Openstack Charmers Next Openstack Lxd
- OpenStack Charmers - Testing Charms | bundle
Channel | Revision | Published |
latest/stable | 56 | 18 Mar 2021 |
latest/edge | 51 | 18 Mar 2021 |
juju deploy openstack-charmers-next-openstack-lxd
Deploy universal operators easily with Juju, the Universal Operator Lifecycle Manager.
action-managed-upgrade | boolean
If True enables openstack upgrades for this charm via juju actions. You will still need to set openstack-origin to the new repository but instead of an upgrade running automatically across all units, it will wait for you to execute the openstack-upgrade action for this charm on each unit. If False it will revert to existing behavior of upgrading all units on config change.
admin-password | string
Default: None
Admin password. To be used *for testing only*. Randomly generated by default. To retrieve the generated password run: . juju run --unit keystone/0 leader-get admin_passwd
admin-port | int
Default: 35357
Port the bind the Admin API server to.
admin-role | string
Default: Admin
Admin role to be associated with admin and service users.
admin-user | string
Default: admin
Default admin user to create and manage.
assignment-backend | string
Default: sql
Keystone assignment backend, valid options are sql, ldap. . [DEPRECATED] this option should no longer be used to configure ldap. Instead the cs:keystone-ldap subordinate charm should be used to configure ldap backends. This option will be removed in the next release.
catalog-cache-expiration | int
Default: 60
Amount of time (in seconds) the catalog should be cached for.
database | string
Default: keystone
Keystone database name.
database-user | string
Default: keystone
Username used for connecting to the Keystone database.
debug | boolean
Enable debug logging.
default-authorization-ttl | int
Default time (in minutes) for the validity of group memberships carried over from a federation mapping. Default is 0 which means disabled.
dns-ha | boolean
Use DNS HA with MAAS 2.0. Note if this is set do not set vip settings below.
dogpile-cache-expiration | int
Default: 600
Amount of time (in seconds) to cache items in the dogpile.cache. This only applies to cached methods that do not have an explicitly defined cache expiration time.
ec2-auth-ttl | int
Default: 15
The config item specifies the auth_ttl otion in [credentials]. This is the length of time in minutes for which a signed EC2 or S3 token request is valid from the timestamp contained in the token request.
fernet-max-active-keys | int
Default: 3
This is the maximum number of active keys when `token-provider` is set to "fernet". If has a minimum of 3, which includes the spare and staging keys. When set to 3, the rotation time for the keys is the same as the token expiration time. When set to a higher value, the rotation time is less than the `token-expiration` time as calculated by: . rotation-time = token-expiration / (fernet-max-active-keys - 2) . Please see the charm documentation for further details about how to use the Fernet token parameters to achieve a key strategy appropriate for the system in question.
ha-bindiface | string
Default: eth0
Default network interface on which HA cluster will bind to communication with the other members of the HA Cluster.
ha-mcastport | int
Default: 5434
Default multicast port number that will be used to communicate between HA Cluster nodes.
haproxy-client-timeout | int
Client timeout configuration in ms for haproxy, used in HA configurations. If not provided, default value of 90000ms is used.
haproxy-connect-timeout | int
Connect timeout configuration in ms for haproxy, used in HA configurations. If not provided, default value of 9000ms is used.
haproxy-queue-timeout | int
Queue timeout configuration in ms for haproxy, used in HA configurations. If not provided, default value of 9000ms is used.
haproxy-server-timeout | int
Server timeout configuration in ms for haproxy, used in HA configurations. If not provided, default value of 90000ms is used.
harden | string
Apply system hardening. Supports a space-delimited list of modules to run. Supported modules currently include os, ssh, apache and mysql.
identity-backend | string
Default: sql
Keystone identity backend, valid options are: sql, ldap, pam. . NOTE: this option should no longer be used to configure ldap. Instead the cs:keystone-ldap subordinate charm should be used to configure ldap backends.
