Temporal Worker
- Commercial Systems
Channel | Revision | Published | Runs on |
latest/stable | 20 | 05 Dec 2024 | |
latest/edge | 20 | 05 Dec 2024 |
juju deploy temporal-worker-k8s
Deploy Kubernetes operators easily with Juju, the Universal Operator Lifecycle Manager. Need a Kubernetes cluster? Install MicroK8s to create a full CNCF-certified Kubernetes system in under 60 seconds.
auth-provider | string
Authentication provider for user authentication.
Acceptable values are "candid" and "google".
candid-private-key | string
Private key for Candid authentication.
candid-public-key | string
Public key for Candid authentication.
candid-url | string
URL of the Candid service.
candid-username | string
Username for accessing the Candid service.
db-name | string
Name of the database created when relating to a database charm.
encryption-key | string
Base64-encoded key used for data encryption.
environment | string
This configuration is used to manage and retrieve sensitive information required by the application from different sources. The
configuration supports the following sources:- Environment Variables: Plaintext environment variables.
- Juju: Secrets can be managed and retrieved using Juju's secret storage capabilities.
- Vault: Secrets can be securely stored and accessed from a HashiCorp Vault instance.
The application will prioritize these sources in the following order: Vault, Juju, and then environment variables. If a variable is not found in the higher priority sources, it will fallback to the next available source. This ensures that the application can function correctly in various deployment scenarios while maintaining security and flexibility.
Sample structure:
environment: env: - name: key1 value: value1 - name: nested_example_key value: - connection_id: a_connection_id unnesting: tables: issues: ["test1", "test2"] users: [test3] redaction: juju: - secret-id: <secret_id> name: sensitive1 key: key1 - secret-id: <secret_id> name: sensitive2 key: key2 vault: - path: my-secrets name: sensitive1 key: key1 - path: my-secrets name: sensitive2 key: key2
host | string
The hostname of the Temporal server.
log-level | string
Default: info
Configures the log level of gunicorn.
Acceptable values are: "info", "debug", "warning", "error" and "critical"
namespace | string
Temporal namespace the worker should connect to.
oidc-auth-cert-url | string
Authentication certificate URL for OIDC authentication.
oidc-auth-type | string
Default: service_account
Authentication type for OIDC authentication.
oidc-auth-uri | string
Authentication URI for OIDC authentication.
oidc-client-cert-url | string
Client certificate URL for OIDC authentication.
oidc-client-email | string
Client email for OIDC authentication.
oidc-client-id | string
Client ID for OIDC authentication.
oidc-private-key | string
Project key for OIDC authentication.
oidc-private-key-id | string
Private key ID for OIDC authentication.
oidc-project-id | string
Project ID for OIDC authentication.
oidc-token-uri | string
Token URI for OIDC authentication.
queue | string
Temporal task queue the worker should connect to.
sentry-dsn | string
Sentry Data Source Name to send events to.
sentry-environment | string
The environment to log errors to in Sentry.
sentry-redact-params | boolean
Indicates whether or not event parameters sent to Sentry should be redacted.
sentry-release | string
The version of your code deployed to an environment.
sentry-sample-rate | float
Default: 1.0
A value between 0 (0% of errors) and 1 (100% of errors) to indicate the proportion of errors to be captured by Sentry.
tls-root-cas | string
Root certificate authority (CA) certificates for TLS communication.