
Juju Dashboard k8s

  • Juju Engineering
Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/stable 13 20 Nov 2024
Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 20.04
latest/edge 13 19 Nov 2024
Ubuntu 22.04 Ubuntu 20.04
juju deploy juju-dashboard-k8s
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Juju Dashboard for Kubernetes

Juju Dashboard displays your controllers and models, allowing you to see the status of your deployments, manage access, run actions and configure applications. The dashboard can be used with your local Juju environments and can also be found as a part of JAAS.


Juju Dashboard can be deployed in your controller model using either the VM charm or Kubernetes charm (pre Juju 3.0 controllers included Juju Dashboard automatically).

To deploy the dashboard, first switch to the controller model:

juju switch controller

Next deploy the charm:

juju deploy juju-dashboard-k8s dashboard

Then integrate the controller and the dashboard:

juju integrate dashboard controller

Finally, expose the dashboard:

juju expose dashboard

Now you can access the dashboard by running:

juju dashboard

This command will open a connection to the dashboard output the dashboard address and credentials.

For further details see the docs on managing the dashboard.


Learn more about the Juju Dashboard in the Juju docs.

If you’re new to Juju you may also like to take a look at the getting started docs.

If you think there’s something that needs documenting or an issue with the current docs let us know either via the community or file an issue.


Whether you need help, have suggestions or want to get in contact for any reason you can join us in the Juju Discourse or find us on Mattermost.


If you’ve found a bug then please let us know by filing an issue. If you’re not sure if it’s a bug you can discuss the issue with us first.

Juju Dashboard integrates with a number of parts of the Juju ecosystem. Filing bugs for the relevant codebase will help the issue to be seen by the right team:


Juju Dashboard is open source and we welcome contributions. Take a look at the contribution guide guide to find out how to contribute to the project and take a look at the development guide to get set up to work on the dashboard.

Help improve this document in the forum (guidelines). Last updated 1 year, 8 months ago.