identity-cache-expiration | int
Amount of time (in seconds) user identity information should be cached for. This impacts user information such as email and description, which could display stale information from cache after being updated. Reducing cache_time means more database queries so if an impact is perceived this value should be increased. If unspecified, the default value of 600 is used.
keystone-admin-role | string
Default: Admin
Role that allows admin operations (access to all operations).
keystone-service-admin-role | string
Default: KeystoneServiceAdmin
Role that allows acting as service admin.
ldap-config-flags | string
Default: None
Comma-separated options for ldap configuration. . [DEPRECATED] this option should no longer be used to configure ldap. Instead the cs:keystone-ldap subordinate charm should be used to configure ldap backends. This option will be removed in the next release.
ldap-password | string
Default: None
Password of the ldap identity server. . [DEPRECATED] this option should no longer be used to configure ldap. Instead the cs:keystone-ldap subordinate charm should be used to configure ldap backends. This option will be removed in the next release.
ldap-readonly | boolean
Default: True
Ldap identity server backend readonly to keystone. . [DEPRECATED] this option should no longer be used to configure ldap. Instead the cs:keystone-ldap subordinate charm should be used to configure ldap backends. This option will be removed in the next release.
ldap-server | string
Default: None
Ldap server address for keystone identity backend. . [DEPRECATED] this option should no longer be used to configure ldap. Instead the cs:keystone-ldap subordinate charm should be used to configure ldap backends. This option will be removed in the next release.
ldap-suffix | string
Default: None
Ldap server suffix to be used by keystone. . [DEPRECATED] this option should no longer be used to configure ldap. Instead the cs:keystone-ldap subordinate charm should be used to configure ldap backends. This option will be removed in the next release.
ldap-user | string
Default: None
Username of the ldap identity server. . [DEPRECATED] this option should no longer be used to configure ldap. Instead the cs:keystone-ldap subordinate charm should be used to configure ldap backends. This option will be removed in the next release.
log-level | string
Default: WARNING
nagios_context | string
Default: juju
Used by the nrpe-external-master subordinate charm. A string that will be prepended to instance name to set the host name in nagios. So for instance the hostname would be something like 'juju-myservice-0'. If you are running multiple environments with the same services in them this allows you to differentiate between them.
nagios_servicegroups | string
A comma-separated list of nagios servicegroups. If left empty, the nagios_context will be used as the servicegroup
openstack-origin | string
Default: yoga
Repository from which to install. May be one of the following: distro (default), ppa:somecustom/ppa, a deb url sources entry, or a supported Ubuntu Cloud Archive e.g. . cloud:<series>-<openstack-release> cloud:<series>-<openstack-release>/updates cloud:<series>-<openstack-release>/staging cloud:<series>-<openstack-release>/proposed . See for info on which cloud archives are available and supported. . NOTE: updating this setting to a source that is known to provide a later version of OpenStack will trigger a software upgrade unless action-managed-upgrade is set to True. NOTE: a corresponding public key from can be used when specifying a repository by appending the key separated by a | when entering the deb url sources entry, i.e. openstack-origin="deb <DEB URL>|<PUB KEY>"
os-admin-hostname | string
The hostname or address of the admin endpoints created for keystone in the keystone identity provider (itself). . This value will be used for admin endpoints. For example, an os-admin-hostname set to '' with ssl enabled will create a admin endpoint for keystone as: .
os-admin-network | string
The IP address and netmask of the OpenStack Admin network (e.g. . This network will be used for admin endpoints.
os-internal-hostname | string
The hostname or address of the internal endpoints created for keystone in the keystone identity provider (itself). . This value will be used for internal endpoints. For example, an os-internal-hostname set to '' with ssl enabled will create a internal endpoint for keystone as: .
os-internal-network | string
The IP address and netmask of the OpenStack Internal network (e.g. . This network will be used for internal endpoints.
os-public-hostname | string
The hostname or address of the public endpoints created for keystone in the keystone identity provider (itself). . This value will be used for public endpoints. For example, an os-public-hostname set to '' with ssl enabled will create a public endpoint for keystone as: .
