

  • Canonical IS DevOps
Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 21 11 Oct 2024
Ubuntu 22.04
latest/edge 21 11 Oct 2024
Ubuntu 22.04
juju deploy netbox
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Getting Started

What you’ll do

  • Deploy the NetBox charm.
  • Integrate with Redis using the redis-k8s charm.
  • Integrate with the PostgreSQL K8s charm.
  • Integrate with S3 for storage.
  • Expose the NetBox charm with Traefik k8s.
  • Create a super user.

Through the process, you’ll verify the workload state, and log in to your NetBox instance.


  • Juju 3 installed.
  • Juju controller that can create a model of type kubernetes.
  • Read/write access to a S3 compatible server with a bucket created.
  • Configuration compatible with the traefik-k8s charms. In the case of MicroK8S this can be achieved with the metallb addon.

For more information about how to install Juju, see Get started with Juju.

Setting up a Tutorial Model

To manage resources effectively and to separate this tutorial’s workload from your usual work, we recommend creating a new model using the following command.

juju add-model netbox-tutorial

Deploy the NetBox charm

Deploy the NetBox charm, with all its mandatory requirements (PostgreSQL, Redis and S3).

Deploy the charms:

juju deploy netbox

At this point NetBox should be blocked as there is no S3 integration for storage, Redis or PostgreSQL.

Set the allowed hosts. In this example every host is allowed. For a production environment only the used hosts should be allowed.

juju config netbox django-allowed-hosts='*'


NetBox requires Redis to work. You can deploy Redis with redis-k8s:

juju deploy redis-k8s --channel=latest/edge

Integrate redis-k8s with NetBox with:

juju integrate redis-k8s netbox

Deploy PostgreSQL

NetBox requires PostgreSQL to work. Deploy and integrate with:

juju deploy postgresql-k8s --channel 14/stable --trust
juju integrate postgresql-k8s netbox

Deploy s3-integrator

NetBox requires an S3 integration for the uploaded files. This is because the NetBox charm is designed to work in a high availability (HA) configuration. This allows uploaded images to be placed on an S3 compatible server instead of the local filesystem.

You can configure it with:

juju deploy s3-integrator --channel edge
juju config s3-integrator endpoint="<aws_endpoing_url>" bucket=<bucket_name> path=<path_in_bucket> region=<region> s3-uri-style=<path_or_host>
juju wait-for application s3-integrator --query='name=="s3-integrator" && (status=="active" || status=="blocked")'
juju run s3-integrator/leader sync-s3-credentials access-key=<aws_access_key_id> secret-key=<aws_secret_access_key>
juju integrate s3-integrator netbox

See the s3-integrator charmhub page for more information.

Deploy traefik-k8s

You need to enable MetalLb if using MicroK8s. See the traefik-k8s charmhub page for more information.

With the next example, you can configure Traefik using path mode routing:

juju deploy traefik-k8s --channel edge --trust
juju config traefik-k8s external_hostname=<netbox_hostname>
juju config traefik-k8s routing_mode=path
juju integrate traefik-k8s netbox

If the host netbox_hostname can be resolved to the correct IP (the load balancer IP), you should be able to browse NetBox in the url http://netbox_hostname/netbox-tutorial-netbox

You can check the proxied endpoints with the command:

juju run traefik-k8s/0 show-proxied-endpoints --format=yaml

Create superuser

To be able to login to NetBox, you can create a super user with the next command:

juju run netbox/0 create-superuser username=<admin_username> email=<admin_email>

Congratulations, With the username created and the password provided in the response, you have now full access to your own NetBox!

Help improve this document in the forum (guidelines). Last updated 2 months ago.