Charmed Kafka

Channel Revision Published Runs on
3/stable 185 23 Oct 2024
Ubuntu 22.04
3/candidate 185 21 Oct 2024
Ubuntu 22.04
3/beta 185 21 Oct 2024
Ubuntu 22.04
3/edge 186 24 Oct 2024
Ubuntu 22.04
juju deploy kafka --channel 3/stable
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Versions used for this integration example:

  • LXD (v5.21.1)
  • MicroK8s (v1.28.10)
  • Kafka charm: built from this feature PR, which adds Hydra integration

Initial deployment

On microk8s, metallb addon is needed, this will allow Traefik ingress from the LXD model:

$ microk8s enable metallb:

Loosely following the Hydra tutorial:

# On the microk8s controller
$ juju add-model iam

$ juju deploy hydra --channel=latest/edge --trust
$ juju deploy postgresql-k8s --channel 14/stable --trust --series jammy
$ juju deploy traefik-k8s --channel=latest/stable traefik-public
$ juju deploy traefik-k8s --channel=latest/stable traefik-admin
$ juju deploy self-signed-certificates --channel edge --config ca-common-name=test

# Once charms are deployed
$ juju integrate hydra postgresql-k8s
$ juju integrate hydra:public-ingress traefik-public
$ juju integrate hydra:admin-ingress traefik-admin
$ juju integrate self-signed-certificates traefik-public:certificates
$ juju integrate self-signed-certificates traefik-admin:certificates

$ juju offer admin/iam.hydra:oauth
$ juju offer admin/iam.self-signed-certificates:certificates

Kafka setup:

# On the lxd controller
$ juju add-model kafka

$ juju deploy zookeeper --channel 3/edge
$ juju deploy ./*charm  # kafka charm built from oauth feature PR
$ juju integrate zookeeper kafka

$ juju consume micro:admin/iam.hydra  # micro is the name of k8s controller
$ juju consume micro:admin/iam.self-signed-certificates

$ juju integrate kafka:certificates self-signed-certificates
$ juju integrate zookeeper self-signed-certificates

Once everything is settled, integrate Kafka and Hydra:

# On the lxd model
$ juju integrate kafka hydra

Create a client on Hydra and request a token

# On iam model
$ code_client=$(juju run hydra/0 create-oauth-client --quiet scope="[profile,email,phone,offline]" grant-types="[client_credentials]" audience="[kafka]")
$ echo $code_client  # The client will look something similar to:
audience: '[''kafka'']' 
client-id: eeec2a88-52bf-46e6-85bf-d20cd832aa61 
client-secret: C1nycFCBFECMQ1-XsOPk0E4e_Y
grant-types: client_credentials
redirect-uris: ""
response-types: code
scope: profile email phone offline
token-endpoint-auth-method: client_secret_basic

$ juju run traefik-public/0 --quiet show-proxied-endpoints
proxied-endpoints: '{"hydra": {"url": ""}}' 

# Use public endpoint to request a token
# the user needed is made from <client-id:client-secret>
$ curl -k -u eeec2a88-52bf-46e6-85bf-d20cd832aa61:C1nycFCBFECMQ1-XsOPk0E4e_Y -d "scope=profile" -d "grant_type=client_credentials" -d "audience=kafka" -s

With this token, a client can now authenticate on Kafka using oAuth listeners.

Help improve this document in the forum (guidelines). Last updated 2 months ago.