
  • By Kubeflow Charmers | bundle
  • Cloud
Channel Revision Published
latest/stable 414 01 Dec 2023
latest/candidate 294 24 Jan 2022
latest/beta 430 30 Aug 2024
latest/edge 423 26 Jul 2024
1.9/stable 426 31 Jul 2024
1.9/beta 420 19 Jul 2024
1.9/edge 425 31 Jul 2024
1.8/stable 414 22 Nov 2023
1.8/beta 411 22 Nov 2023
1.8/edge 413 22 Nov 2023
1.7/stable 409 27 Oct 2023
1.7/beta 408 27 Oct 2023
1.7/edge 407 27 Oct 2023
1.6/stable 329 07 Sep 2022
1.6/beta 326 23 Aug 2022
1.6/edge 328 07 Sep 2022
1.4/stable 321 30 Jun 2022
1.4/edge 320 30 Jun 2022
juju deploy kubeflow --channel edge
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Learn about configurations >

  • custom_images | string

    Default: configmap__agent : '' configmap__batcher : '' configmap__explainers__art : '' configmap__logger : '' configmap__router : '' configmap__storageInitializer : '' serving_runtimes__huggingfaceserver: '' serving_runtimes__lgbserver : '' serving_runtimes__kserve_mlserver : '' serving_runtimes__paddleserver : '' serving_runtimes__pmmlserver : '' serving_runtimes__sklearnserver : '' serving_runtimes__tensorflow_serving : '' serving_runtimes__torchserve : '' serving_runtimes__tritonserver : '' serving_runtimes__xgbserver : ''

    YAML or JSON formatted input defining images to use in Katib For usage details, see https://github.com/canonical/kserve-operators.

  • deployment-mode | string

    Default: serverless

    Deployment mode for kserve. It can only be RawDeployment or Serverless, and the latter requires knative-serving to be present in the model, and the local-gateway relation to be established.

  • domain-name | string

    Default: example.com

    The domain name used for all fully-qualified route names shown. In serverless mode, it has to be the same as knative-serving's domain name; otherwise, it can be changed to match the cluster ingress configuration.

  • port | int

    Default: 9443

    Listening port