
Juniper Os Software Contrail Controller

  • Juniper Openstack Software
Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 41 20 Dec 2024
Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 20.04 Ubuntu 18.04 Ubuntu 16.04
latest/stable 29 10 Jan 2022
Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 20.04 Ubuntu 18.04 Ubuntu 16.04
juju deploy juniper-os-software-contrail-controller
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22.04 20.04 18.04 16.04

Learn about configurations >

  • auth-mode | string

    Default: rbac

    It represents 'aaa_mode' configuration key of Contrail. Can be one of: 'rbac', 'cloud-admin' or 'no-auth' Authentication mode. Detailed information can be found in the Contrail documentation. In case of 'rbac' charm will configure Contrail to RBAC mode and administrator must configure RBAC rules to allow users to work. In case of 'cloud-admin' charm will configure Contrail in compatible mode.

  • bgp-asn | string

    Default: 64512

    [default parameter, use action apply-defaults to change for release 2002 and further] Default router ASN

  • cassandra-jvm-extra-opts | string

    Memory limits for Java process of Cassandra.

  • cassandra-minimum-diskgb | string

    Default: 20

    Contrail has this as parameter and checks it at startup. If disk is smaller then status of DB is not good.

  • cloud-admin-role | string

    Default: admin

    Role name in keystone for users that have full access to everything.

  • config-api-worker-count | int

    Default: 1

    Number of workers spawned inside config-api container.

  • container_runtime | string

    Default: docker

    Container runtime valid values are "docker" and "containerd". Warning! The changes will not be applied after the package is installed.

  • control-network | string

    Network where API services are listening on. The IP addresses with netmasks of the control network delimited by space or comma (e.g. "" or "") or physical device name. This network will be used for all services in the charm charm except control/dns. In Contrail this network is called as API(/MGMT) network. If not specified, default network will be used.

  • data-network | string

    Network for data traffic of workload and for control traffic between compute nodes and control services. The IP addresses with netmasks of the data network delimited by space or comma (e.g. "" or "") or physical device name. This network will be used for Contrail endpoints. If not specified then control-network will be used of default network will be used.

  • docker-log-driver | string

    Default: json-file

    A logging driver for the service’s containers.

  • docker-log-options | string

    Default: max-size=20m max-file=5

    Logging options for the logging driver. Logging options available depend on which logging driver you use.

  • docker-opts | string

    Extra options to pass to the Docker config file '/etc/docker/daemon.json' in json format. e.g. {"iptables": false, "insecure-registries": ["host2", "tungstenfabric", "host1"]}

  • docker-password | string

    Password to the docker registry.

  • docker-registry | string

    Default: opencontrailnightly

    URL of docker-registry

  • docker-registry-insecure | boolean

    Is it docker-registry insecure and should docker be configured for it

  • docker-user | string

    Login to the docker registry.

  • docker_runtime | string

    Default: upstream

    Docker runtime to install valid values are "upstream" (Docker PPA), "apt" (Ubuntu archive), "auto" (Ubuntu archive), or "custom" (must have set docker_runtime_repo URL, docker_runtime_key_url URL and docker_runtime_package name). Warning! The changes will not be applied after the package is installed.

  • docker_runtime_key_url | string

    Custom Docker repository validation key URL. Warning! The changes will not be applied after the package is installed.

  • docker_runtime_package | string

    Custom Docker repository package name. Warning! The changes will not be applied after the package is installed.

  • docker_runtime_repo | string

    Custom Docker repository, given in deb format. Use {ARCH} to determine architecture at runtime. Use {CODE} to set release codename. E.g. deb [arch={ARCH}] {CODE} stable. Warning! The changes will not be applied after the package is installed.

  • enable-4byte-as | boolean

    [default parameter, use action apply-defaults to change for release 2002 and further] If set, AS Number can be 4 byte wide.

  • encap-priority | string


    [default parameter, use action apply-defaults to change for release 2002 and further] List of Encapsulation priority

  • flow-export-rate | string

    Default: 0

    Defines how much flow records will be exported by vRouter agent to the Contrail Collector when a flow is created or deleted.

  • global-read-only-role | string

    Role name in keystone for users that have read-only access to everything.

  • haproxy-http-mode | string

    Default: http

    Mode for haproxy for http backends - http or https. https means that haproxy will be configured with SSL termination. http configures haproxy without SSL and http services (config-api and analytics-api) can be accessed via haproxy by http connection.

  • haproxy-https-mode | string

    Default: tcp

    Mode for haproxy for https backends (WebUI) - tcp or http. tcp means pass-through for SSL connection - client will see cert from backend. http mode means ssl-termination in haproxy - cert from backend will be parsed by haproxy and client will see cert that is set for haproxy itself.

  • http_proxy | string

    URL to use for HTTP_PROXY to be used by Docker. Only useful in closed environments where a proxy is the only option for routing to the registry to pull images

  • https_proxy | string

    URL to use for HTTPS_PROXY to be used by Docker. Only useful in closed environments where a proxy is the only option for routing to the registry to pull images

  • huge-scale | boolean

    This option tunes some parameters in containers to provide setup which is more reliable in huge scale configurations.

  • image-tag | string

    Default: latest

    Tag of docker image.

  • local-rabbitmq-hostname-resolution | boolean

    Write RabbitMQ resolutions for cluster node names into /etc/hosts based on addresses from subnets configured in control-network config as well as a system hostname plus '-contrail-rmq' postfix. This config option is useful for multi-homed setups where a system hostname in the configured DNS does not correspond to an address used for RabbitMQ clustering traffic.

  • log-level | string

    Default: SYS_NOTICE

    Log level for contrail services. Valid values are: SYS_EMERG, SYS_ALERT, SYS_CRIT, SYS_ERR, SYS_WARN, SYS_NOTICE, SYS_INFO, SYS_DEBUG

  • min-cluster-size | int

    Default: 1

    Minimum number of units expected to exist before charm will attempt to form a cluster.

  • nagios_context | string

    Default: juju

    Used by the nrpe subordinate charms. A string that will be prepended to instance name to set the host name in nagios. So for instance the hostname would be something like juju-myservice-0 If you're running multiple environments with the same services in them this allows you to differentiate between them.

  • nagios_servicegroups | string

    A comma-separated list of nagios servicegroups. If left empty, the nagios_context will be used as the servicegroup

  • no_proxy | string

    Comma-separated list of destinations (either domain names or IP addresses) that should be directly accessed, by opposition of going through the proxy defined above. Must be less than 2023 characters long

  • vip | string

    Contrail API VIP to be used for configuring haproxy relation for external clients. To be set up also in KeepAlived charm configuration if it’s used for HA. All internal clients like vrouter-agent and openstack clients like neutron will be configured with list of unit's IP-s.

  • vxlan-vn-id-mode | string

    Default: automatic

    [default parameter, use action apply-defaults to change for release 2002 and further] Virtual Network id type to be used