
Trino Server

  • Commercial Systems
Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 39 09 Dec 2024
Ubuntu 22.04
latest/beta 33 03 Oct 2024
Ubuntu 22.04
latest/edge 40 27 Feb 2025
Ubuntu 22.04
juju deploy trino-k8s
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  • acl-catalog-pattern | string

    Default: .*

    The pattern to match catalog names, for which the policy should be applied. The default value .* applies to all catalogs.

  • acl-mode-default | string

    Default: all

    The default ACLs for all Trino catalogs, one of all or none. all: Allow all users access to all catalogs. none: Deny all users access to all catalogs. A Ranger relation will supersede this default.

  • acl-user-pattern | string

    Default: .*

    The pattern to match users, for which the policy should be applied. The default value .* applies to all users.

  • additional-jvm-options | string

    Space-separated string of JVM options to be added to the config file. By default the following options are included. The value of the option can be overwritten by providing the option with the updated value via this config parameter. "-Xmx2G" "-XX:InitialRAMPercentage=80" "-XX:+ExplicitGCInvokesConcurrent" "-XX:-OmitStackTraceInFastThrow" "-Djdk.attach.allowAttachSelf=true" "-Dfile.encoding=UTF-8" "-XX:+ExitOnOutOfMemoryError" "-XX:+HeapDumpOnOutOfMemoryError"

  • catalog-config | string

    Catalogs for which Trino should be connected.

  • charm-function | string

    Default: coordinator

    One of coordinator, worker or all to determine the function of the application. all will result in a single node deployment, not recommended for production.

  • coordinator-connect-timeout | string

    Default: 30s

    Specifies the maximum amount of time the client will wait for a connection to be established with the coordinator. If the connection cannot be made within this period, the client will give up and raise an error.

  • coordinator-request-timeout | string

    Default: 10m

    Specifies the maximum amount of time the client will wait for a response from the coordinator once a connection has been established. This timeout ensures that client requests do not stall indefinitely if the coordinator is slow to respond.

  • discovery-uri | string

    Default: http://trino-k8s:8080

    When using a coordinator and worker this is the host and port of the coordinator service that the workers announce themselves to.

  • external-hostname | string

    Default: trino-k8s

    The DNS listing used for external connections. Will default to the name of the deployed application.

  • google-client-id | string

    Client id from Google Oauth setup

  • google-client-secret | string

    Client password from Google Oauth setup

  • int-comms-secret | string

    The secret Trino uses to communicate between nodes.

  • log-level | string

    Default: info

    Trino server logging level. Valid values: info, debug, warn, error.

  • max-concurrent-queries | int

    Default: 5

    The maximum number of queries that Trino is allowed to run concurrently. Any additional queries beyond this limit will be queued until a running query finishes.

  • oauth-user-mapping | string

    Optional regex pattern with capture group to determine the username from oauth email. ie. (.)@.

  • ranger-service-name | string

    The service name for Trino in Apache Ranger when related. Defaults to relation id.

  • tls-secret-name | string

    Default: trino-tls

    Name of the k8s secret which contains the TLS certificate to be used by ingress.

  • user-secret-id | string

    The Juju secret id for the Trino user credentials.

  • web-proxy | string

    The address of the web proxy. To be used in combination with google-client-id and google-client-secret values.

  • worker-request-timeout | string

    Default: 30s

    Specifies the maximum amount of time the coordinator will wait for a response from a worker node after the connection is established. This setting helps manage scenarios where worker nodes are slow to respond, ensuring that the coordinator does not wait indefinitely.

  • workload-cpu-limits | string

    Kubernetes cpu resource request for the trino workload container. This should be equal to or greater than your requests. eg. 1

  • workload-cpu-requests | string

    Kubernetes cpu resource request for the trino workload container. eg. 1

  • workload-memory-limits | string

    Kubernetes memory resource request for the trino workload container. This should be equal to or greater than your requests. eg. "1Gi"

  • workload-memory-requests | string

    Kubernetes memory resource request for the trino workload container. eg. "1Gi"