- Canonical Telco
Channel | Revision | Published | Runs on |
latest/edge | 68 | 07 Dec 2023 | |
1.4/edge | 294 | 17 Dec 2024 | |
1.4/edge | 221 | 11 Jul 2024 | |
1.3/edge | 96 | 04 Apr 2024 |
juju deploy sdcore-upf --channel edge
Deploy Kubernetes operators easily with Juju, the Universal Operator Lifecycle Manager. Need a Kubernetes cluster? Install MicroK8s to create a full CNCF-certified Kubernetes system in under 60 seconds.
- Last updated
- Revision Library version 0.2
# Copyright 2023 Canonical Ltd.
# See LICENSE file for licensing details.
"""Library for the `fiveg_n3` relation.
This library offers a way of providing and consuming an IP address of the SDCORE's UPF.
In a typical 5G network, UPF's IP address is consumed by the gNodeBs, in order to establish
communication over the N3 interface.
To get started using the library, you need to fetch the library using `charmcraft`.
cd some-charm
charmcraft fetch-lib charms.sdcore_upf.v0.fiveg_n3
Add the following libraries to the charm's `requirements.txt` file:
- pydantic
- pytest-interface-tester
Charms providing the `fiveg_n3` relation should use `N3Provides`.
Typical usage of this class would look something like:
from charms.sdcore_upf.v0.fiveg_n3 import N3Provides
class SomeProviderCharm(CharmBase):
def __init__(self, *args):
self.fiveg_n3 = N3Provides(charm=self, relation_name="fiveg_n3")
self.framework.observe(self.fiveg_n3.on.fiveg_n3_request, self._on_fiveg_n3_request)
def _on_fiveg_n3_request(self, event):
And a corresponding section in charm's `metadata.yaml`:
fiveg_n3: # Relation name
interface: fiveg_n3 # Relation interface
Charms that require the `fiveg_n3` relation should use `N3Requires`.
Typical usage of this class would look something like:
from charms.sdcore_upf.v0.fiveg_n3 import N3Requires
class SomeRequirerCharm(CharmBase):
def __init__(self, *args):
self.fiveg_n3 = N3Requires(charm=self, relation_name="fiveg_n3")
self.framework.observe(self.upf.on.fiveg_n3_available, self._on_fiveg_n3_available)
def _on_fiveg_n3_available(self, event):
upf_ip_address = event.upf_ip_address
# Do something with the UPF's IP address
And a corresponding section in charm's `metadata.yaml`:
fiveg_n3: # Relation name
interface: fiveg_n3 # Relation interface
import logging
from interface_tester.schema_base import DataBagSchema # type: ignore[import]
from ops.charm import CharmBase, CharmEvents, RelationChangedEvent, RelationJoinedEvent
from ops.framework import EventBase, EventSource, Object
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field, IPvAnyAddress, ValidationError
# The unique Charmhub library identifier, never change it
LIBID = "4b9dbfa97f7849dda91d47f5cb0fa044"
# Increment this major API version when introducing breaking changes
# Increment this PATCH version before using `charmcraft publish-lib` or reset
# to 0 if you are raising the major API version
PYDEPS = ["pydantic", "pytest-interface-tester"]
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
"""Schemas definition for the provider and requirer sides of the `fiveg_n3` interface.
It exposes two interfaces.schema_base.DataBagSchema subclasses called:
- ProviderSchema
- RequirerSchema
unit: <empty>
app: {
"upf_ip_address": ""
unit: <empty>
app: <empty>
class ProviderAppData(BaseModel):
"""Provider app data for fiveg_n3."""
upf_ip_address: IPvAnyAddress = Field(description="UPF IP address", examples=[""])
class ProviderSchema(DataBagSchema):
"""Provider schema for fiveg_n3."""
app: ProviderAppData
def data_matches_provider_schema(data: dict) -> bool:
"""Returns whether data matches provider schema.
data (dict): Data to be validated.
bool: True if data matches provider schema, False otherwise.
return True
except ValidationError as e:
logger.error("Invalid data: %s", e)
return False
class FiveGN3RequestEvent(EventBase):
"""Dataclass for the `fiveg_n3` request event."""
def __init__(self, handle, relation_id: int):
"""Sets relation id."""
self.relation_id = relation_id
def snapshot(self) -> dict:
"""Returns event data."""
return {
"relation_id": self.relation_id,
def restore(self, snapshot):
"""Restores event data."""
self.relation_id = snapshot["relation_id"]
class N3ProviderCharmEvents(CharmEvents):
"""Custom events for the N3Provider."""
fiveg_n3_request = EventSource(FiveGN3RequestEvent)
class N3Provides(Object):
"""Class to be instantiated by provider of the `fiveg_n3`."""
on = N3ProviderCharmEvents()
def __init__(self, charm: CharmBase, relation_name: str):
"""Observes relation joined event.
charm: Juju charm
relation_name (str): Relation name
self.relation_name = relation_name
self.charm = charm
super().__init__(charm, relation_name)
self.framework.observe(charm.on[relation_name].relation_joined, self._on_relation_joined)
def publish_upf_information(self, relation_id: int, upf_ip_address: str) -> None:
"""Sets UPF's IP address in the relation data.
relation_id (str): Relation ID
upf_ip_address (str): UPF's IP address
if not data_matches_provider_schema(data={"upf_ip_address": upf_ip_address}):
raise ValueError(f"Invalid UPF IP address: {upf_ip_address}")
relation = self.model.get_relation(
relation_name=self.relation_name, relation_id=relation_id
if not relation:
raise RuntimeError(f"Relation {self.relation_name} not created yet.")
relation.data[self.charm.app]["upf_ip_address"] = upf_ip_address
def _on_relation_joined(self, event: RelationJoinedEvent) -> None:
"""Triggered whenever a requirer charm joins the relation.
event (RelationJoinedEvent): Juju event
class N3AvailableEvent(EventBase):
"""Dataclass for the `fiveg_n3` available event."""
def __init__(self, handle, upf_ip_address: str):
"""Sets certificate."""
self.upf_ip_address = upf_ip_address
def snapshot(self) -> dict:
"""Returns event data."""
return {"upf_ip_address": self.upf_ip_address}
def restore(self, snapshot):
"""Restores event data."""
self.upf_ip_address = snapshot["upf_ip_address"]
class N3RequirerCharmEvents(CharmEvents):
"""Custom events for the N3Requirer."""
fiveg_n3_available = EventSource(N3AvailableEvent)
class N3Requires(Object):
"""Class to be instantiated by requirer of the `fiveg_n3`."""
on = N3RequirerCharmEvents()
def __init__(self, charm: CharmBase, relation_name: str):
"""Observes relation joined and relation changed events.
charm: Juju charm
relation_name (str): Relation name
self.relation_name = relation_name
self.charm = charm
super().__init__(charm, relation_name)
self.framework.observe(charm.on[relation_name].relation_joined, self._on_relation_changed)
self.framework.observe(charm.on[relation_name].relation_changed, self._on_relation_changed)
def _on_relation_changed(self, event: RelationChangedEvent) -> None:
"""Triggered everytime there's a change in relation data.
event (RelationChangedEvent): Juju event
relation_data = event.relation.data
upf_ip_address = relation_data[event.app].get("upf_ip_address") # type: ignore[index]
if upf_ip_address: