Charmed Spark K8s

  • Canonical Data Platform | bundle
Channel Revision Published
latest/edge 4 06 Aug 2024
3.4/edge 4 06 Aug 2024
juju deploy spark-k8s-bundle --channel edge
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Monitoring the Spark cluster

By default, Spark stores the logs of drivers and executors as pod logs in the local file system, which are lost once the pods are deleted. Spark provides us with the ability to store these logs in a persistent object storage system, like S3, so that they can later be retrieved and visualised by a component called the Spark History Server.

Charmed Spark provides native support and integration for these monitoring systems:

  1. Using the Spark History Server, which is a UI that most Spark users are accustomed to, to analyze their jobs, at the application level (e.g. jobs separated by the different steps and so on).
  2. Using Canonical Observability Stack (COS), which is more oriented to cluster administrators, allowing to set up alerts and dashboarding based on resource utilisation.

Let’s explore each one of these options.

Monitoring with the Spark History Server

The Spark History Server is a user interface to monitor the metrics and performance of completed and running Spark applications. The Spark History Server is offered as a charm in the Charmed Spark solution, which can be deployed via Juju.

Let’s create a fresh Juju model for some experiments with the Spark History server.

juju add-model history-server

To enable monitoring via the Spark History server, we must first create a service account with the necessary configuration for Spark jobs to be able to store logs in an S3 bucket. We then need to deploy the Spark History Server with Juju and configure it to read from the same S3 bucket that our Spark jobs write logs to.

Since Juju has already created the namespace history-server, let’s create a new service account in this namespace. We’ll reuse the configuration options from the existing spark service account and add a few more configuration parameters in order to tell Spark where to store and retrieve the logs.

# Get config from old service account and store in a file
spark-client.service-account-registry get-config \
  --username spark --namespace spark > properties.conf

# Add a few more config options for the storage of event logs
echo "spark.eventLog.enabled=true" >> properties.conf
echo "spark.eventLog.dir=s3a://spark-tutorial/spark-events/" >> properties.conf
echo "spark.history.fs.logDirectory=s3a://spark-tutorial/spark-events/" >> properties.conf

# Create a new service account and load configurations from the file
spark-client.service-account-registry create \
  --username spark --namespace history-server \
  --properties-file properties.conf

We’ve configured Spark to write logs to the spark-events path in the spark-tutorial bucket. However, that path doesn’t exist yet. Let’s create that path in S3. (Note that the / at the end is required.)

aws s3api put-object --bucket spark-tutorial --key spark-events/

Now, let’s deploy the spark-history-server-k8s charm into our Juju model.

juju deploy spark-history-server-k8s -n1 --channel 3.4/stable

The Spark History Server needs to connect to the S3 bucket for it to be able to read the logs. This integration is provided to the Spark History server charm by the s3-integrator charm. Let’s deploy the s3-integrator charm, configure it and integrate it with our spark-history-server-k8s deployment.

# Deploy s3-integrator
juju deploy s3-integrator -n1 --channel edge

# Configure s3-integrator with correct bucket name, directory path and endpoint
juju config s3-integrator bucket=spark-tutorial path="spark-events" endpoint=http://$S3_ENDPOINT

# Sync S3 credentials with s3-integrator
juju run s3-integrator/leader sync-s3-credentials \
  access-key=$ACCESS_KEY secret-key=$SECRET_KEY

# Integrate s3-integrator with Spark History Server
juju integrate s3-integrator spark-history-server-k8s

Let’s view the status of the Juju model now with the command juju status --watch 1s --relations. Once deployment and integration has completed for the charms, the status should look similar to the following:

Model           Controller      Cloud/Region        Version  SLA          Timestamp
history-server  spark-tutorial  microk8s/localhost  3.1.7    unsupported  07:29:35Z

App                       Version  Status  Scale  Charm                     Channel     Rev  Address         Exposed  Message
s3-integrator                      active      1  s3-integrator             edge         14   no       
spark-history-server-k8s           active      1  spark-history-server-k8s  3.4/stable   15  no       

