Namecheap LEGO Operator (K8s)

  • By Canonical Telco
Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 87 04 Jul 2024
Ubuntu 22.04
latest/candidate 87 04 Jul 2024
Ubuntu 22.04
latest/beta 87 04 Jul 2024
Ubuntu 22.04
latest/edge 91 23 Jul 2024
Ubuntu 22.04
juju deploy namecheap-lego-k8s
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Provide certificates to a charm

In this guide, we will go through the steps neccessary to use the Namecheap LEGO K8s for providing certificates to another charm.

Create a Juju Model:

juju add-model <your model name>

Deploy the Namecheap Lego K8s charm:

juju deploy namecheap-lego-k8s

Configure the charm with your ACME and Namecheap information:

juju config \
  server=<your ACME server> \
  email=<your email address> \
  namecheap-api-user=<your Namecheap API user> \
  namecheap-api-key=<your Namecheap API Key> 

Deploy your charm that requires TLS certificates and integrate it with the Namecheap Lego K8s charm:

juju deploy <your charm>
juju integrate <your charm> namecheap-lego-k8s

Help improve this document in the forum (guidelines). Last updated 6 months ago.