Charmed PostgreSQL VM
- Canonical
- Databases
Channel | Revision | Published | Runs on |
latest/stable | 345 | 09 Nov 2023 | |
latest/stable | 239 | 09 Feb 2022 | |
latest/stable | 226 | 01 Apr 2021 | |
14/stable | 553 | 04 Feb 2025 | |
14/stable | 552 | 04 Feb 2025 | |
14/candidate | 553 | 28 Jan 2025 | |
14/candidate | 552 | 28 Jan 2025 | |
14/beta | 553 | 28 Jan 2025 | |
14/beta | 552 | 28 Jan 2025 | |
14/edge | 559 | 10 Feb 2025 | |
14/edge | 558 | 10 Feb 2025 | |
16/edge | 527 | 27 Nov 2024 | |
16/edge | 526 | 27 Nov 2024 |
juju deploy postgresql --channel 14/stable
Deploy universal operators easily with Juju, the Universal Operator Lifecycle Manager.
durability_synchronous_commit | string
Default: on
Sets the current transactions synchronization level. This charm allows only the “on”, “remote_apply” and “remote_write” values to avoid data loss if the primary crashes and there are replicas.
experimental_max_connections | int
[EXPERIMENTAL] Force set max_connections.
instance_default_text_search_config | string
Default: pg_catalog.simple
Selects the text search configuration that is used by those variants of the text search functions that do not have an explicit argument specifying it. Allowed values start with “pg_catalog.” followed by a language name, like “pg_catalog.english”.
instance_max_locks_per_transaction | int
Default: 64
Specifies the maximum amount of memory to be used by maintenance operations, such as "VACUUM", "CREATE INDEX", and "ALTER TABLE ADD FOREIGN KEY". If this value is specified without units, it is taken as kilobytes. Allowed values are: from 64 to 2147483647.
instance_password_encryption | string
Default: scram-sha-256
Determines the algorithm to use to encrypt the password. Allowed values are: “md5” and “scram-sha-256”.
logging_log_connections | boolean
Default: True
Logs each successful connection.
logging_log_disconnections | boolean
Default: True
Logs end of a session, including duration.
logging_log_lock_waits | boolean
Logs long lock waits.
logging_log_min_duration_statement | int
Default: -1
Sets the minimum running time (milliseconds) above which statements will be logged. Allowed values are: from -1 to 2147483647 (-1 disables logging statement durations).
memory_maintenance_work_mem | int
Default: 65536
Sets the maximum memory (KB) to be used for maintenance operations. Allowed values are: from 1024 to 2147483647.
memory_max_prepared_transactions | int
Sets the maximum number of simultaneously prepared transactions. Allowed values are: from 0 to 262143.
memory_temp_buffers | int
Default: 1024
Sets the maximum number of temporary buffers (8 kB) used by each session. Allowed values are: from 100 to 1073741823.
memory_work_mem | int
Default: 4096
Sets the maximum memory (KB) to be used for query workspaces. Allowed values are: from 64 to 2147483647.
optimizer_constraint_exclusion | string
Default: partition
Enables the planner to use constraints to optimize queries. Allowed values are: “on”, “off” and “partition”.
optimizer_default_statistics_target | int
Default: 100
Sets the default statistics target. Allowed values are: from 1 to 10000.
optimizer_from_collapse_limit | int
Default: 8
Sets the FROM-list size beyond which subqueries are not collapsed. Allowed values are: from 1 to 2147483647.
optimizer_join_collapse_limit | int
Default: 8
Sets the FROM-list size beyond which JOIN constructs are not flattened. Allowed values are: from 1 to 2147483647.