Unit                         Workload  Agent  Address      Ports  Message
s3-integrator/0*             active    idle         
spark-history-server-k8s/0*  active    idle         

Integration provider               Requirer                                 Interface            Type     Message
s3-integrator:s3-credentials       spark-history-server-k8s:s3-credentials  s3                   regular  
s3-integrator:s3-integrator-peers  s3-integrator:s3-integrator-peers        s3-integrator-peers  peer   

The Spark History Server is now successfully configured to read logs from the S3 bucket. Let’s run a simple job so that Spark can generate some logs. We’re going to use the same example we used earlier, which already exists in the spark-tutorial bucket.

spark-client.spark-submit \
    --username spark --namespace history-server \
    --deploy-mode cluster \

The Spark History Server comes with a Web UI for us to view and monitor the Spark jobs submitted to our cluster. The web UI can be accessed at port 18080 of the IP address of the spark-history-server-k8s/0 unit. However, it’s good practice to access it via a Kubernetes Ingress rather than directly accessing the unit’s IP address. Using an Ingress will allow us to have a common entrypoint to the applications running in the Juju model. We can add an Ingress by deploying and integrating the traefik-k8s charm with our spark-history-server-k8s deployment.

# Deploy traefik charm
juju deploy traefik-k8s --channel latest/stable --trust

# Integrate traefik with spark-history-server-k8s
juju integrate traefik-k8s spark-history-server-k8s

Now that Traefik has been deployed and configured, we can fetch the Ingress URL of the Spark History Server by running the show-proxied-endpoints action on the Traefik charm.

juju run traefik-k8s/0 show-proxied-endpoints
# proxied-endpoints: '{"spark-history-server-k8s": {"url": ""}}'

Let’s open a web browser and then browse to this URL in order to see the Spark History Server UI, which should be similar to the one shown below.

When you click on the application ID, you can see the event timeline for the particular Spark job and information about completed jobs, as shown in the picture below.

In a similar way, you can view information about various stages in the job by navigating to the “Stages” menu. The values of the different properties used to run the job can be viewed in the “Environment” page. Finally, you can also view statistics about the individual executors in “Executors” page. Spend some time exploring the various pages. You might like to submit additional sample jobs and view their status.

Monitoring with Canonical Observability Stack

The Charmed Spark solution comes with the spark-metrics exporter embedded in the Charmed Spark OCI image which is used as a base image for driver and executor pods. The exporter is designed to push metrics to the Prometheus Pushgateway, which in turn is integrated with the Canonical Observability Stack.

In order to enable observability on Charmed Spark, two steps are necessary:

  1. Deploy the COS (Canonical Observability Stack) bundle with Juju
  2. Configure the Spark service account to use the Prometheus sink

Let’s begin by setting up the COS bundle. Let’s start by creating a fresh Juju model with name cos.

juju add-model cos

Now, let’s deploy the cos-lite charm bundle.

juju deploy cos-lite --trust

When you deploy cos-lite, it deploys several charms like Prometheus, Grafana, Loki, etc. that together build up the Canonical Observability Stack. You can view the list of charms that have been deployed and their relations with juju status --relations. The output is similar the following (note that it may take some time for the status to be active for each charm.):

Model  Controller  Cloud/Region        Version  SLA          Timestamp
cos    k8s         microk8s/localhost  3.1.7    unsupported  15:41:53+05:45

App           Version  Status  Scale  Charm             Channel  Rev  Address         Exposed  Message
alertmanager  0.25.0   active      1  alertmanager-k8s  stable    96  no       
catalogue              active      1  catalogue-k8s     stable    33  no       
grafana       9.2.1    active      1  grafana-k8s       stable    93  no       
loki          2.7.4    active      1  loki-k8s          stable   105  no       
prometheus    2.47.2   active      1  prometheus-k8s    stable   159  no       
traefik       2.10.4   active      1  traefik-k8s       stable   166  no       

Unit             Workload  Agent  Address       Ports  Message
alertmanager/0*  active    idle         
catalogue/0*     active    idle          
grafana/0*       active    idle         
loki/0*          active    idle         
prometheus/0*    active    idle          
traefik/0*       active    idle         

