Kubeflow Profiles

  • By Kubeflow Charmers
  • Ai Ml
Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 57 24 Jan 2022
Ubuntu 20.04
latest/candidate 59 05 Apr 2022
Ubuntu 20.04
latest/beta 393 09 Jul 2024
Ubuntu 20.04
latest/edge 418 25 Jul 2024
Ubuntu 20.04
1.9/edge 419 Yesterday
Ubuntu 20.04
1.8/stable 355 21 Nov 2023
Ubuntu 20.04
1.8/edge 410 15 Jul 2024
Ubuntu 20.04
1.7/stable 336 04 Oct 2023
Ubuntu 20.04
1.7/beta 269 28 Mar 2023
Ubuntu 20.04
1.7/edge 336 29 Sep 2023
Ubuntu 20.04
1.6/stable 94 12 Dec 2022
Ubuntu 20.04
1.6/beta 82 14 Sep 2022
Ubuntu 20.04
1.6/edge 94 02 Dec 2022
Ubuntu 20.04
1.4/stable 63 30 Jun 2022
Ubuntu 20.04
1.4/edge 63 30 May 2022
Ubuntu 20.04
juju deploy kubeflow-profiles --channel edge
Show information


Learn about actions >

  • create-profile

    Create a new profile under an authenticated user and apply configurations to the profile to allow using Minio, MLFlow, and Seldon.

    • profilename string

      the name of the new profile to be created

    • resourcequota string

      (Optional) resource quota for the new profile

    • username string

      the name of the authenticated user under which the new profile will be added


    username, profilename

  • initialise-profile

    Apply configuration to an existing profile to allow using Minio, MLFlow, and Seldon.

    • profilename string

      the name of the existing profile to be configured

