
- Canonical
Channel | Revision | Published | Runs on |
latest/candidate | 24 | 04 Oct 2024 | |
latest/beta | 24 | 04 Oct 2024 | |
6/stable | 24 | 08 Oct 2024 | |
6/beta | 10 | 26 Mar 2024 | |
6/edge | 39 | 13 Feb 2025 |
juju deploy mongos --channel candidate
Deploy universal operators easily with Juju, the Universal Operator Lifecycle Manager.
- Last updated 12 Nov 2024
- Revision Library version 0.4
# Copyright 2024 Canonical Ltd.
# See LICENSE file for licensing details.
"""Manager for handling Mongos in-place upgrades."""
import abc
import copy
import enum
import json
import logging
import pathlib
import secrets
import string
import poetry.core.constraints.version as poetry_version
from typing import Dict, List, Tuple, Optional
from ops import BlockedStatus, MaintenanceStatus, StatusBase, Unit
from ops.charm import CharmBase
from ops.framework import Object
from tenacity import retry, stop_after_attempt, wait_fixed
from charms.mongodb.v1.mongos import (
# The unique Charmhub library identifier, never change it
LIBID = "0ceb80b02714471bb72a467fb5aa9243"
# Increment this major API version when introducing breaking changes
# Increment this PATCH version before using `charmcraft publish-lib` or reset
# to 0 if you are raising the major API version
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
WRITE_KEY = "write_value"
ROLLBACK_INSTRUCTIONS = "To rollback, `juju refresh` to the previous revision"
SHARD = "shard"
PEER_RELATION_ENDPOINT_NAME = "upgrade-version-a"
PRECHECK_ACTION_NAME = "pre-upgrade-check"
# BEGIN: Helper functions
def unit_number(unit_: Unit) -> int:
"""Get unit number."""
return int(unit_.name.split("/")[-1])
# END: Helper functions
# BEGIN: Exceptions
class StatusException(Exception):
"""Exception with ops status."""
def __init__(self, status: StatusBase) -> None:
self.status = status
class PrecheckFailed(StatusException):
"""App is not ready to upgrade."""
def __init__(self, message: str):
self.message = message
f"Rollback with `juju refresh`. Pre-refresh check failed: {self.message}"
class FailedToElectNewPrimaryError(Exception):
"""Raised when a new primary isn't elected after stepping down."""
class ClusterNotHealthyError(Exception):
"""Raised when the cluster is not healthy."""
class BalancerStillRunningError(Exception):
"""Raised when the balancer is still running after stopping it."""
class PeerRelationNotReady(Exception):
"""Upgrade peer relation not available (to this unit)."""
# END: Exceptions
class UnitState(str, enum.Enum):
"""Unit upgrade state."""
HEALTHY = "healthy"
RESTARTING = "restarting" # Kubernetes only
UPGRADING = "upgrading" # Machines only
OUTDATED = "outdated" # Machines only
# BEGIN: Useful classes
class AbstractUpgrade(abc.ABC):
"""In-place upgrades abstract class (typing).
Based off specification: DA058 - In-Place Upgrades - Kubernetes v2
def __init__(self, charm_: CharmBase) -> None:
relations = charm_.model.relations[PEER_RELATION_ENDPOINT_NAME]
if not relations:
raise PeerRelationNotReady
assert len(relations) == 1
self._peer_relation = relations[0]
self._charm = charm_
self._unit: Unit = charm_.unit
self._unit_databag = self._peer_relation.data[self._unit]
self._app_databag = self._peer_relation.data[charm_.app]
self._app_name = charm_.app.name
self._current_versions = {} # For this unit
for version, file_name in {
"charm": "charm_version",
"workload": "workload_version",
self._current_versions[version] = (
def unit_state(self) -> Optional[UnitState]:
"""Unit upgrade state."""
if state := self._unit_databag.get("state"):
return UnitState(state)
def unit_state(self, value: UnitState) -> None:
self._unit_databag["state"] = value.value
def is_compatible(self) -> bool:
"""Whether upgrade is supported from previous versions."""
assert self.versions_set
previous_version_strs: Dict[str, str] = json.loads(
except KeyError as exception:
logger.debug("`versions` missing from peer relation", exc_info=exception)
return False
# TODO charm versioning: remove `.split("+")` (which removes git hash before comparing)
previous_version_strs["charm"] = previous_version_strs["charm"].split("+")[0]
previous_versions: Dict[str, poetry_version.Version] = {
key: poetry_version.Version.parse(value)
for key, value in previous_version_strs.items()
current_version_strs = copy.copy(self._current_versions)
current_version_strs["charm"] = current_version_strs["charm"].split("+")[0]
current_versions = {
key: poetry_version.Version.parse(value)
for key, value in current_version_strs.items()
# TODO Future PR: change this > sign to support downgrades
if (
previous_versions["charm"] > current_versions["charm"]
or previous_versions["charm"].major != current_versions["charm"].major
f'{previous_versions["charm"]=} incompatible with {current_versions["charm"]=}'
return False
if (
previous_versions["workload"] > current_versions["workload"]
or previous_versions["workload"].major
!= current_versions["workload"].major
f'{previous_versions["workload"]=} incompatible with {current_versions["workload"]=}'
return False
f"Versions before upgrade compatible with versions after upgrade {previous_version_strs=} {self._current_versions=}"
return True
except KeyError as exception:
f"Version missing from {previous_versions=}", exc_info=exception
return False
def in_progress(self) -> bool:
"""Whether upgrade is in progress."""
