Kubeflow Edge
- Kubeflow Charmers | bundle
- Cloud
Channel | Revision | Published |
latest/stable | 46 | 28 Jul 2021 |
latest/candidate | 46 | 28 Jul 2021 |
latest/beta | 46 | 28 Jul 2021 |
latest/edge | 46 | 28 Jul 2021 |
juju deploy kubeflow-edge
Deploy Kubernetes operators easily with Juju, the Universal Operator Lifecycle Manager. Need a Kubernetes cluster? Install MicroK8s to create a full CNCF-certified Kubernetes system in under 60 seconds.
auto-update-default-version | boolean
Default: True
If true, the default pipeline version will be updated when uploading a new version of a pipeline
cache-enabled | boolean
Default: True
If true, pipeline run steps can be cached instead of re-run
cache-image | string
Default: gcr.io/google-containers/busybox
Which image to list as the backing image for a pipeline run step pulled from cache
driver-image | string
Default: gcr.io/ml-pipeline/kfp-driver@sha256:3c0665cd36aa87e4359a4c8b6271dcba5bdd817815cd0496ed12eb5dde5fd2ec
Driver image used during a pipeline's steps.
grpc-port | string
Default: 8887
GRPC port
http-port | string
Default: 8888
HTTP port
init-connection-timeout | string
Default: 6m
Connection timeout used when initializing clients for related services. The format used can be anything accepted by `time.ParseDuration`.
k8s-service-name | string
Default: ml-pipeline
Name of the Kubernetes service where kfp-api will expose itself
launcher-image | string
Default: gcr.io/ml-pipeline/kfp-launcher@sha256:8fe5e6e4718f20b021736022ad3741ddf2abd82aa58c86ae13e89736fdc3f08f
Launcher image used during a pipeline's steps.
log-archive-filename | string
Default: main.log
Name of log file in object storage
log-archive-prefix | string
Default: /artifacts
Prefix for log file in object storage
log-level | string
Default: info
Log level of api server
object-store-bucket-name | string
Default: mlpipeline
Default name of object storage bucket.
runner-sa | string
Default: default-editor
Default pipeline runner service account. Used if service account is left unspecified when creating a run