on whether to serve the contents file directly from swift. If set, media URLs to path $WORDPRESS_IP/wp-content/uploads/ will be proxied to $OPENSTACK_IP/{account}/{container}/{object-prefix}/. Example: 1 swift-url: OpenStack Swift URL. example: tenant: OpenStack tenant name. Example: demo username: OpenStack username. Example: demo