
Channel Revision Published Runs on
3/stable 156 27 Feb 2024
Ubuntu 22.04
3/candidate 156 27 Feb 2024
Ubuntu 22.04
3/beta 156 27 Feb 2024
Ubuntu 22.04
3/edge 177 19 Jul 2024
Ubuntu 22.04
juju deploy kafka --channel 3/stable
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File System Path

In the following table, we summarize some of the most relevant file paths used in the Kafka and ZooKeeper charms.


Path Description Permission
/snap/charmed-kafka/current/opt/kafka Binary files for the Charmed Kafka distribution. Note that this is a readonly squashfs file system. (read-only)
/snap/charmed-kafka/current/opt/kafka/bin/*.sh General bash scripts to provide helpers and utilities for managing and interacting with Kafka. (read-only)
/var/snap/charmed-kafka/current/etc/kafka/ Configuration files used by Kafka daemon process. These files are generally written and managed by the charm. (owned by snap_daemon, managed by charm)
/var/snap/charmed-kafka/common/var/log/kafka/ Application Logging files generated by the Kafka daemon process. These files are written by the workload, but they may be read by other components to provide monitoring (e.g. grafana and/or charm). (owned and managed by snap_daemon)
/var/snap/charmed-kafka/common/var/lib/kafka/ Raw data stored persistently by Kafka during its operations. The files are written and managed by Kafka only. (owned and managed by snap_daemon)

External storage is used for storing persistent raw data that is mounted at /var/snap/charmed-kafka/common/var/lib/kafka/<storage-id>, with <storage-id> being a progressive number.

Multiple storage volumes can be used for providing both horizontal scalability and provide IO parallelization to enhance throughput.


Path Description Permission
/snap/charmed-zookeeper/current/opt/zookeeper Binary files for the Charmed ZooKeeper distribution. Note that this is a readonly squashfs file system. (read-only)
/snap/charmed-zookeeper/current/opt/zookeeper/bin/*.sh General bash scripts to provide helpers and utilities for managing and interacting with ZooKeeper. (read-only)
/var/snap/charmed-zookeeper/current/etc/zookeeper/ Configuration files used by ZooKeeper daemon process. These files are generally written and managed by the charm. (owned by snap_daemon, managed by charm)
/var/snap/charmed-zookeeper/common/var/log/zookeeper/ Application Logging files generated by the ZooKeeper daemon process. These files are written by the workload, but they may be read by other components to provide monitoring (e.g. grafana and/or charm). (owned and managed by snap_daemon)
/var/snap/charmed-zookeeper/common/var/lib/zookeeper/ Raw data stored persistently by ZooKeeper during its operations. The files are written and managed by ZooKeeper only. (owned and managed by snap_daemon)

External storage is used for storing persistent raw data, and it is
mounted at /var/snap/charmed-kafka/common/var/lib/zookeeper.

Help improve this document in the forum (guidelines). Last updated 4 months ago.