plugin_address_standardizer_data_us_enable | boolean
Enable address_standardizer_data_us extension
plugin_address_standardizer_enable | boolean
Enable address_standardizer extension
plugin_audit_enable | boolean
Default: True
Enable pgAudit extension
plugin_bloom_enable | boolean
Enable bloom extension
plugin_bool_plperl_enable | boolean
Enable bool_plperl extension
plugin_btree_gin_enable | boolean
Enable btree_gin extension
plugin_btree_gist_enable | boolean
Enable btree_gist extension
plugin_citext_enable | boolean
Enable citext extension
plugin_cube_enable | boolean
Enable cube extension
plugin_debversion_enable | boolean
Enable debversion extension
plugin_dict_int_enable | boolean
Enable dict_int extension
plugin_dict_xsyn_enable | boolean
Enable dict_xsyn extension
plugin_earthdistance_enable | boolean
Enable earthdistance extension
plugin_fuzzystrmatch_enable | boolean
Enable fuzzystrmatch extension
plugin_hll_enable | boolean
Enable hll extension
plugin_hstore_enable | boolean
Enable hstore extension
plugin_hypopg_enable | boolean
Enable hypopg extension
plugin_icu_ext_enable | boolean
Enable icu_ext extension
plugin_intarray_enable | boolean
Enable intarray extension
plugin_ip4r_enable | boolean
Enable ip4r extension
plugin_isn_enable | boolean
Enable isn extension
plugin_jsonb_plperl_enable | boolean
Enable jsonb_plperl extension
plugin_lo_enable | boolean
Enable lo extension
plugin_ltree_enable | boolean
Enable ltree extension
plugin_old_snapshot_enable | boolean
Enable old_snapshot extension
plugin_orafce_enable | boolean
Enable orafce extension
plugin_pg_freespacemap_enable | boolean
Enable pg_freespacemap extension
plugin_pg_similarity_enable | boolean
Enable pg_similarity extension
plugin_pg_trgm_enable | boolean
Enable pg_trgm extension
plugin_pg_visibility_enable | boolean
Enable pg_visibility extension
plugin_pgrowlocks_enable | boolean
Enable pgrowlocks extension
plugin_pgstattuple_enable | boolean
Enable pgstattuple extension
plugin_plperl_enable | boolean
Enable plperl extension
plugin_plpython3u_enable | boolean
Enable PL/Python extension
plugin_pltcl_enable | boolean
Enable pltcl extension
plugin_postgis_enable | boolean
Enable postgis extension
plugin_postgis_raster_enable | boolean
Enable postgis_raster extension
plugin_postgis_tiger_geocoder_enable | boolean
Enable postgis_tiger_geocoder extension
plugin_postgis_topology_enable | boolean
Enable postgis_topology extension
plugin_prefix_enable | boolean
Enable prefix extension
plugin_rdkit_enable | boolean
Enable rdkit extension
plugin_seg_enable | boolean
Enable seg extension
plugin_spi_enable | boolean
Enable spi extension
plugin_tablefunc_enable | boolean
Enable tablefunc extension
plugin_tcn_enable | boolean
Enable tcn extension
plugin_tds_fdw_enable | boolean
Enable tds_fdw extension
plugin_timescaledb_enable | boolean
Enable timescaledb extension
plugin_tsm_system_rows_enable | boolean
Enable tsm_system_rows extension
plugin_tsm_system_time_enable | boolean
Enable tsm_system_time extension
plugin_unaccent_enable | boolean
Enable unaccent extension
plugin_uuid_ossp_enable | boolean
Enable uuid_ossp extension
plugin_vector_enable | boolean
Enable pgvector extension
profile | string
Default: production
Profile representing the scope of deployment, and used to tune resource allocation. Allowed values are: “production” and “testing”. Production will tune postgresql for maximum performance while testing will tune for minimal running performance.
profile_limit_memory | int
Amount of memory in Megabytes to limit PostgreSQL and associated process to. If unset, this will be decided according to the default memory limit in the selected profile. Only comes into effect when the
profile is selected. -
request_date_style | string
Default: ISO, MDY
Sets the display format for date and time values. Allowed formats are explained in https://www.postgresql.org/docs/14/runtime-config-client.html#GUC-DATESTYLE.
request_standard_conforming_strings | boolean
Default: True
Causes ... strings to treat backslashes literally.
request_time_zone | string
Default: UTC
Sets the time zone for displaying and interpreting time stamps. Allowed values are the ones from IANA time zone data, a time zone abbreviation like PST and POSIX-style time zone specifications.
response_bytea_output | string
Default: hex
Sets the output format for bytes. Allowed values are: “escape” and “hex”.
response_lc_monetary | string
Default: C
Sets the locale for formatting monetary amounts. Allowed values are the locales available in the unit.
response_lc_numeric | string
Default: C
Sets the locale for formatting numbers. Allowed values are the locales available in the unit.
response_lc_time | string
Default: C
Sets the locale for formatting date and time values. Allowed values are the locales available in the unit.
vacuum_autovacuum_analyze_scale_factor | float
Default: 0.1
Specifies a fraction of the table size to add to autovacuum_vacuum_threshold when deciding whether to trigger a VACUUM. The default, 0.1, means 10% of table size. Allowed values are: from 0 to 100.
vacuum_autovacuum_analyze_threshold | int
Default: 50
Sets the minimum number of inserted, updated or deleted tuples needed to trigger an ANALYZE in any one table. Allowed values are: from 0 to 2147483647.
vacuum_autovacuum_freeze_max_age | int
Default: 200000000
Maximum age (in transactions) before triggering autovacuum on a table to prevent transaction ID wraparound. Allowed values are: from 100000 to 2000000000.
vacuum_autovacuum_vacuum_cost_delay | float
Default: 2.0
Sets cost delay value (milliseconds) that will be used in automatic VACUUM operations. Allowed values are: from -1 to 100 (-1 tells PostgreSQL to use the regular vacuum_cost_delay value).
vacuum_autovacuum_vacuum_scale_factor | float
Default: 0.2
Specifies a fraction of the table size to add to autovacuum_vacuum_threshold when deciding whether to trigger a VACUUM. The default, 0.2, means 20% of table size. Allowed values are: from 0 to 100.
vacuum_vacuum_freeze_table_age | int
Default: 150000000
Age (in transactions) at which VACUUM should scan whole table to freeze tuples. Allowed values are: from 0 to 2000000000.