
  • Canonical Observability
Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 71 10 Sep 2024
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latest/stable 9 16 Feb 2024
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latest/candidate 75 10 Sep 2024
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latest/candidate 9 12 Dec 2023
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latest/beta 75 01 Aug 2024
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latest/edge 83 17 Sep 2024
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latest/edge 9 31 Jul 2023
Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 20.04
juju deploy tempo-k8s
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#!/usr/bin/env python3
# Copyright 2022 Canonical Ltd.
# See LICENSE file for licensing details.

"""This charm library contains utilities to instrument your Charm with opentelemetry tracing data collection.

(yes! charm code, not workload code!)

This means that, if your charm is related to, for example, COS' Tempo charm, you will be able to inspect
in real time from the Grafana dashboard the execution flow of your charm.

To start using this library, you need to do two things:
1) decorate your charm class with


2) add to your charm a "my_tracing_endpoint" (you can name this attribute whatever you like) **property**
that returns an otlp grpc endpoint url. If you are using the `TracingEndpointProvider` as
`self.tracing = TracingEndpointProvider(self)`, the implementation could be:

    def my_tracing_endpoint(self) -> Optional[str]:
        '''Tempo endpoint for charm tracing'''
        return self.tracing.otlp_grpc_endpoint

At this point your charm will be automatically instrumented so that:
- charm execution starts a trace, containing
    - every event as a span (including custom events)
    - every charm method call (except dunders) as a span

if you wish to add more fine-grained information to the trace, you can do so by getting a hold of the tracer like so:
import opentelemetry
    def tracer(self) -> opentelemetry.trace.Tracer:
        return opentelemetry.trace.get_tracer(type(self).__name__)

By default, the tracer is named after the charm type. If you wish to override that, you can pass
a different `service_name` argument to `trace_charm`.

import functools
import inspect
import logging
import os
from contextlib import contextmanager
from contextvars import ContextVar
from typing import (

import opentelemetry
from grpc import ChannelCredentials
from opentelemetry.exporter.otlp.proto.grpc.trace_exporter import OTLPSpanExporter
from opentelemetry.sdk.resources import Resource
from opentelemetry.sdk.trace import Span, TracerProvider
from opentelemetry.sdk.trace.export import BatchSpanProcessor
from opentelemetry.trace import INVALID_SPAN, Tracer
from opentelemetry.trace import get_current_span as otlp_get_current_span
from opentelemetry.trace import (
from ops.charm import CharmBase
from ops.framework import Framework

# The unique Charmhub library identifier, never change it
LIBID = "0a8cf1b7b95d4cfcb90055f2d84897b3"

# Increment this major API version when introducing breaking changes

# Increment this PATCH version before using `charmcraft publish-lib` or reset
# to 0 if you are raising the major API version

PYDEPS = ["opentelemetry-exporter-otlp-proto-grpc==1.17.0"]

logger = logging.getLogger("tracing")

    "The charms.tempo_k8s.v0.charm_instrumentation charm lib has been renamed "
    "to charms.tempo_k8s.v0.charm_tracing. Please delete this lib and fetch "
    "charms.tempo_k8s.v0.charm_tracing instead. "
    "This library is version-locked to 0.8 (no further versions will be released, ever) "
    "and unmaintained. At some point this library might be deleted altogether and will no "
    "longer be available in charmhub."

tracer: ContextVar[Tracer] = ContextVar("tracer")
_GetterType = Union[Callable[[CharmBase], Optional[str]], property]


def is_enabled() -> bool:
    """Whether charm tracing is enabled."""
    return os.getenv(CHARM_TRACING_ENABLED, "1") == "1"

def _charm_tracing_disabled():
    """Contextmanager to temporarily disable charm tracing.

    For usage in tests.
    previous = os.getenv(CHARM_TRACING_ENABLED, "1")
    os.environ[CHARM_TRACING_ENABLED] = "0"
    os.environ[CHARM_TRACING_ENABLED] = previous

def get_current_span() -> Union[Span, None]:
    """Return the currently active Span, if there is one, else None.

    If you'd rather keep your logic unconditional, you can use opentelemetry.trace.get_current_span,
    which will return an object that behaves like a span but records no data.
    span = otlp_get_current_span()
    if span is INVALID_SPAN:
        return None
    return cast(Span, span)

def _get_tracer() -> Optional[Tracer]:
        return tracer.get()
    except LookupError:
        return None

def _span(name: str) -> Generator[Optional[Span], Any, Any]:
    """Context to create a span if there is a tracer, otherwise do nothing."""
    if tracer := _get_tracer():
        with tracer.start_as_current_span(name) as span:
            yield cast(Span, span)
        yield None

_C = TypeVar("_C", bound=Type[CharmBase])
_T = TypeVar("_T", bound=type)
_F = TypeVar("_F", bound=Type[Callable])

class TracingError(RuntimeError):
    """Base class for errors raised by this module."""

class UntraceableObjectError(TracingError):
    """Raised when an object you're attempting to instrument cannot be autoinstrumented."""