Integration provider                Requirer                     Interface              Type     Message
alertmanager:alerting               loki:alertmanager            alertmanager_dispatch  regular  
alertmanager:alerting               prometheus:alertmanager      alertmanager_dispatch  regular  
alertmanager:grafana-dashboard      grafana:grafana-dashboard    grafana_dashboard      regular  
alertmanager:grafana-source         grafana:grafana-source       grafana_datasource     regular  
alertmanager:replicas               alertmanager:replicas        alertmanager_replica   peer     
alertmanager:self-metrics-endpoint  prometheus:metrics-endpoint  prometheus_scrape      regular  
catalogue:catalogue                 alertmanager:catalogue       catalogue              regular  
catalogue:catalogue                 grafana:catalogue            catalogue              regular  
catalogue:catalogue                 prometheus:catalogue         catalogue              regular  
catalogue:replicas                  catalogue:replicas           catalogue_replica      peer     
grafana:grafana                     grafana:grafana              grafana_peers          peer     
grafana:metrics-endpoint            prometheus:metrics-endpoint  prometheus_scrape      regular  
grafana:replicas                    grafana:replicas             grafana_replicas       peer     
loki:grafana-dashboard              grafana:grafana-dashboard    grafana_dashboard      regular  
loki:grafana-source                 grafana:grafana-source       grafana_datasource     regular  
loki:metrics-endpoint               prometheus:metrics-endpoint  prometheus_scrape      regular  
loki:replicas                       loki:replicas                loki_replica           peer     
prometheus:grafana-dashboard        grafana:grafana-dashboard    grafana_dashboard      regular  
prometheus:grafana-source           grafana:grafana-source       grafana_datasource     regular  
prometheus:prometheus-peers         prometheus:prometheus-peers  prometheus_peers       peer     
traefik:ingress                     alertmanager:ingress         ingress                regular  
traefik:ingress                     catalogue:ingress            ingress                regular  
traefik:ingress-per-unit            loki:ingress                 ingress_per_unit       regular  
traefik:ingress-per-unit            prometheus:ingress           ingress_per_unit       regular  
traefik:metrics-endpoint            prometheus:metrics-endpoint  prometheus_scrape      regular  
traefik:peers                       traefik:peers                traefik_peers          peer     
traefik:traefik-route               grafana:ingress              traefik_route          regular  

At this point, the observability stack has been deployed, but Charmed Spark is not yet wired up to it. Generally, Prometheus collects metrics of services by regularly scraping dedicated endpoints. However, Spark jobs can be ephemeral processes that may not last so long, and are not really appropriate to be scraped. Moreover, the IPs/hostnames of pods are likely to change between runs, therefore requiring a more complex self-discoverable automation. For these reasons, we opted to have jobs run with Charmed Spark push metrics (rather than having Prometheus pulling them) to a dedicated service, called Prometheus Pushgateway, that caches the metrics and exposes them to Prometheus for regular scraping, even when the Spark job has finished. Therefore, to wire Spark jobs up with the observability stack, we need to deploy a Prometheus Pushgateway and then add Spark configuration parameters to be able to connect to it. The Prometheus Pushgateway in turn will then be integrated with Prometheus. Let’s deploy the prometheus-pushgateway-k8s charm and integrate it with the prometheus charm.

juju deploy prometheus-pushgateway-k8s --channel edge

juju integrate prometheus-pushgateway-k8s prometheus

Now, for Spark to be able to access the Prometheus gateway, we need the gateway address and port. Let’s export them as environment variables so that they can be used later.

# Get prometheus gateway IP
export PROMETHEUS_GATEWAY=$(juju status --format=json | jq -r '.applications."prometheus-pushgateway-k8s".address') 


Now that we have the Prometheus gateway IP address and port, let’s create a new service account in the cos namespace with all the configuration options that the spark service account in the spark namespace has, plus a few additional configuration options related to the Prometheus Pushgateway.

