
Istio Beacon

  • Canonical Observability
Channel Revision Published Runs on
latest/edge 20 29 Jan 2025
Ubuntu 22.04
juju deploy istio-beacon-k8s --channel edge
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  • manage-authorization-policies | boolean

    Default: True

    Automatically create Istio authorization policies for any charm requiresting them over the service mesh relation. If set to false, the charm will not create any authorization policies, but will still do other functions like provide a waypoint.

  • model-on-mesh | boolean

    Add this charm's model to the service mesh. All charms in this model will automatically be added to the mesh.

  • ready-timeout | int

    Default: 100

    The maximum time (in seconds) to wait for the waypoint deployment to be ready. This applies specifically to the deployment created for the Istio waypoint controller. If the deployment does not become ready within this time, charm will go into error state.