def _get_tracing_endpoint(tracing_endpoint_getter, self, charm):
    if isinstance(tracing_endpoint_getter, property):
        tracing_endpoint = tracing_endpoint_getter.__get__(self)
    else:  # method or callable
        tracing_endpoint = tracing_endpoint_getter(self)

    if tracing_endpoint is None:
            f"{charm}.{getattr(tracing_endpoint_getter, '__qualname__', str(tracing_endpoint_getter))} "
            f"returned None; continuing with tracing DISABLED."
    elif not isinstance(tracing_endpoint, str):
        raise TypeError(
            f"{charm}.{tracing_endpoint_getter} should return a tempo endpoint (string); "
            f"got {tracing_endpoint} instead."
        logger.debug(f"Setting up span exporter to endpoint: {tracing_endpoint}")
    return tracing_endpoint

def _get_server_cert(server_cert_getter, self, charm):
    if isinstance(server_cert_getter, property):
        server_cert = server_cert_getter.__get__(self)
    else:  # method or callable
        server_cert = server_cert_getter(self)

    if server_cert is None:
            f"{charm}.{server_cert_getter} returned None; continuing with INSECURE connection."
    elif not isinstance(server_cert, str):
        raise TypeError(
            f"{charm}.{server_cert_getter} should return a valid tls cert (string); "
            f"got {server_cert} instead."
    logger.debug(f"Certificate successfully retrieved.")  # todo: some more validation?
    return server_cert

def _setup_root_span_initializer(
        charm: Type[CharmBase],
        tracing_endpoint_getter: _GetterType,
        server_cert_getter: Optional[_GetterType],
        service_name: Optional[str] = None,
    """Patch the charm's initializer."""
    original_init = charm.__init__

    def wrap_init(self: CharmBase, framework: Framework, *args, **kwargs):
        original_init(self, framework, *args, **kwargs)
        if not is_enabled():
            logger.info("Tracing DISABLED: skipping root span initialization")

        # already init some attrs that will be reinited later by calling original_init:
        # self.framework = framework
        # self.handle = Handle(None, self.handle_kind, None)

        original_event_context = framework._event_context

        logging.debug("Initializing opentelemetry tracer...")
        _service_name = service_name or self.app.name

        resource = Resource.create(
                "service.name": _service_name,
                "compose_service": _service_name,
                "charm_type": type(self).__name__,
                # juju topology
                "juju_unit": self.unit.name,
                "juju_application": self.app.name,
                "juju_model": self.model.name,
                "juju_model_uuid": self.model.uuid,
        provider = TracerProvider(resource=resource)
        tracing_endpoint = _get_tracing_endpoint(tracing_endpoint_getter, self, charm)
        if not tracing_endpoint:

        server_cert: Optional[str] = (
            _get_server_cert(server_cert_getter, self, charm) if server_cert_getter else None
        credentials = ChannelCredentials(server_cert) if server_cert else None
        insecure = None if credentials else True

        exporter = OTLPSpanExporter(
            endpoint=tracing_endpoint, credentials=credentials, insecure=insecure, timeout=2

        processor = BatchSpanProcessor(exporter)
        _tracer = get_tracer(_service_name)  # type: ignore
        _tracer_token = tracer.set(_tracer)

        dispatch_path = os.getenv("JUJU_DISPATCH_PATH", "")

        # all these shenanigans are to work around the fact that the opentelemetry tracing API is built
        # on the assumption that spans will be used as contextmanagers.
        # Since we don't (as we need to close the span on framework.commit),
        # we need to manually set the root span as current.
        span = _tracer.start_span("charm exec", attributes={"juju.dispatch_path": dispatch_path})
        ctx = set_span_in_context(span)

        # log a trace id so we can look it up in tempo.
        root_trace_id = hex(span.get_span_context().trace_id)[2:]  # strip 0x prefix
        logger.debug(f"Starting root trace with id={root_trace_id!r}.")

        span_token = opentelemetry.context.attach(ctx)  # type: ignore

        def wrap_event_context(event_name: str):
            # when the framework enters an event context, we create a span.
            with _span("event: " + event_name) as event_context_span:
                if event_context_span:
                    # todo: figure out how to inject event attrs in here
                yield original_event_context(event_name)

        framework._event_context = wrap_event_context  # type: ignore

        original_close = framework.close

        def wrap_close():
            opentelemetry.context.detach(span_token)  # type: ignore
            tp = cast(TracerProvider, get_tracer_provider())
            tp.force_flush(timeout_millis=1000)  # don't block for too long

        framework.close = wrap_close

    charm.__init__ = wrap_init

def trace_charm(
        tracing_endpoint: str,
        server_cert: Optional[str] = None,
        service_name: Optional[str] = None,
        extra_types: Sequence[type] = (),
    """Autoinstrument the decorated charm with tracing telemetry.

    Use this function to get out-of-the-box traces for all events emitted on this charm and all
    method calls on instances of this class.

