TLS Certificates Operator

  • By Canonical Telco
Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 22 14 Feb 2023
Ubuntu 22.04
latest/candidate 22 14 Feb 2023
Ubuntu 22.04
latest/beta 45 22 Sep 2023
Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 20.04
latest/beta 20 13 Feb 2023
Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 20.04
latest/edge 50 16 Oct 2023
Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 20.04
latest/edge 20 11 Jan 2023
Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 20.04
legacy/stable 22 03 Oct 2023
Ubuntu 22.04
legacy/edge 51 25 Jan 2024
Ubuntu 22.04
juju deploy tls-certificates-operator
Show information


22.04 20.04

Charm responsible for distributing certificates through relationship. Certificates are provided by the operator through Juju configs.

Charm responsible for distributing certificates through relationship. Certificates are provided by the operator through Juju configs.