
  • Kubeflow Charmers | bundle
  • Cloud
Channel Revision Published
latest/candidate 294 24 Jan 2022
latest/beta 430 30 Aug 2024
latest/edge 423 26 Jul 2024
1.9/stable 426 31 Jul 2024
1.9/beta 420 19 Jul 2024
1.9/edge 425 31 Jul 2024
1.8/stable 414 22 Nov 2023
1.8/beta 411 22 Nov 2023
1.8/edge 413 22 Nov 2023
1.7/stable 409 27 Oct 2023
1.7/beta 408 27 Oct 2023
1.7/edge 407 27 Oct 2023
juju deploy kubeflow --channel 1.9/edge
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This guide describes how to deploy a NVIDIA Inference Microservice (NIM) on Charmed Kubeflow (CKF) and serve a model with KServe, a component of CKF.

A NIM is a containerized inference microservice for running LLMs, distributed from NVIDIA’s private container registry — NGC (NVIDIA GPU Cloud).

This guide uses Kubeflow v1.9, Kubernetes v1.29, and Juju v3.4. See Supported versions for more details on compatibility among these.


When creating an API key, ensure that “NGC Catalog” is selected from the “Services Included” dropdown.

Configure MicroK8s GPU add-on

Install NVIDIA GPU drivers

See MicroK8s Add-on: gpu documentation to install the NVIDIA drivers and verify that drivers are loaded.

This step is necessary due to this issue with the MicroK8s GPU add-on.

Enable MicroK8s GPU add-on

Enable MicroK8s GPU add-on to enable running NVIDIA GPU workloads.

microk8s enable gpu

Check MicroK8s status as follows:

microk8s status --wait-ready

Wait until the output shows microk8s is running and the gpu add-on is listed under enabled.

Create a Kubeflow notebook

Create a Kubeflow notebook. This notebook is the workspace from which you run commands.

Choose the default notebook image since you will be only using the Command Line Interface (CLI).

Running commands in this guide requires in-cluster communication and instructions won’t work outside of the notebook environment.

Connect to the notebook and start a new terminal from the launcher as shown below:


Use this terminal session to run the commands in the next sections.

Create Kubernetes secrets

From the terminal, export your NGC API key. It will be used in the next steps to create the required K8s secrets:

export NGC_API_KEY=<your_key>

Create a Docker config K8s secret with the NGC API key to pull the image from the NGC private Docker registry as follows:

kubectl create secret docker-registry ngc-secret --docker-server=nvcr.io --docker-username='$oauthtoken' --docker-password=$NGC_API_KEY

Create an opaque K8s secret with the NGC API key to launch NIMs:

kubectl create secret generic nvidia-nim-secret --from-literal=NGC_API_KEY=$NGC_API_KEY

Create ServingRuntime

Create the KServe ServingRuntime YAML to be used as the runtime for the NIMs as follows:

cat <<EOF > "./runtime.yaml"
apiVersion: serving.kserve.io/v1alpha1
kind: ServingRuntime
  name: nvidia-nim-llama3-8b-instruct-1.0.0
    prometheus.kserve.io/path: /metrics
    prometheus.kserve.io/port: "8000"
    serving.kserve.io/enable-metric-aggregation: "true"
    serving.kserve.io/enable-prometheus-scraping: "true"
  - env:
    - name: NIM_CACHE_PATH
      value: /tmp
    - name: NGC_API_KEY
          name: nvidia-nim-secret
          key: NGC_API_KEY
    image: nvcr.io/nim/meta/llama3-8b-instruct:1.0.0
    name: kserve-container
    - containerPort: 8000
      protocol: TCP
        cpu: "12"
        memory: 32Gi
        cpu: "12"
        memory: 32Gi
    - mountPath: /dev/shm
      name: dshm
  - name: ngc-secret
  - v2
  - grpc-v2
  - autoSelect: true
    name: nvidia-nim-llama3-8b-instruct
    priority: 1
    version: "1.0.0"
  - emptyDir:
      medium: Memory
      sizeLimit: 16Gi
    name: dshm

Apply the ServingRuntime to your namespace:

kubectl apply -f runtime.yaml

The runtime above is inspired by the runtimes published in the NVIDIA/nim-deploy repository. Check it out for more details on available NIM runtimes.

This guide deviates from NVIDIA’s runtime YAMLs by setting the NIM_CACHE_PATH to /tmp. This enforces the NIM container to download the model in memory instead of using a PVC and avoids this issue in KServe.

Create InferenceService

Define a new InferenceService YAML file using the LLama3 runtime created in the previous step:

cat <<EOF > "./isvc.yaml"
apiVersion: serving.kserve.io/v1beta1
kind: InferenceService
    autoscaling.knative.dev/target: "10"
  name: llama3-8b-instruct-1xgpu
    minReplicas: 1
        name: nvidia-nim-llama3-8b-instruct
          nvidia.com/gpu: "1"
          nvidia.com/gpu: "1"
      runtime: nvidia-nim-llama3-8b-instruct-1.0.0

Apply the InferenceService to your namespace:

kubectl apply -f ./isvc.yaml

Wait until the InferenceService is in Ready state.

This process can take up to 10 minutes because of pulling the large-size NIMs image and model.

You can check its state with:

kubectl get inferenceservice llama3-8b-instruct-1xgpu

You should expect an output similar to this:

NAME                       URL                                                         READY   PREV   LATEST   PREVROLLEDOUTREVISION   LATESTREADYREVISION                        AGE
llama3-8b-instruct-1xgpu   http://llama3-8b-instruct-1xgpu.admin.   True           100                              llama3-8b-instruct-1xgpu-predictor-00001   16m

Make a request to the InferenceService

Get the InferenceService status.address.url and save it to a variable:

URL=$(kubectl get inferenceservice llama3-8b-instruct-1xgpu -o jsonpath='{.status.address.url}')

Make a request to the InferenceService URL:

curl $URL/v1/chat/completions -H "Content-Type: application/json" -d '{
"model": "meta/llama3-8b-instruct",
"messages": [{"role":"user","content":"What is Kubeflow?"}]

You should expect an output similar to this:

{"id":"cmpl-c2ec0a9bf1d64172975992f8236fc166","object":"chat.completion","created":1729157204,"model":"meta/llama3-8b-instruct","choices":[{"index":0,"message":{"role":"assistant","content":"Kubeflow is an open-source platform for Machine Learning (ML) on Kubernetes. It allows data scientists and developers to easily build, deploy, and manage machine learning workloads on Kubernetes, a container orchestration system...."},"logprobs":null,"finish_reason":"stop","stop_reason":128009}],"usage":{"prompt_tokens":16,"total_tokens":426,"completion_tokens":410}}