
Charmed Kafka

Channel Revision Published Runs on
3/stable 195 10 Dec 2024
Ubuntu 22.04
3/candidate 195 04 Dec 2024
Ubuntu 22.04
3/beta 195 09 Dec 2024
Ubuntu 22.04
3/edge 200 28 Jan 2025
Ubuntu 22.04
juju deploy kafka --channel 3/stable
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Charm statuses

The charm follows standard Juju applications statuses. Here you can find the expected end-users reactions on different statuses:

Apache Kafka

Juju Status Message Expectations Actions
Active Normal charm operations No actions required
Active manual partition reassignment may be needed to utilize new storage volumes Existing data is not automatically rebalanced when new storage is attached. New storage will be used for newly created topics and/or partitions Inspect the storage utilization and based on the need, use the bash utility script /snap/charmed-kafka/current/opt/kafka/bin/kafka-reassign-partitions.sh for manual data rebalancing.
Active potential data loss due to storage removal without replication Some partition/topics are not replicated on multiple storages, therefore potentially leading to data loss Add new storage, increase replication of topics/partitions and/or rebalance data across multiple storages/brokers
Active machine system settings are not optimal - see logs for info The broker is running on a machine that has sub-optimal OS settings. Although this may not preclude Apache Kafka to work, it may result in sub-optimal performances Check the juju debug-log for insights on which settings are sub-optimal and may be changed
Active sysctl params cannot be set. Is the machine running on a container? Some of the sysctl settings required by Apache Kafka could not be set, therefore affecting Apache Kafka performance and correct settings. This can also be due to the charm being deployed on the wrong substrate Remove the deployment and make sure that the selected charm is correct given the Juju cloud substrate
Blocked unable to install charmed-kafka snap There are issues with the network connection and/or the Snap Store Check your internet connection and https://status.snapcraft.io/. Remove the application and when everything is ok, deploy the charm again
Blocked snap service not running The charm failed to start the snap daemon processes Check the Apache Kafka logs for insights on the issue
Blocked missing required zookeeper relation Apache Kafka charm has not been connected to any ZooKeeper cluster Relate to an Apache ZooKeeper charm
Blocked unit not connected to zookeeper Although the relation is present, the unit has failed to connect to Apache ZooKeeper Make sure that Apache Kafka and Apache ZooKeeper can connect and exchange data. When using encryption, make sure that certificates/ca are correctly setup.
Blocked tls must be enabled on both kafka and zookeeper Encryption (and relation with TLS-certificates operators) must be either enabled or disabled on both Charmed Apache Kafka and Charmed Apache ZooKeeper Make sure that both Charmed Apache Kafka and Charmed Apache ZooKeeper either both use or neither of them use encryption.
Waiting zookeeper credentials not created yet Credentials are being created on Charmed Apache ZooKeeper, and Charmed Apache Kafka is waiting to receive them to connect to Apache ZooKeeper
Waiting internal broker credentials not yet added Intra-broker credentials being created to enable communication and syncing among brokers belonging to the Apache Kafka clusters.
Waiting unit waiting for signed certificates Unit has requested a CSR request via the certificates relation and it is waiting to receive the signed certificate
Maintenance Charm is performing the internal maintenance (e.g. cluster re-configuration, upgrade, …) No actions required
Error any An unhanded internal error happened Read the message hint. Execute juju resolve <error_unit/0> after addressing the root of the error state
Terminated any The unit is gone and will be cleaned by Juju soon No actions possible
Unknown any Juju doesn’t know the charm app/unit status. Possible reason: K8s charm termination in progress. Manual investigation required if status is permanent

Apache ZooKeeper

Juju Status Message Expectations Actions
Active Normal charm operations No actions required
Blocked unable to install zookeeper service There are issues with the network connection and/or the Snap Store Check your internet connection and https://status.snapcraft.io/. Remove the application and when everything is ok, deploy the charm again
Blocked zookeeper service not running The charm failed to start the snap daemon processes Check the Apache ZooKeeper logs for insights on the issue
Blocked zookeeper service is unreachable or not serving requests The Apache ZooKeeper service is either down or not exposed through the correct port Check the Apache ZooKeeper logs for the impacted units and insights on underlying issue
Waiting waiting for leader to create internal user credentials The Apache ZooKeeper cluster is being initialized and the leader is setting up credentials
Waiting other units starting first Apache ZooKeeper units are being started and added to the quorum in order
Waiting unit waiting for signed certificates Unit has requested a CSR request via the certificates relation and it is waiting to receive the signed certificate
Maintenance not all units registered IP The units are being registered to the quorum
Maintenance cluster not stable - not all units related Some Apache ZooKeeper units are not connected, reducing cluster availability and obstructing elections Make sure the units can reach each other and communicate
Maintenance cluster not stable - quorum is stale The cluster does not have an active quorum, preventing the cluster from running elections Do not perform any extra-ordinary operation. Wait for the units to connect and form a quorum. If the problem persists, please check the Apache ZooKeeper logs on all units for further insights.
Maintenance cluster not stable - not all units added to quorum Some Apache ZooKeeper units are not part of the quorum, reducing cluster availability and obstructing elections Do not perform any extra-ordinary operation. Wait for the units to connect and form a quorum. If some units keep being not connected, please check the Apache ZooKeeper logs of such units for further insights.
Maintenance provider not ready - not all units using same encryption Units use different settings for encryption, therefore preventing correct cluster operations. This situation can transiently occur when new protocols / certificates are being setup. If the message persist, please check the Apache ZooKeeper logs for further insights.
Maintenance provider not ready - switching quorum encryption Encryption is being enabled / disabled. This situation can transiently occur when encryption is being set up. If the message persists, please check the Apache ZooKeeper logs for further insights.
Maintenance provider not ready - portUnification not yet disabled Specifies that the client port should accept SSL connections (using the same configuration as the secure client port).
Error any An unhanded internal error happened Read the message hint. Run juju resolve <error_unit/0> after addressing the root of the error state
Terminated any The unit is gone and will be cleaned by Juju soon No actions possible
Unknown any Juju doesn’t know the charm app/unit status. Possible reason: K8s charm termination in progress. Manual investigation required if the status is permanent

Help improve this document in the forum (guidelines). Last updated 2 months ago.