    >>> from charms.tempo_k8s.v0.charm_instrumentation import trace_charm
    >>> from charms.tempo_k8s.v0.tracing import TracingEndpointProvider
    >>> from ops import CharmBase
    >>> @trace_charm(
    >>>         tracing_endpoint="tempo_otlp_grpc_endpoint",
    >>> )
    >>> class MyCharm(CharmBase):
    >>>     def __init__(self, framework: Framework):
    >>>         ...
    >>>         self.tempo = TracingEndpointProvider(self)
    >>>     @property
    >>>     def tempo_otlp_grpc_endpoint(self) -> Optional[str]:
    >>>         return self.tempo.otlp_grpc_endpoint
    :param server_cert: method or property on the charm type that returns an
        optional tls certificate to be used when sending traces to a remote server.
        If it returns None, an _insecure_ connection will be used.
    :param tracing_endpoint: name of a property on the charm type that returns an
        optional tempo url. If None, tracing will be effectively disabled. Else, traces will be
        pushed to that endpoint.
    :param service_name: service name tag to attach to all traces generated by this charm.
        Defaults to the juju application name this charm is deployed under.
    :param extra_types: pass any number of types that you also wish to autoinstrument.
        For example, charm libs, relation endpoint wrappers, workload abstractions, ...

    def _decorator(charm_type: Type[CharmBase]):
        """Autoinstrument the wrapped charmbase type."""
            tracing_endpoint_getter=getattr(charm_type, tracing_endpoint),
            server_cert_getter=getattr(charm_type, server_cert) if server_cert else None,
        return charm_type

    return _decorator

def _autoinstrument(
        charm_type: Type[CharmBase],
        tracing_endpoint_getter: _GetterType,
        server_cert_getter: Optional[_GetterType] = None,
        service_name: Optional[str] = None,
        extra_types: Sequence[type] = (),
) -> Type[CharmBase]:
    """Set up tracing on this charm class.

    Use this function to get out-of-the-box traces for all events emitted on this charm and all
    method calls on instances of this class.


    >>> from charms.tempo_k8s.v0.charm_instrumentation import _autoinstrument
    >>> from ops.main import main
    >>> _autoinstrument(
    >>>         MyCharm,
    >>>         tracing_endpoint_getter=MyCharm.tempo_otlp_grpc_endpoint,
    >>>         service_name="MyCharm",
    >>>         extra_types=(Foo, Bar)
    >>> )
    >>> main(MyCharm)

    :param charm_type: the CharmBase subclass to autoinstrument.
    :param server_cert_getter: method or property on the charm type that returns an
        optional tls certificate to be used when sending traces to a remote server.
    :param tracing_endpoint_getter: method or property on the charm type that returns an
        optional tempo url. If None, tracing will be effectively disabled. Else, traces will be
        pushed to that endpoint.
    :param service_name: service name tag to attach to all traces generated by this charm.
        Defaults to the juju application name this charm is deployed under.
    :param extra_types: pass any number of types that you also wish to autoinstrument.
        For example, charm libs, relation endpoint wrappers, workload abstractions, ...
    logger.info(f"instrumenting {charm_type}")
    for type_ in extra_types:

    return charm_type

def trace_type(cls: _T) -> _T:
    """Set up tracing on this class.

    Use this decorator to get out-of-the-box traces for all method calls on instances of this class.
    It assumes that this class is only instantiated after a charm type decorated with `@trace_charm`
    has been instantiated.
    logger.info(f"instrumenting {cls}")
    for name, method in inspect.getmembers(cls, predicate=inspect.isfunction):
        logger.info(f"discovered {method}")

        if method.__name__.startswith("__"):
            logger.info(f"skipping {method} (dunder)")

        isstatic = isinstance(inspect.getattr_static(cls, method.__name__), staticmethod)
        setattr(cls, name, trace_method(method, static=isstatic))

    return cls

def trace_method(method: _F, static: bool = False) -> _F:
    """Trace this method.

    A span will be opened when this method is called and closed when it returns.
    return _trace_callable(method, "method", static=static)

def trace_function(function: _F) -> _F:
    """Trace this function.

    A span will be opened when this function is called and closed when it returns.
    return _trace_callable(function, "function")

def _trace_callable(callable: _F, qualifier: str, static: bool = False) -> _F:
    logger.info(f"instrumenting {callable}")

    # sig = inspect.signature(callable)
    def wrapped_function(*args, **kwargs):  # type: ignore
        name = getattr(callable, "__qualname__", getattr(callable, "__name__", str(callable)))
        with _span(f"{'(static) ' if static else ''}{qualifier} call: {name}"):  # type: ignore
            if static:
                return callable(*args[1:], **kwargs)  # type: ignore
            return callable(*args, **kwargs)  # type: ignore

    # wrapped_function.__signature__ = sig
    return wrapped_function  # type: ignore

def trace(obj: Union[Type, Callable]):
    """Trace this object and send the resulting spans to Tempo.

    It will dispatch to ``trace_type`` if the decorated object is a class, otherwise
    if isinstance(obj, type):
        if issubclass(obj, CharmBase):
            raise ValueError(
                "cannot use @trace on CharmBase subclasses: use @trace_charm instead "
                "(we need some arguments!)"
        return trace_type(obj)
            return trace_function(obj)
        except Exception:
            raise UntraceableObjectError(
                f"cannot create span from {type(obj)}; instrument {obj} manually."