Contrail OpenStack
- Juniper Openstack Software
Channel | Revision | Published | Runs on |
latest/stable | 42 | 20 Dec 2024 | |
latest/stable | 31 | 03 Feb 2022 |
juju deploy juniper-os-software-contrail-openstack
Deploy universal operators easily with Juju, the Universal Operator Lifecycle Manager.
container_runtime | string
Default: docker
Container runtime valid values are "docker" and "containerd". Warning! The changes will not be applied after the package is installed.
docker-log-driver | string
Default: json-file
A logging driver for the service’s containers.
docker-log-options | string
Default: max-size=20m max-file=5
Logging options for the logging driver. Logging options available depend on which logging driver you use.
docker-opts | string
Extra options to pass to the Docker config file '/etc/docker/daemon.json' in json format. e.g. {"iptables": false, "insecure-registries": ["host2", "tungstenfabric", "host1"]}
docker-password | string
Password to the docker registry.
docker-registry | string
Default: opencontrailnightly
URL of docker-registry
docker-registry-insecure | boolean
Is it docker-registry insecure and should docker be configured for it
docker-user | string
Login to the docker registry.
docker_runtime | string
Default: upstream
Docker runtime to install valid values are "upstream" (Docker PPA), "apt" (Ubuntu archive), "auto" (Ubuntu archive), or "custom" (must have set
URL anddocker_runtime_package
name). Warning! The changes will not be applied after the package is installed. -
docker_runtime_key_url | string
Custom Docker repository validation key URL. Warning! The changes will not be applied after the package is installed.
docker_runtime_package | string
Custom Docker repository package name. Warning! The changes will not be applied after the package is installed.
docker_runtime_repo | string
Custom Docker repository, given in deb format. Use
to determine architecture at runtime. Use{CODE}
to set release codename. E.g.deb [arch={ARCH}] https://download.docker.com/linux/ubuntu {CODE} stable
. Warning! The changes will not be applied after the package is installed. -
enable-metadata-server | boolean
Default: True
Configures metadata shared secret and tells nova to run a local instance of nova-api-metadata for serving metadata to VMs.
heat-plugin-dirs | string
Default: /usr/lib64/heat,/usr/lib/heat,/usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/vnc_api/gen/heat/resources
Set directories where heat will search for new resources.
http_proxy | string
URL to use for HTTP_PROXY to be used by Docker. Only useful in closed environments where a proxy is the only option for routing to the registry to pull images
https_proxy | string
URL to use for HTTPS_PROXY to be used by Docker. Only useful in closed environments where a proxy is the only option for routing to the registry to pull images
image-tag | string
Default: latest
Tag of docker image.
no_proxy | string
Comma-separated list of destinations (either domain names or IP addresses) that should be directly accessed, by opposition of going through the proxy defined above. Must be less than 2023 characters long
use-internal-endpoints | boolean
Openstack mostly defaults to using public endpoints for internal communication between services. If set to True this option will configure services to use internal endpoints where possible.