Charmed MongoDB

Channel Revision Published Runs on
6/stable 164 26 Mar 2024
Ubuntu 22.04
6/candidate 164 26 Mar 2024
Ubuntu 22.04
6/beta 164 26 Mar 2024
Ubuntu 22.04
6/edge 175 Yesterday
Ubuntu 22.04
5/stable 117 20 Apr 2023
Ubuntu 22.04
5/candidate 117 20 Apr 2023
Ubuntu 22.04
5/edge 139 21 Nov 2023
Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 20.04
5/edge 109 06 Mar 2023
Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 20.04
3.6/stable 100 28 Apr 2023
Ubuntu 20.04 Ubuntu 18.04
3.6/candidate 100 13 Apr 2023
Ubuntu 20.04 Ubuntu 18.04
3.6/edge 100 03 Feb 2023
Ubuntu 20.04 Ubuntu 18.04
juju deploy mongodb --channel 6/stable
Show information


22.04 20.04 18.04

How to restore a backup

This is a guide on how to perform a basic restore of a local backup of your Charmed MongoDB replica set or sharded cluster.



Determine the application to run backup actions on

The application to pass to juju when running backup and restore actions depends on whether your deployment is a replica set or sharded cluster:

When running Charmed MongoDB as a replica-set, this will be the name of your MongoDB application.

When running Charmed MongoDB as a sharded cluster, this will be the name of your MongoDB application running with the “config-server” role - never the shard applications.

List all backups

To list all backups available, run:

juju run <replica-set name | config-server name>/leader list-backups

This will display available backups similar to the output below:

    backup-id             | backup-type  | backup-status
    YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ  | logical      | finished 

Restore a backup

Before restoring a backup, check that your Charmed MongoDB deployment is active and idle with juju status.

To restore a backup from the list, run the restore command using the backup-id:

juju run <replica-set name | config-server name>/leader restore backup-id=YYYY-MM-DDTHH:MM:SSZ

The restore will now be in progress.

Help improve this document in the forum (guidelines). Last updated 4 months ago.