
Opensearch Dashboards

  • Canonical
Channel Revision Published Runs on
2/stable 22 24 Sep 2024
Ubuntu 22.04
2/candidate 22 24 Sep 2024
Ubuntu 22.04
2/beta 22 24 Sep 2024
Ubuntu 22.04
2/edge 26 28 Nov 2024
Ubuntu 22.04
juju deploy opensearch-dashboards --channel 2/stable
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Access Opensearch Dashboards

Assuming that you have a virtual environment available (as described in Step 1.Set up a virtual environment, open a browser and type there the following URL:


The address of the unit is available in the juju status output of the opensearch-dashboards unit. For example, in the output from Step 2. Deploy, this would be

You should see something like this:

Set up an Opensearch user

Set up a user using the data-integrator charm.

At deployment time the Opensearch index (in the example: index_name) has to be specified as well. This is an arbitrary, alphanumerical identifier of the users’ data space in Opensearch.

User creation takes affect when integrated against the opensearch charm.

$ juju deploy data-integrator --config index-name=<intex_name>
$ juju integrate data-integrator opensearch

Note: this user will have normal privileges - meaning this user will only have access to the index it owns.

In case a broader access to the cluster’s indices is needed, it is possible to create an admin / privileged user as follows:

juju deploy data-integrator admin --config index-name=admin-index --config extra-user-roles="admin"

Note: Please only create admin users when extremely needed, and handle with special care as authenticating with an admin user grants full access to all indices in the cluster.

Retrieve user credentials running

juju run data-integrator/0 get-credentials

at the bottom of the output you should see something like:

  password: 8kubD7nbWYZFHPVEzIVmTyqV42I7wHb4
  <CA certificate here>
  username: opensearch-client_15

Create the “index pattern”

Log in to the Dashboard using these credentials. Clicking the top left icon the main menu will pull down. Select Management / Dashboards Management here

Select Index patterns on the next view:

Click on create index pattern at the bottom.

Adding the index name that used for data-integrator deployment (in our example: testing) as an index pattern enables Dashboard access to the user’s Opensearch space.

Click on the Next step button, and finalize the index pattern creation.

As a verification, the user’s index metadata will display.

Add and visualize data

For test purposes, a simple method could do. Like generating data from the command-line, via the Opensearch API:

for ID in `seq 1 100`
    curl -sk -u opensearch-client_15:8kubD7nbWYZFHPVEzIVmTyqV42I7wHb4 \
    -XPUT${ID} \
    -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
    -d '{"test": "This is test ${ID}"}'

This is how raw data gets displayed in the Dashboard

Data Visualization

Opensearch Dashboards offers a variety of diagrams and data displays.

Choose Dashboards in the main left-side menu, and you will be presented to the selection: