Yoshikadokawa Magpie

  • By Yoshi Kadokawa
Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 18 14 Dec 2022
Ubuntu 22.10 Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 21.10 Ubuntu 20.04
juju deploy yoshikadokawa-magpie
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22.10 22.04 21.10 20.04

Learn about configurations >

  • check_bonds | string

    Default: AUTO

    Comma separated list of expected bonds or AUTO to check all available bonds.

  • check_dns | boolean

    Default: True

    Check if peers are resolveble

  • check_iperf | boolean

    Default: True

    Execute iperf network performance test

  • check_local_hostname | boolean

    Default: True

    Check if local hostname is resolvable

  • check_port_description | boolean

    Check LLDP port description to match hostname

  • dns_server | string

    Use unit default DNS server

  • dns_time | int

    Default: 3

    Timeout in seconds per DNS query try

  • dns_tries | int

    Default: 1

    Number of DNS resolution attempts per query

  • iperf_duration | int

    Default: 1

    Time in seconds to run iperf to test the transfer speed. Larger value can be set to mitigate the impact of CPU power saving features especially on faster links such as 50G.

  • lacp_passive_mode | boolean

    Set to true if switches are in LACP passive mode.

  • min_speed | string

    Default: 0

    Minimum transfer speed in integer mbit/s required to pass the test. 0 disables. This can also be set to an integer percentage value (eg. '80%'), which will be interpreted as a percentage of the link speed. Useful in mixed link speed environments. Likewise, '0%' disables.

  • ping_interval | float

    Default: 0.05

    Number of seconds to wait between sending each packet

  • ping_timeout | int

    Default: 2

    Timeout in seconds per ICMP request

  • ping_tries | int

    Default: 20

    Number of ICMP packets per ping

  • required_mtu | int

    Desired MTU for all nodes - block if the unit MTU is different (accounting for encapsulation). 0 disables.

  • source | string

    Default: distro

    Repository to add to unit before installing any dependencies. May be one of the following: distro (default) ppa:somecustom/ppa (PPA name must include UCA OpenStack Release name) deb url sources entry|key id or a supported Ubuntu Cloud Archive pocket.

  • supress_status | boolean

    Enable this if you intend to consume this layer - suppresses status messages

  • use_lldp | boolean

    Enable LLDP agent and collect data