Temporal Server
- Commercial Systems
Channel | Revision | Published | Runs on |
latest/stable | 43 | Today | |
latest/edge | 43 | Today |
juju deploy temporal-k8s --channel edge
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Deploy Temporal Web UI
This is part of the Charmed Temporal Tutorial. Please refer to this page for more information and the overview of the content.
The Temporal Web UI is a user interface used to interact with and monitor Temporal workflows and activities.
To deploy Charmed Temporal Web UI, you need to run the following command, which will fetch the charm from Charmhub and deploy it to your model:
juju deploy temporal-ui-k8s
Wait until the application is ready - when it is ready, juju status
will show:
Model Controller Cloud/Region Version SLA Timestamp
temporal-model temporal-controller microk8s/localhost 3.1.5 unsupported 16:35:14+03:00
App Version Status Scale Charm Channel Rev Address Exposed Message
postgresql-k8s 14.7 active 1 postgresql-k8s 14/stable 73 no Primary
temporal-admin-k8s active 1 temporal-admin-k8s stable 4 no
temporal-k8s active 1 temporal-k8s stable 9 no
temporal-ui-k8s waiting 1 temporal-ui-k8s stable 8 no installing agent
Unit Workload Agent Address Ports Message
postgresql-k8s/0* active idle Primary
temporal-admin-k8s/0* active idle
temporal-k8s/0* active idle
temporal-ui-k8s/0* blocked idle ui:temporal relation: not available
Relate Temporal Server to Temporal Web UI
To relate the two charms together, run the following command:
juju relate temporal-k8s:ui temporal-ui-k8s:ui
Wait until the two charms have been related and settled - when ready,
juju status --relations
will show:
Model Controller Cloud/Region Version SLA Timestamp
temporal-model temporal-controller microk8s/localhost 3.1.5 unsupported 16:36:27+03:00
App Version Status Scale Charm Channel Rev Address Exposed Message
postgresql-k8s 14.7 active 1 postgresql-k8s 14/stable 73 no Primary
temporal-admin-k8s active 1 temporal-admin-k8s stable 4 no
temporal-k8s active 1 temporal-k8s stable 9 no
temporal-ui-k8s active 1 temporal-ui-k8s stable 8 no
Unit Workload Agent Address Ports Message
postgresql-k8s/0* active idle Primary
temporal-admin-k8s/0* active idle
temporal-k8s/0* active idle
temporal-ui-k8s/0* active idle
Relation provider Requirer Interface Type Message
postgresql-k8s:database temporal-k8s:db postgresql_client regular
postgresql-k8s:database temporal-k8s:visibility postgresql_client regular
postgresql-k8s:database-peers postgresql-k8s:database-peers postgresql_peers peer
postgresql-k8s:restart postgresql-k8s:restart rolling_op peer
temporal-admin-k8s:admin temporal-k8s:admin temporal regular
temporal-k8s:peer temporal-k8s:peer temporal peer
temporal-ui-k8s:peer temporal-ui-k8s:peer temporal peer
temporal-ui-k8s:ui temporal-k8s:ui temporal regular
At this point, you can access the web UI using the unit IP address
. Note that the unit IP address might differ in your
deployment. You will be able to see the default namespace and the label “No
Workflows Found” as seen below.
See next: Deploy Nginx Ingress Integrator