- Llama (LMA) Charmers
Channel | Revision | Published | Runs on |
latest/stable | 73 | 01 Nov 2023 | |
latest/stable | 50 | 13 Oct 2021 | |
latest/candidate | 73 | 12 Oct 2023 | |
latest/candidate | 50 | 11 Oct 2021 | |
latest/edge | 73 | 11 Oct 2023 |
juju deploy graylog
Deploy universal operators easily with Juju, the Universal Operator Lifecycle Manager.
beats_port | int
Default: 5044
TCP port for Beats input when relation is joined
channel | string
Default: 3/stable
Snap channel used to install/refresh the graylog snap.
This option has no effect when a valid graylog.snap resource is attached.
elasticsearch_cluster_name | string
If the elastic search cluster name is not passed in the relation set it here.
email_auth_password | string
Set smtp password
email_auth_username | string
Set smtp username
email_enabled | boolean
Email config enabled
email_from | string
Default: graylog@example.com
Email config settings
email_hostname | string
Default: mail.example.com
Email hostname settings
email_port | int
Default: 587
Email port settings
email_ssl_enabled | boolean
Enable SMTP over SSL (SMTPS) for encrypted connections
email_subject_prefix | string
Default: [graylog]
Tag email header with "graylog"
email_tls_enabled | boolean
Enable SMTP with STARTTLS for encrypted connections
email_use_auth | boolean
Email auth enabled
email_web_url | string
Default: https://graylog.example.com
Specify this to include links to the stream in your stream alert mails. This should define the fully qualified base url to your web interface exactly the same way as it is accessed by your users.
gelf_port | int
Default: 12201
TCP port for GELF input when relation is joined
index_replicas | int
Number of Elasticsearch replicas used per index in this index set.
index_retention_count | int
Default: 6
Maximum number of indices to keep before deleting the oldest ones
index_rotation_msg_count | int
Default: 20000000
When rotation strategy is "msg_count", maximum number of documents in an index before it gets rotated
index_rotation_period | string
Default: P7D
When rotation strategy is "time" based, rotation period (ISO8601 Duration) - How long an index gets written to before it is rotated.
index_rotation_size | int
Default: 1073741824
When rotation strategy is "size" based, maximum size of an index before it gets rotated. Defaults to 1073741824 (1GB).
index_rotation_strategy | string
Default: time
Type of rotation strategy ("time" based, "size" based, no. messages "msg_count").
index_shards | int
Default: 2
Number of Elasticsearch shards used per index in this index set. Set this to '0' to let the charm automatically calculate based on how many Elasticsearch units.
jvm_heap_size | string
Default: 1G
JVM Heap memory size (default 1G). Unit can be K/M/G here. When unit ommited, it will be Bytes. JVM Heap size should be smaller than machine total memory.
ldap_auth | boolean
Whether to enable LDAP authentication, defaults to False.
ldap_default_graylog_roles | string
Default: Reader
Comma separated list of roles that new users from the LDAP authentication backend should be granted upon first login to graylog.
ldap_password | string
Password to use to bind to the LDAP authentication backend
ldap_server_ip | string
LDAP server IP for Graylog LDAP authentication backend.
ldap_server_port | string
Default: 636
LDAP port to communicate to LDAP authentication backend
ldap_tls_verify_certificates | boolean
Default: True
Enable certificate verification for LDAPS
ldap_use_tls | boolean
Default: True
Specify if LDAP authentication backend should use TLS
ldap_user | string
Username (Distinguished Name) used to bind to LDAP identity server. Example - cn=admin,dc=example,dc=com
ldap_user_full_name_attribute | string
Default: fullName
The attribute in LDAP records that defines the full name of the user.
ldap_user_name_attribute | string
Default: uid
This attribute should be the login name of the user and will substitute in place of {0} in the user search pattern above.
ldap_user_search_base | string
User search base DN - Example - ou=users,dc=example,dc=com
ldap_user_search_pattern | string
Default: (&(uid={0})(class=inetOrgPerson))
Define how to match a valid user record under the user search base when provided with the username attempting to login. The string {0} will be replaced by the entered username. Deeper examples may include being a member of a specific group such as
ldap_user_unique_id_attribute | string
Default: cn
The attribute that uniquely identifies a user in the LDAP database.
log_inputs | string
YAML-formatted list of log inputs. First input gets passed through relations. Any input not defined here will be removed unless it is prefixed with "Custom" in the title.
max_check_attempts | string
The maxiumum number of attempts to check the via nrpe a service before switching an alert to HARD status rather than SOFT. Default for Nagios is 4, if this is set, the default will be overwritten for the Graylog Health check only.
nagios_context | string
Default: juju
Used by the nrpe-external-master subordinate charm. A string that will be prepended to instance name to set the host name in nagios. So for instance the hostname would be something like: juju-myservice-0 If you're running multiple environments with the same services in them this allows you to differentiate between them.
nagios_servicegroups | string
A comma-separated list of nagios servicegroups. If left empty, the nagios_context will be used as the servicegroup.
nagios_uncommitted_crit | int
Default: 2048
Number of journaled uncommitted messages that will generate a nagios CRITICAL alert
nagios_uncommitted_warn | int
Default: 1024
Number of journaled uncommitted messages that will generate a nagios WARN
rest_transport_uri | string
This setting is only required when external access to the Graylog nodes is required to pass through a proxy/load balancer. This address is used by the Web Interface to access the REST API.
For Graylog 2, the proxy should connect back to the Graylog node on port 9001 (the default).
For Graylog 3, this setting is ignored.
is used as the universal proxy setting.- If the ip address is specified, the charm will attempt to deduct the network interface that is used for connections to the default gateway and use the associated ip address.
site_name | string
An unique site name for Graylog deployment
snapd_refresh | string
How often snapd handles updates for installed snaps. The default (an empty string) is 4x per day. Set to "max" to check once per month based on the charm deployment date. You may also set a custom string as described in the 'refresh.timer' section here: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/system-options/87
web_endpoint_uri | string
This setting is only required when external access to the Graylog nodes is required to pass through a proxy/load balancer. This address is used by the Web Interface to download secondary assets (JavaScript/CSS/etc). This setting should be the public address of the proxy, which will direct traffic to Graylog.
For Graylog 2, the proxy should connect back to the address set in 'web_listen_uri' *. The 'web_listen_uri' will be used as the default value if this config is left blank.
For Graylog 3, the proxy should connect back to the Graylog node on port 9000 (the default). If this config is left blank, the charm will attempt to determine the correct network interfance *.
- If the ip address is specified, the charm will attempt to deduct the network interface that is used for connections to the default gateway and use the associated ip address.
web_listen_uri | string
For Graylog 2, this URI specifies which IP and port Graylog will LISTEN to for the Web Interface.
For Graylog 3, this setting is ignored. The Web Interface and REST API listen on the same IP and port.