Juju Gui

Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 142 17 Dec 2020
Ubuntu 16.04 Ubuntu 14.04 Ubuntu 12.04
latest/stable 123 17 Dec 2020
Ubuntu 16.04 Ubuntu 14.04 Ubuntu 12.04
latest/candidate 134 17 Dec 2020
Ubuntu 16.04 Ubuntu 14.04
latest/edge 142 17 Dec 2020
Ubuntu 16.04 Ubuntu 14.04 Ubuntu 12.04
latest/edge 123 17 Dec 2020
Ubuntu 16.04 Ubuntu 14.04 Ubuntu 12.04
juju deploy juju-gui
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16.04 14.04 12.04

Learn about configurations >

  • builtin-server-logging | string

    Default: info

    Set the GUI server log level. Possible values are debug, info, warning and error. The log file is placed in /var/log/upstart/guiserver.log.

  • bundleservice-url | string

    Default: https://api.jujucharms.com/bundleservice

    Publicly accessible URL of bundle service.

  • cached-fonts | boolean

    Configure the GUI to use locally cached fonts, rather than the Google CDN as supplied by the Google fonts API. The CDN is faster in almost every circumstance except local (LXC) environments, and so it is the default; but if a browser is running the GUI on a closed network, using cached fonts will let the GUI load much faster and render properly.

  • charmstore-url | string

    Default: https://api.jujucharms.com/charmstore/

    The URL of the charm store API service. This option supersedes the charmworld-url option above.

  • charmworld-url | string

    Default: https://manage.jujucharms.com/

    The URL of the charm catalog site ("charmworld") from which charm catalog data will be drawn.

  • command-log-file | string

    Default: /var/log/juju/juju-gui.log

    The log file where stdout and stderr should be sent for all commands that are run by charm hooks.

  • gisf-enabled | boolean

    Enables the GUI in Storefront mode

  • gtm-enabled | boolean

    Enables Google tag manager tracking.

  • gzip-compression | boolean

    Default: True

    Enables gzip compressed responses from the gui.

  • hide-login-button | boolean

    There are deployment modes for Juju GUI which are not intended as regular use mode. In these cases, login/logout are disabled and instead there is a link to jujucharms.com.

  • interactive-login | boolean

    Default: True

    Enables interactive login to an identity-manager, if applicable.

  • juju-gui-console-enabled | boolean

    Whether or not the console should be enabled for the browser.

  • juju-gui-debug | boolean

    Run Juju GUI in debug mode, serving the uncompressed GUI source files.

  • login-help | string

    The help text shown to the user on the login screen. If not provided, a default message is used, suggesting how to find the login credentials.

  • nagios_context | string

    Default: juju

    Used by the nrpe-external-master subordinate charm. A string that will be prepended to instance name to set the host name in nagios. So for instance the hostname would be something like: juju-myservice-0 If you are running multiple environments with the same services in them this allows you to differentiate between them.

  • password | string

    If given, the password to use for the environment to immediately connect. Do not set unless you understand and accept the risks.

  • port | int

    Supply a different port to host the GUI on besides the default 80 and 443. If the provided port is not a valid TCP port (ranging from 1 to 65535) the defaults are used.

  • read-only | boolean

    Whether or not the GUI is in read-only mode. Note that read-only mode is advisory, and enforced only in the client. If someone can access the websocket and has the password, they can send commands over the websocket to mutate the environment.

  • repository-location | string

    Default: ppa:juju-gui-charmers/stable

    The charm depends on several software packages that are not packaged in Ubuntu. In order to ensure that only versions known to work with our charm are used, there is a single PPA where all packages are kept. The juju-gui-charmers team supports 'stable' and 'devel' versions. Only stable should be used for production. For enterprise deployments that do not allow access to resources outside of their control, the location can be any specification as long as it is recognizable by 'add-apt-repository'.

  • sandbox | boolean

    Run using an in-memory sandbox rather than a real Juju backend. Sandbox is a client side construct running entirely in the client. Sandbox does not currently support imported environment simulation.

  • secure | boolean

    Default: True

    Set to false to serve the GUI over an insecure HTTP connection. Do not set unless you understand and accept the risks.

  • serve-tests | boolean

    Whether or not the GUI unit tests are exposed. If this option is enabled, unit tests can be run in the browser by visiting the URL "https://[Juju GUI address]/test/".

  • ssl-cert-contents | string

    The contents of the certificate file to be used in SSL connections to the GUI. Both ssl-cert-contents and ssl-key-contents must be provided. If not, cetificates will be automatically generated.

  • ssl-cert-path | string

    Default: /etc/ssl/juju-gui

    The path to the directory where the SSL certificates are stored.

  • ssl-key-contents | string

    The contents of the private key file to be used in SSL connections to the GUI. Both ssl-cert-contents and ssl-key-contents must be provided. If not, cetificates will be automatically generated.

  • ws-secure | boolean

    Force the client to use secure ("wss") or unsecure ("ws") WebSockets. If left unset, secure WebSockets are used based on the secure option: if secure is True the "wss" protocol is used, othewise the "ws" one is used.