OpenStack Exporter

  • By Canonical BootStack Charmers
Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 19 14 Jun 2024
Ubuntu 22.04
latest/candidate 19 06 May 2024
Ubuntu 22.04
latest/edge 20 20 Jun 2024
Ubuntu 22.04
juju deploy openstack-exporter
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OpenStack Exporter

The openstack-exporter charm is a machine charm for openstack-exporter.

OpenStack Exporter is a Prometheus exporter for OpenStack, which uses the OpenStack REST APIs to produce metrics about the OpenStack cloud. This charm deploys OpenStack Exporter, configures it to connect to an OpenStack deployment using Keystone, and provides integration with Canonical Observability Stack (COS) (via grafana-agent). It also includes some Grafana dashboards that use provided metrics.

This can be useful to operators and admins looking for more insights into a Charmed OpenStack cloud.

Getting started

Please check out the tutorial.

Security considerations

The charm requests an admin user from Keystone for use with openstack-exporter. The exporter appears to only support an admin user, as non-admin users are not able to list all the endpoints required for the metrics.

Known issues

  • This requires a temporary custom snap build of the software, which isn’t ideal. Eventually the aim is to have the updated snap available on the Snap store, so the charm can install it automatically.

Security, Bugs and feature requests

If you find a bug in this application or want to request a specific feature, here are the relevant links:

  • Raise issues or feature requests on GitHub.
  • Security issues in the openstack-exporter charm can be reported through LaunchPad; please read about how to file.

To chat with the community, join our online chat.


Please see the Juju SDK docs for guidelines on enhancements to this charm following best practice guidelines, and files in the source repository for developer guidance.


openstack-exporter charm is free software, distributed under the Apache Software License, version 2.0. See LICENSE for more information.

Help improve this document in the forum (guidelines). Last updated 3 months ago.