os-public-network | string
The IP address and netmask of the OpenStack Public network (e.g. . This network will be used for public endpoints.
password-security-compliance | string
This config item, if set, is used to configure the [security_compliance] section of the keystone.conf file. This is used to control how the security around passwords is manged. Please refer to the charm README for full details. . The config item should be a YAML complaint string that sets the various allowed options in [security_compliance]. The settings are checked by the charm, but it's possible that it may break things unexpectedly. Please ensure that the the README and relevant documentation is consulted before setting this configuration option.
prefer-ipv6 | boolean
If True enables IPv6 support. The charm will expect network interfaces to be configured with an IPv6 address. If set to False (default) IPv4 is expected. . NOTE: these charms do not currently support IPv6 privacy extension. In order for this charm to function correctly, the privacy extension must be disabled and a non-temporary address must be configured/available on your network interface.
preferred-api-version | int
Use this keystone api version for keystone endpoints and advertise this version to identity client charms. For OpenStack releases < Queens this option defaults to 2; for Queens or later it defaults to 3.
region | string
Default: RegionOne
Space-separated list of Openstack regions.
role-cache-expiration | int
Amount of time (in seconds) role assignments should be cached for. Relying on the global expiration_time can cause applications that frequently add/remove role assignments to become slow or fail since assignment changes will take up to expiration_time to sync across all caches. Reducing cache_time means more database queries so if an impact is perceived this value should be increased.
service-admin-prefix | string
When service relations are joined they provide a name used to create a service admin_username in keystone. The name used may be too crude for some situations e.g. pre-populated LDAP identity backend. If set, this option will be prepended to each service admin_username.
service-port | int
Default: 5000
Port the bind the API server to.
service-tenant | string
Default: services
Name of tenant to associate service credentials.
ssl_ca | string
base64-encoded SSL CA to use with the certificate and key provided - this is only required if you are providing a privately signed ssl_cert and ssl_key.
ssl_cert | string
base64-encoded SSL certificate to install and use for API ports. Setting this value and ssl_key will enable reverse proxying, point Keystone's entry in the Keystone catalog to use https, and override any certificate and key issued by Keystone (if it is configured to do so).
ssl_key | string
base64-encoded SSL key to use with certificate specified as ssl_cert.
token-expiration | int
Default: 3600
Amount of time (in seconds) a token should remain valid.
token-provider | string
Transitional configuration option to enable migration to Fernet tokens prior to upgrade to OpenStack Rocky. . Supported values are 'uuid' and 'fernet'. . NOTE: This configuration option is honoured on OpenStack versions Ocata through Queens. For OpenStack Rocky it is a unconfigurable default. Silently ignored for all other versions.
use-policyd-override | boolean
If True then use the resource file named 'policyd-override' to install override YAML files in the service's policy.d directory. The resource file should be a ZIP file containing at least one yaml file with a .yaml or .yml extension. If False then remove the overrides.
use-syslog | boolean
Setting this to True will allow supporting services to log to syslog.
verbose | boolean
Enable verbose logging.
vip | string
Virtual IP(s) to use to front API services in HA configuration. . If multiple networks are being used, a VIP should be provided for each network, separated by spaces.
vip_cidr | int
Default: 24
Default CIDR netmask to use for HA vip when it cannot be automatically determined.
vip_iface | string
Default: eth0
Default network interface to use for HA vip when it cannot be automatically determined.
worker-multiplier | float
The CPU core multiplier to use when configuring worker processes for this service. By default, the number of workers for each daemon is set to twice the number of CPU cores a service unit has. This default value will be capped to 4 workers unless this configuration option is set.
wsgi-socket-rotation | boolean
Default: True
Allow users to disable Apache wsgi socket rotation. If not configured, this option sets True as the default value, which is consistent with the default value 'WSGISocketRotation On' in Apache. This option should be used with caution. Please read the Apache doc page for more information.