# Get config from old service account and store in a file
spark-client.service-account-registry get-config \
  --username spark --namespace spark > properties.conf

# Create a new service account and load configurations from the file
spark-client.service-account-registry create \
  --username spark --namespace cos \
  --properties-file properties.conf

# Add configuration options related to Prometheus
spark-client.service-account-registry add-config \
  --username spark --namespace cos \
      --conf spark.metrics.conf.driver.sink.prometheus.pushgateway-address=$PROMETHEUS_GATEWAY:$PROMETHEUS_PORT \
      --conf spark.metrics.conf.driver.sink.prometheus.class=org.apache.spark.banzaicloud.metrics.sink.PrometheusSink \
      --conf spark.metrics.conf.driver.sink.prometheus.enable-dropwizard-collector=true \
      --conf spark.metrics.conf.driver.sink.prometheus.period=5 \
      --conf spark.metrics.conf.driver.sink.prometheus.metrics-name-capture-regex='([a-z0-9]*_[a-z0-9]*_[a-z0-9]*_)(.+)' \
      --conf spark.metrics.conf.driver.sink.prometheus.metrics-name-replacement=\$2 \
      --conf spark.metrics.conf.executor.sink.prometheus.pushgateway-address=$PROMETHEUS_GATEWAY:$PROMETHEUS_PORT \
      --conf spark.metrics.conf.executor.sink.prometheus.class=org.apache.spark.banzaicloud.metrics.sink.PrometheusSink \
      --conf spark.metrics.conf.executor.sink.prometheus.enable-dropwizard-collector=true \
      --conf spark.metrics.conf.executor.sink.prometheus.period=5 \
      --conf spark.metrics.conf.executor.sink.prometheus.metrics-name-capture-regex='([a-z0-9]*_[a-z0-9]*_[a-z0-9]*_)(.+)' \
      --conf spark.metrics.conf.executor.sink.prometheus.metrics-name-replacement=\$2

Now that Prometheus is configured, let’s move on to configuring Grafana. For this tutorial, we are going to use a basic Grafana dashboard, which is available here. We’re going to use the cos-configuration-k8s charm to specify this dashboard is to be used by Grafana, and then integrate it with the grafana charm.

# Deploy cos configuration charm to import the grafana dashboard
juju deploy cos-configuration-k8s \
  --config git_repo= \
  --config git_branch=dashboard \
  --config git_depth=1 \
  --config grafana_dashboards_path=dashboards/prod/grafana/

# integrate cos-configration charm to import grafana dashboard
juju integrate cos-configuration-k8s grafana

Once deployed and integrated, we can check the status of the juju model with the command juju status --relations, which should be similar to the following:

Model  Controller  Cloud/Region        Version  SLA          Timestamp
cos    k8s         microk8s/localhost  3.1.7    unsupported  17:44:56+05:45

App                         Version  Status  Scale  Charm                       Channel  Rev  Address         Exposed  Message
alertmanager                0.25.0   active      1  alertmanager-k8s            stable    96  no       
catalogue                            active      1  catalogue-k8s               stable    33  no       
cos-configuration-k8s       3.5.0    active      1  cos-configuration-k8s       stable    42  no       
grafana                     9.2.1    active      1  grafana-k8s                 stable    93  no       
loki                        2.7.4    active      1  loki-k8s                    stable   105  no       
prometheus                  2.47.2   active      1  prometheus-k8s              stable   159  no       
prometheus-pushgateway-k8s  1.6.2    active      1  prometheus-pushgateway-k8s  edge       7   no       
traefik                     2.10.4   active      1  traefik-k8s                 stable   166  no       

Unit                           Workload  Agent  Address       Ports  Message
alertmanager/0*                active    idle          
catalogue/0*                   active    idle         
cos-configuration-k8s/0*       active    idle         
grafana/0*                     active    idle          
loki/0*                        active    idle         
prometheus-pushgateway-k8s/0*  active    idle         
prometheus/0*                  active    idle          
traefik/0*                     active    idle          

