Openstack Telemetry
- OpenStack Charmers | bundle
Channel | Revision | Published |
latest/stable | 65 | 27 Oct 2021 |
juju deploy openstack-telemetry
Deploy universal operators easily with Juju, the Universal Operator Lifecycle Manager.
action-managed-upgrade | boolean
If True enables openstack upgrades for this charm via juju actions. You will still need to set openstack-origin to the new repository but instead of an upgrade running automatically across all units, it will wait for you to execute the openstack-upgrade action for this charm on each unit. If False it will revert to existing behavior of upgrading all units on config change.
debug | boolean
Enable debug logging
dns-ha | boolean
Use DNS HA with MAAS 2.0. Note if this is set do not set vip settings below.
haproxy-client-timeout | int
Client timeout configuration in ms for haproxy, used in HA configurations. If not provided, default value of 90000ms is used.
haproxy-connect-timeout | int
Connect timeout configuration in ms for haproxy, used in HA configurations. If not provided, default value of 9000ms is used.
haproxy-queue-timeout | int
Queue timeout configuration in ms for haproxy, used in HA configurations. If not provided, default value of 9000ms is used.
haproxy-server-timeout | int
Server timeout configuration in ms for haproxy, used in HA configurations. If not provided, default value of 90000ms is used.
openstack-origin | string
Default: yoga
Repository from which to install OpenStack. May be one of the following: distro (default) ppa:somecustom/ppa (PPA name must include OpenStack Release) deb url sources entry|key id or a supported Ubuntu Cloud Archive pocket. Supported Ubuntu Cloud Archive pockets include: cloud:trusty-liberty cloud:trusty-juno cloud:trusty-kilo cloud:trusty-liberty cloud:trusty-mitaka Note that updating this setting to a source that is known to provide a later version of OpenStack will trigger a software upgrade.
os-admin-hostname | string
The hostname or address of the admin endpoints created in the keystone identity provider. . This value will be used for admin endpoints. For example, an os-admin-hostname set to '' with ssl enabled will create the following endpoint for neutron-api: .
os-admin-network | string
The IP address and netmask of the OpenStack Admin network (e.g., . This network will be used for admin endpoints.
os-internal-hostname | string
The hostname or address of the internal endpoints created in the keystone identity provider. . This value will be used for internal endpoints. For example, an os-internal-hostname set to '' with ssl enabled will create the following endpoint for neutron-api: .
os-internal-network | string
The IP address and netmask of the OpenStack Internal network (e.g., . This network will be used for internal endpoints.
os-public-hostname | string
The hostname or address of the public endpoints created in the keystone identity provider. . This value will be used for public endpoints. For example, an os-public-hostname set to '' with ssl enabled will create the following endpoint for neutron-api: .
os-public-network | string
The IP address and netmask of the OpenStack Public network (e.g., . This network will be used for public endpoints.
region | string
Default: RegionOne
OpenStack Region
ssl_ca | string
TLS CA to use to communicate with other components in a deployment. . __NOTE__: This configuration option will take precedence over any certificates received over the ``certificates`` relation.
ssl_cert | string
TLS certificate to install and use for any listening services. . __NOTE__: This configuration option will take precedence over any certificates received over the ``certificates`` relation.
ssl_key | string
TLS key to use with certificate specified as ``ssl_cert``. . __NOTE__: This configuration option will take precedence over any certificates received over the ``certificates`` relation.
use-internal-endpoints | boolean
Openstack mostly defaults to using public endpoints for internal communication between services. If set to True this option will configure services to use internal endpoints where possible.
use-syslog | boolean
Setting this to True will allow supporting services to log to syslog.
vip | string
Virtual IP(s) to use to front API services in HA configuration. If multiple networks are being used, a VIP should be provided for each network, separated by spaces.
vip_cidr | int
Default: 24
Default CIDR netmask to use for HA vip when it cannot be automatically determined.
vip_iface | string
Default: eth0
Default network interface to use for HA vip when it cannot be automatically determined.
worker-multiplier | float
The CPU core multiplier to use when configuring worker processes. By default, the number of workers for each daemon is set to twice the number of CPU cores a service unit has. This default value will be capped to 4 workers unless this configuration option is set.