f"{self._app_workload_container_version=} {self._unit_workload_container_versions=}"
return any(
version != self._app_workload_container_version
for version in self._unit_workload_container_versions.values()
def _sorted_units(self) -> List[Unit]:
"""Units sorted from highest to lowest unit number."""
return sorted(
(self._unit, *self._peer_relation.units), key=unit_number, reverse=True
def _get_unit_healthy_status(self) -> StatusBase:
"""Status shown during upgrade if unit is healthy."""
def get_unit_juju_status(self) -> Optional[StatusBase]:
"""Unit upgrade status."""
if self.in_progress:
return self._get_unit_healthy_status()
def app_status(self) -> Optional[StatusBase]:
"""App upgrade status."""
if not self.in_progress:
return MaintenanceStatus(
"Refreshing. To rollback, `juju refresh` to the previous revision"
def versions_set(self) -> bool:
"""Whether versions have been saved in app databag.
Should only be `False` during first charm install.
If a user upgrades from a charm that does not set versions, this charm will get stuck.
return self._app_databag.get("versions") is not None
def set_versions_in_app_databag(self) -> None:
"""Save current versions in app databag.
Used after next upgrade to check compatibility (i.e. whether that upgrade should be
assert not self.in_progress
f"Setting {self._current_versions=} in upgrade peer relation app databag"
self._app_databag["versions"] = json.dumps(self._current_versions)
f"Set {self._current_versions=} in upgrade peer relation app databag"
def _unit_workload_container_versions(self) -> Dict[str, str]:
"""{Unit name: unique identifier for unit's workload container version}.
If and only if this version changes, the workload will restart (during upgrade or
On Kubernetes, the workload & charm are upgraded together
On machines, the charm is upgraded before the workload
This identifier should be comparable to `_app_workload_container_version` to determine if
the unit & app are the same workload container version.
def _app_workload_container_version(self) -> str:
"""Unique identifier for the app's workload container version.
This should match the workload version in the current Juju app charm version.
This identifier should be comparable to `_unit_workload_container_versions` to determine if
the app & unit are the same workload container version.
def authorized(self) -> bool:
"""Whether this unit is authorized to upgrade.
Only applies to machine charm
def upgrade_unit(self, *, charm) -> None:
"""Upgrade this unit.
Only applies to machine charm
def pre_upgrade_check(self) -> None:
"""Check if this app is ready to upgrade.
Runs before any units are upgraded
Does *not* run during rollback
On machines, this runs before any units are upgraded (after `juju refresh`)
On machines & Kubernetes, this also runs during pre-upgrade-check action
Can run on leader or non-leader unit
PrecheckFailed: App is not ready to upgrade
TODO Kubernetes: Run (some) checks after `juju refresh` (in case user forgets to run
pre-upgrade-check action). Note: 1 unit will upgrade before we can run checks (checks may
need to be modified).
See https://chat.canonical.com/canonical/pl/cmf6uhm1rp8b7k8gkjkdsj4mya
# Until the mongos charm has a config-server there is nothing to check. Allow an upgrade.
if not self._charm.mongos_initialised:
if not self._charm.upgrade.is_mongos_able_to_read_write():
raise PrecheckFailed("mongos is not able to read/write.")
class GenericMongosUpgrade(Object, abc.ABC):
"""Substrate agnostif, abstract handler for upgrade events."""
def __init__(self, charm: CharmBase, *args, **kwargs):
super().__init__(charm, *args, **kwargs)
def _observe_events(self, charm: CharmBase) -> None:
"""Handler that should register all event observers."""
raise NotImplementedError()
def _upgrade(self) -> AbstractUpgrade | None:
raise NotImplementedError()
def is_mongos_able_to_read_write(self) -> bool:
"""Returns True if mongos is able to read and write."""
collection_name, write_value = self.get_random_write_and_collection()
self.add_write_to_sharded_cluster(collection_name, write_value)
logger.debug("-----\nchecking write \n----")
write_replicated = self.confirm_excepted_write_cluster(
if not write_replicated:
logger.debug("Test read/write to cluster failed.")
return False
return True
def get_random_write_and_collection(self) -> Tuple[str, str]:
"""Returns a tuple for a random collection name and a unique write to add to it."""
choices = string.ascii_letters + string.digits
collection_name = "collection_" + "".join(
[secrets.choice(choices) for _ in range(32)]
write_value = "unique_write_" + "".join(
[secrets.choice(choices) for _ in range(16)]
return (collection_name, write_value)
def add_write_to_sharded_cluster(self, collection_name, write_value) -> None:
"""Adds a the provided write to the provided database with the provided collection."""
with MongosConnection(self.charm.mongos_config) as mongos:
db = mongos.client[self.charm.database]
test_collection = db[collection_name]
write = {WRITE_KEY: write_value}
def confirm_excepted_write_cluster(
collection_name: str,
expected_write_value: str,
) -> None:
"""Returns True if the replica contains the expected write in the provided collection."""
with MongosConnection(self.charm.mongos_config) as mongos:
db = mongos.client[self.charm.database]
test_collection = db[collection_name]
query = test_collection.find({}, {WRITE_KEY: 1})
if query[0][WRITE_KEY] != expected_write_value:
return False
return True
def clear_tmp_collection(self, collection_name: str) -> None:
"""Clears the temporary collection."""
with MongosConnection(self.charm.mongos_config) as mongos:
db = mongos.client[self.charm.database]
# END: Useful classes