Landscape Scalable
- Landscape | bundle
- Monitoring
Channel | Revision | Published |
latest/stable | 37 | 11 Dec 2024 |
latest/beta | 39 | 20 Feb 2025 |
latest/edge | 34 | 25 Jul 2024 |
juju deploy landscape-scalable
Deploy universal operators easily with Juju, the Universal Operator Lifecycle Manager.
additional_service_config | string
Additional service.conf settings to be merged with the default configuration.
admin_email | string
The email address of the initial account administrator. Note this value cannot be set more than once.
admin_name | string
The full name of the initial account administrator. Note this value cannot be set more than once.
admin_password | string
The initial password of the account administrator. Note this value cannot be set more than once.
db_host | string
Optionally specify the host instead of getting it from the postgres charm
db_landscape_password | string
Password for landscape user which does normal read/write operations
db_port | string
Optionally specify the db port instead of getting it from the postgres charm. Falls back to the default postgres port
db_schema_password | string
Password used by database admin to perform schema checks and migrations. If not set, postgres charm value, followed by db_landscape_password is used.
db_schema_user | string
Database admin user to perform schema checks and migrations. If not provided, the value from the postgres charm is used
deployment_mode | string
Default: standalone
Landscape Server tenancy mode - do not modify unless you are able to provide the additional configuration required to run Landscape in SaaS mode.
http_proxy | string
The HTTP proxy URL Landscape will use. If blank, the model-config value will be used.
https_proxy | string
The HTTPS proxy URL Landscape will use. If blank, the model-config value will be used.
landscape_ppa | string
Default: ppa:landscape/self-hosted-24.04
The PPA from which Landscape Server will be installed.
landscape_ppa_key | string
Full ASCII-armoured GPG public key for the Landscape PPA source.
license_file | string
License file for Self-Hosted Landscape, either as a base64-encoded string containing the actual license file data, or a file://, http://, or https:// URL pointing to the license file for download.
min_install | boolean
Does not install recommended packages like hashids to to speed up installation process.
nagios_context | string
Default: juju
Used by the NRPE subordinate charms. A string that will be prepended to the instance name to set the hostname in nagios, e.g., juju-myservice-0. If you are running multiple environments with the same services in them, this allows you to differentiate them.
nagios_servicegroups | string
Comma-separated list of nagios servicegroups. If empty, the nagios-context will be used as the servicegroup.
no_proxy | string
Comma-separated list of hosts for which no proxy should be used. If blank, the model-config value will be used.
oidc_client_id | string
OpenID-Connect client ID.
oidc_client_secret | string
OpenID-Connect client secret.
oidc_issuer | string
OpenID-Connect issuer URL to use for Landscape Server authentication.
oidc_logout_url | string
OpenID-Connect issuer URL to use to log out of Landscape Servers is.
openid_logout_url | string
OpenID provider URL to use to log out of Landscape Server.
openid_provider_url | string
OpenID provider URL to use for Landscape Server authentication.
registration_key | string
The initial account registration key. Note this value cannot be set more than once.
root_url | string
The root URL for this Landscape deployment. If left blank, the public IP of the first related HAProxy unit will be used instead.
secret_token | string
A secret token for the landscape service. If not set one will be generated securely.
site_name | string
Default: juju
A unique site name for the Landscape deployment.
smtp_relay_host | string
The SMTP server used to deliver outgoing mail.
ssl_cert | string
Default: DEFAULT
The base64-encoded SSL certificate to use for Landscape Server. It will be passed verbatim to the HAProxy charm. If not set, a self-signed certificate will be used instead.
ssl_key | string
The base64-encoded private key for the SSL certificate. If ssl-cert is not set, this will be ignored.
system_email | string
The initial email address that Landscape emails will appear to come from. Note this value cannot be set more than once.
worker_counts | int
Default: 2
Number of processes to spawn for message-server and ping-server. If set to 0, the charm will automatically pick a value, trying to maximize the use of the computer/memory resources available on the unit.