Integration provider                          Requirer                                      Interface                  Type     Message
alertmanager:alerting                         loki:alertmanager                             alertmanager_dispatch      regular  
alertmanager:alerting                         prometheus:alertmanager                       alertmanager_dispatch      regular  
alertmanager:grafana-dashboard                grafana:grafana-dashboard                     grafana_dashboard          regular  
alertmanager:grafana-source                   grafana:grafana-source                        grafana_datasource         regular  
alertmanager:replicas                         alertmanager:replicas                         alertmanager_replica       peer     
alertmanager:self-metrics-endpoint            prometheus:metrics-endpoint                   prometheus_scrape          regular  
catalogue:catalogue                           alertmanager:catalogue                        catalogue                  regular  
catalogue:catalogue                           grafana:catalogue                             catalogue                  regular  
catalogue:catalogue                           prometheus:catalogue                          catalogue                  regular  
catalogue:replicas                            catalogue:replicas                            catalogue_replica          peer     
cos-configuration-k8s:grafana-dashboards      grafana:grafana-dashboard                     grafana_dashboard          regular  
cos-configuration-k8s:replicas                cos-configuration-k8s:replicas                cos_configuration_replica  peer     
grafana:grafana                               grafana:grafana                               grafana_peers              peer     
grafana:metrics-endpoint                      prometheus:metrics-endpoint                   prometheus_scrape          regular  
grafana:replicas                              grafana:replicas                              grafana_replicas           peer     
loki:grafana-dashboard                        grafana:grafana-dashboard                     grafana_dashboard          regular  
loki:grafana-source                           grafana:grafana-source                        grafana_datasource         regular  
loki:metrics-endpoint                         prometheus:metrics-endpoint                   prometheus_scrape          regular  
loki:replicas                                 loki:replicas                                 loki_replica               peer     
prometheus-pushgateway-k8s:metrics-endpoint   prometheus:metrics-endpoint                   prometheus_scrape          regular  
prometheus-pushgateway-k8s:pushgateway-peers  prometheus-pushgateway-k8s:pushgateway-peers  pushgateway_peers          peer     
prometheus:grafana-dashboard                  grafana:grafana-dashboard                     grafana_dashboard          regular  
prometheus:grafana-source                     grafana:grafana-source                        grafana_datasource         regular  
prometheus:prometheus-peers                   prometheus:prometheus-peers                   prometheus_peers           peer     
traefik:ingress                               alertmanager:ingress                          ingress                    regular  
traefik:ingress                               catalogue:ingress                             ingress                    regular  
traefik:ingress-per-unit                      loki:ingress                                  ingress_per_unit           regular  
traefik:ingress-per-unit                      prometheus:ingress                            ingress_per_unit           regular  
traefik:metrics-endpoint                      prometheus:metrics-endpoint                   prometheus_scrape          regular  
traefik:peers                                 traefik:peers                                 traefik_peers              peer     
traefik:traefik-route                         grafana:ingress                               traefik_route              regular  

Now that we have the observability stack up and running, let’s run a simple Spark job so that the metric logs are pushed to the Prometheus gateway. For simplicity, we’re going to use the same script that we prepared in the earlier sections.

spark-client.spark-submit \
    --username spark --namespace cos \
    --deploy-mode cluster \

Once the job completes, let’s try to open the Grafana web UI and see some metrics. The credentials for the built-in admin user and the URL to the web UI can be grabbed using the get-admin-password action exposed by grafana charm:

juju run grafana/leader get-admin-password
# ...
# admin-password: w5lk07PIW5U0
# url:

Open the URL in a web browser. Log in using admin as the username and the password that we just fetched in the earlier command. We should see the Grafana web UI, similar to the screenshot below.

In the navigation menu on the left, select “Dashboards” and then “Browse”. There you should see the “Spark Dashboard” listed. You’ll see a dashboard similar to the one in the picture below. This is the dashboard we configured earlier with cos-configuration-k8s charm.

Play around the dashboard and observe the various metrics like Block Manager memory, JVM Executor Memory, etc. You can also reduce the time range to further zoom into the time graph.

In the next section, we are going to wrap up with the tutorial and clean up all the resources we created.

Help improve this document in the forum (guidelines). Last updated 7 months ago.