OpenStack Exporter

  • Canonical BootStack Charmers
Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 31 05 Sep 2024
Ubuntu 22.04
latest/candidate 31 05 Sep 2024
Ubuntu 22.04
latest/edge 36 30 Sep 2024
Ubuntu 22.04
juju deploy openstack-exporter
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Learn about configurations >

  • cache | boolean

    Default: True

    By default, enables the exporter cache globally. Refreshes at intervals of cache_ttl/2. If the cache is empty or expired, the response will be empty.

  • cache_ttl | string

    Default: 300s

    Cache expiry time-to-live (TTL), e.g., 10s, 11m, 12h. Cache refreshes at intervals of cache_ttl/2. Customizable based on the size of the OpenStack cluster. Format details:

  • port | int

    Default: 9180

    The openstack-exporter service (metrics endpoint for prometheus scraping) will listen at this port.

  • snap_channel | string

    Default: latest/stable

    The charmed-openstack-exporter snap is by default installed from the latest/stable channel. This option allows the selection of a different channel.

  • ssl_ca | string

    Custom SSL CA for keystone if required.

    The format should be the raw contents of a PEM encoded file. (no base64 encoding).