
Juju Dashboard

  • Juju Engineering
Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 15 20 Nov 2024
Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 20.04
latest/beta 14 06 Mar 2024
Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 20.04
latest/edge 15 20 Nov 2024
Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 20.04
juju deploy juju-dashboard
Show information


22.04 20.04


TODO: Add a proper docstring here.

This is a placeholder docstring for this charm library. Docstrings are presented on Charmhub and updated whenever you push a new version of the library.

Complete documentation about creating and documenting libraries can be found in the SDK docs at https://juju.is/docs/sdk/libraries.

See charmcraft publish-lib and charmcraft fetch-lib for details of how to share and consume charm libraries. They serve to enhance collaboration between charmers. Use a charmer's libraries for classes that handle integration with their charm.

Bear in mind that new revisions of the different major API versions (v0, v1, v2 etc) are maintained independently. You can continue to update v0 and v1 after you have pushed v3.

Markdown is supported, following the CommonMark specification.

class JujuDashReq

Implementation of the "requires" (client) side of the relation.


Counterintuitively, this is the Dashboard. The Juju Controller is "providing" us with the information the Dashboard needs to connect.


JujuDashReq. __init__( self , charm: CharmBase , relation: Relation , provider: Application )

Populate our relation data.



the charm that is using this library.


the relation with the Juju controller. Usually even.relation in a relation handler.


The Application providing the controller data. Usually a juju-controller application.


Also tries to send the endpoint data that the dashboard is being hosted at. This information can be relayed to the user via the controller when the user runs the juju dashboard command.

class JujuDashData


JujuDashData. __init__( self , data )

Parse the config data from the controller into a Mapping.



the relation with the Juju controller. Usually even.relation in a relation handler.


The Application providing the controller data. Usually a juju-controller application.


Note: The controller charm provides the full controller path but we use this path to generate the controller and model paths so we need to remove the supplied "/api" suffix.

JujuDashData. __contains__( self , key )

JujuDashData. __len__( self )

JujuDashData. __iter__( self )

JujuDashData. __getitem__( self , key )

JujuDashData. __repr__( self )