Npochet Landscape Charm

Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 0 19 Mar 2021
Ubuntu 18.04 Ubuntu 16.04 Ubuntu 14.04
juju deploy npochet-landscape-charm
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18.04 16.04 14.04

Learn about configurations >

  • install_keys | string

    List of signing keys for install_sources package sources, per charmhelpers standard format (a yaml list of strings encoded as a string). The keys should be the full ASCII armoured GPG public keys. While GPG key ids are also supported and looked up on a keyserver, operators should be aware that this mechanism is insecure. null can be used if a standard package signing key is used that will already be installed on the machine, and for PPA sources where the package signing key is securely retrieved from Launchpad.\n"

  • install_sources | string

    Default: ['ppa:landscape/19.01']

    List of extra apt sources, per charm-helpers standard format (a yaml list of strings encoded as a string). Each source may be either a line that can be added directly to sources.list(5), or in the form ppa:<user>/<ppa-name> for adding Personal Package Archives, or a distribution component to enable.

  • key | string

    *DEPRECATED*. See install_keys Key ID to import to the apt keyring to support use with arbitary source configuration from outside of Launchpad archives or PPA's. In case multiple repositories are specified in the 'source' config key, this should be a comma-separated list of key IDs, one for each repository and in the same order. If a repository needs no key ID, the special keyword 'null' should be passed. Note that if 'source' (or one of its entries) is set to point ot a Launchpad PPA, there's no need to specify a key, since it gets automatically and securely fetched from Launchpad itself.

  • license-file | string

    License file for LDS, either as a base64-encoded string containing the actual license file data, or a file://, http:// or https:// URL pointing to the license file for download.

  • openid-logout-url | string

    OpenID provider URL to use to log out of Landscape.

  • openid-provider-url | string

    OpenID provider URL to use for authentication to Landscape.

  • root-url | string

    The root URL for this landscape deployment. If left blank the public IP of the first related HAproxy unit will be used instead.

  • smtp-relay-host | string

    The SMTP server to use to deliver outgoing mail.

  • source | string

    *DEPRECATED*. See install_sources The source from which to install the landscape packages. Possible values are: - A version number: "16.06" - A PPA URL: "ppa:landscape/16.06" - A full deb line: "deb xenial main" - A comma-separated list of the previous values, e.g. "16.06, ppa:juju/devel" (NOTE: using multiple repositories is meant for testing only, and not supported for production deployments, that should always just point to a single official Landscape PPA or a mirror of it).

  • ssl-cert | string

    base64 encoded SSL certificate to use for the Landscape server. It will be passed verbatim to the haproxy charm. If not set, a self-signed certificated will be used instead.

  • ssl-key | string

    base64 encoded private key for the default SSL certificate. If ssl_cert is not set, this will be ignored.

  • worker-counts | int

    Default: 2

    Number of processes to spawn for message-server and ping-server. If set to 0, the charm will automatically pick a value trying to maximize the use of the compute/memory resources available on the unit.