Wazuh Indexer

  • Arturo Enrique Seijas Fernández
Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/edge 1 09 Oct 2024
Ubuntu 22.04
juju deploy wazuh-indexer --channel edge
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Learn about actions >

  • create-backup

    Create a database backup. S3 credentials are retrieved from a relation with the S3 integrator charm.

  • force-upgrade

    Potential of data loss and downtime

    Force upgrade of this unit.

    Use to

    • force incompatible upgrade and/or
    • continue upgrade if 1+ upgraded units have non-active status

  • get-password

    Fetch the system user's password and CA chain, which is used by charm. It is for internal charm users and SHOULD NOT be used by applications.

    • username string

      The username, the default value 'admin'. Possible values - admin.

  • list-backups

    List available backup_ids in the S3 bucket and path provided by the S3 integrator charm.

    • output string

      Format which the data should be returned. Possible values: table, json. The json format will bring more details, such as shard status, indices name, etc.

  • pre-upgrade-check

    Check if charm is ready to upgrade

  • restore

    Restore a database backup. S3 credentials are retrieved from a relation with the S3 integrator charm.

    • backup-id string

      A backup-id to identify the backup to restore. Format: backup-id=<string>.



  • resume-upgrade

    Upgrade remaining units (after you manually verified that upgraded units are healthy).

  • set-password

    Change the admin user's password, which is used by charm. It is for internal charm users and SHOULD NOT be used by applications.

    • password string

      The password will be auto-generated if this option is not set.

    • username string

      The username, the default value 'admin'. Possible values - admin.

  • set-tls-private-key

    Set the private keys, which will be used for certificate signing requests (CSR). Run for each unit separately or on-leader only depending on the type.

    • category string

      (Required) Type of private key to be set. "app-admin" must only be set on the leader.

    • key string

      (Optional) The content of the private key. The content will be auto-generated if not set.

    • password string

      (Optional) The passphrase of the private key. Will NOT be set if omitted.

