PostgreSQL Data Injector Charm
- Pedro Leão da Cruz
Channel | Revision | Published | Runs on |
latest/edge | 2 | 25 Jul 2022 |
juju deploy postgresql-data-k8s --channel edge
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db-name | string
Default: postgresql-data-k8s
The postgresql database name to update.
db-user | string
Default: postgresql-data-k8s
The user / role which will own the recreated data. This is necessary in order to avoid permission denied errors on the database that that user is consuming.
refresh-period | int
The interval (minutes) after which to perform a database refresh using the given sql-dump-file resource. If the value is 0, the refresh is disabled, and the charm will only do the initial database update on any newly related PostgreSQL charm database.
sql-dump-url | string
The URL for the tar SQL dump to inject into the related PostgreSQL database.